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In Kevin MacDonald’s Metaphysical Failure, Jonas E. Alexis offers a thoroughly researched, nuanced and lucid analysis of Kevin MacDonald’s thought, in particular MacDonald’s belief in biological and philosophical Darwinism. It is an important book that fills a critical gap in the literature on the history of revolutionary movements and Darwinism both in the West and in Asia. It is also a study that adds many significant strands to the densely interwoven history of ideas such as Malthusianism and Eugenics. Alexis’s book engages debates in the history of ideas—going back to Madison Grant and beyond—and the history of Darwinism. It challenges many of the life-long prevailing assumptions about identity politics and produces a powerful critique of how “scientific” theories have been misused to uphold misguided and faulty categorizations. Powerfully reasoned, and backed with a startling array of documented studies, Kevin MacDonald’s Metaphysical Failure presents an in-depth look at key beliefs behind many mistaken and consequently destructive actions taken by numerous writers and thinkers, particularly Darwin’s ardent enthusiasts and devoted disciples. The book presents eye-opening insights into the historical development of Darwin’s ideological project and how that project ended up crippling Darwin’s intellectual children—from Richard Dawkins, Francis Crick, James Watson, Daniel Dennett, Ernst Mayr, and E. O. Wilson to Kevin MacDonald, Richard Spencer, David Duke, and Jared Taylor.
In Kevin MacDonald's Metaphysical Failure, Jonas E. Alexis offers a thoroughly researched, nuanced and lucid analysis of Kevin MacDonald's thought, in particular MacDonald's belief in biological and philosophical Darwinism. It is an important book that fills a critical gap in the literature on the history of revolutionary movements and Darwinism both in the West and in Asia. It is also a study that adds many significant strands to the densely interwoven history of ideas such as Malthusianism and Eugenics.Alexis's book engages debates in the history of ideas--going back to Madison Grant and beyond--and the history of Darwinism. It challenges many of the life-long prevailing assumptions about identity politics and produces a powerful critique of how "scientific" theories have been misused to uphold misguided and faulty categorizations. Powerfully reasoned, and backed with a startling array of documented studies, Kevin MacDonald's Metaphysical Failure presents an in-depth look at key beliefs behind many mistaken and consequently destructive actions taken by numerous writers and thinkers, particularly Darwin's ardent enthusiasts and devoted disciples. The book presents eye-opening insights into the historical development of Darwin's ideological project and how that project ended up crippling Darwin's intellectual children--from Richard Dawkins, Francis Crick, James Watson, Daniel Dennett, Ernst Mayr, and E. O. Wilson to Kevin MacDonald, Richard Spencer, David Duke, and Jared Taylor.
George Soros is a man with billions at his disposal and one of the most powerful networks in the world, whose motto is: "If I spend enough, I can make it right." But what is right, according to Soros? George Soros's past as a survivor of World War II is an experience he applies as his primary credential to justify meddling in the political and social affairs of countries around the world. The self-proclaimed agnostic, Soros disputes Israel's right to exist as the Jewish State but exploits the religion he was born into as a tactic to shield him from criticism. For the past four decades, Soros has been using his multibillion-dollar, political-philanthropic global network to impose his Weltanschauung on the world. By 1993, Soros was heralded as "The Man Who Broke the Bank of England." He used the praises and publicity to create a network of powerful foundations dedicated to his overriding ambition and objective to reshape the world's only constitutional democratic republic, the United States of America. By 2023 the nation's political and social landscape has changed beyond recognition. The financial speculator's enormous sums of money oiled the Democrat Party's machine that advanced his agenda that turned the American dream into a nightmare. How did he do that? Decades ago, Rachel Ehrenfeld perceptively predicted, "Unchallenged, Soros would change the political landscape of the U.S." Join her on the journey as she exposes the Orwellian lingo, schemes, and strategies Soros has been using to transform America from a thriving, law-and-order democracy into a Sorostian world.
Creative Participation presents the theory and practice of new innovative forms of political participation. Examples covered in the book include consumers engaging in political shopping, capitalists building green developments, UK Muslim youth campaigning on the internet, Sicilian housewives taking on the Mafia, young evangelical ministers becoming concerned with social change and vegetarians making political statements. The authors show how in these new campaigns individuals swarm like honeybees around particular issues, causing those in power to sit up and take notice. This is the essential guide to the new politics of participation.
This volume is an attempt to integrate the theory and data of social and personality development within a modem evolutionary framework. The various chapters are not meant to be read in isolation from one another but rather are intended to form an integrated whole. There is thus a great deal of cross-referencing between chapters and to some extent they all stand or fall together. This also suggests that the accuracy (or usefulness) of a particular chapter cannot be judged until the book is comprehended as a whole. Chapter 1 deals with the theoretical foundations of this enterprise, and the focus is on the compatibility of mainstream approaches within the field to a modem evolutionary approach. Chapters 2-4 concern what I view to be the fundamental proximal mechanisms underlying social and personality development. Chapter 2, on temperament and person ality development, is particularly central to the rest of the volume because these processes are repeatedly invoked as explanatory concepts at later points in the volume.
This volume addresses an important problem in social scientific research on global religions and spirituality: How to evaluate the role of diverse religious and spiritual (R/S) beliefs and practices within the rapid evolution of spiritual globalization and diversification trends. The book examines this question by bringing together a panel of international scholars including psychologists, sociologists, and researchers in religious studies, public health, medicine, and social work. The content includes chapters describing innovative concepts of post-Christian spirituality, Eastern forms of meditation, afterlife beliefs associated with the three dominant cultural legacies, various non-religious worldviews, spiritual Jihad, and secular and religious reverence. The book also covers such important themes as spiritual well-being, faith, struggle, meaning making, modeling, and support, as well as mysticism and using prayer to cope with existential crises. This book advances the understanding of the role of R/S across different faiths and cultural systems, including both Western and non-Western ones, and enriches the mainstream of psychological sciences and practices. It appeals to students, educators, researchers, and clinicians in multiple related fields and disciplines.
What if the crucial member was not as vital as you first thought? What if the crucial member was a critical member that was holding back the church? Think about it this way: what if the person's subtraction (leaving the church) became an addition for the body? If you are confused, do not give up on this resource just yet. Stick with Desmond Barrett as he unpacks what he has learned leading established churches. Be honest with yourself; leadership can be challenging through any loss, but when someone leaves on purpose and in turn blames you, it's gut-wrenching. Know this truth: God has a plan for the local church, and if you are willing to surrender to God's plan, great things will come from the loss. God revealed to the author several years ago ways to look at subtraction as addition and see it as a positive rather than a negative.
This book attempts to understand an ancient people in terms of modern evolutionary biology. A basic idea is that Judaism is a group evolutionary strategy-what one might term an evolutionarily significant way for a group of people to get on in the world. The book documents several theoretically interesting aspects of group evolutionary strategies using Judaism as a case study. These topics include the theory of group evolutionary strategies, the genetic cohesion of Judaism, how Jews managed to erect and enforce barriers to gene flow between themselves and other peoples, resource competition between Jews and non-Jews, how Jews managed to have a high level of charity within their communities and at the same time prevented free-riding, how some groups of Jews came to have such high IQ's, and how Judaism developed in antiquity. This book was originally published in 1994 by Praeger Publishers. The Writers Club edition contains a new preface, Diaspora Peoples, describing several interesting group evolutionary strategies: The Gypsies, the Hutterites and Amish, the Calvinists and Puritans, and the Overseas Chinese.
Story of Our Lady statue in Bethlehem destroyed by the Jewish Army and its universal meaning. Ideas are not less important than material things; oil does not provide the whole explanation of the war in the Middle East, faith is not dead and can't die as long as mankind exists. Even the belief in the Market forces is just another faith, an old established cult of Mammon. Faith is not only a personal affair; religion still matters, probably more than we think.
From Paris to San Bernardino, Barcelona to Manchester, home-grown terrorism is among the most urgent challenges confronting Western nations. Attempts to understand jihadism have typically treated it as a form of political violence or religious conflict. However, the closer we get to the actual people involved in radicalization, the more problematic these explanations become. In this fascinating book, Kevin McDonald shows that the term radicalization unifies what are in fact very different experiences. These new violent actors, whether they travelled to Syria or killed at home, range from former drug dealers and gang members to students and professionals, mothers with young children and schoolgirls. This innovative book sets out to explore radicalization not as something done to people but as something produced by active participants, attempting to make sense of themselves and their world. In doing so, McDonald offers powerful portraits of the immersive worlds of social media so fundamental to present-day radicalization. Radicalization offers a bold new way of understanding the contemporary allure of jihad and, in the process, important directions in responding to it.