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Have you ever felt like your relationship with Christ has hit a wall and that you're at a plateau? Or perhaps you are struggling with a major issue in your life, and you've tried everything but need direction. Maybe you are praying for a breakthrough either in someone's life or on a larger scale for a whole group of people. So what is the next step? Keeping the Secrets of JesusThe secrets of Jesus are simple yet profound. When we come against an impenetrable wall--either in a human heart, a church, a city or a nation--there is but one plan that will gain the victory: We must keep the secrets of Jesus. We are to give, to pray, and to fast "under the radar," in screcy. Those who are willing and know best how to practice these disciplines outlined by our Lord in Matthew 6 are best equipped to gain the victory.Keeping the Secrets of Jesus may be read by individuals or used as small group study with women, men, or couples. The Key Question section is designed to stimulate group discussion at your meetings and to enable those of you who like "workbooks" to have more to study as you research from your own Bibles.
Winner of a third-place award for spirituality books from the Catholic Media Association. Do you yearn for the peace, protection, and joy of a Christ-centered home? The Sacred Heart of Jesus is the answer. Bestselling and award-winning author Emily Jaminet takes up each of the twelve promises Christ made to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque in a series of visions, puts a fresh new spin on the classic Catholic devotion, and invites you and your family to experience the profound spiritual benefits you will receive when you keep the Sacred Heart of Jesus at the center of your home. Appearing to her in a series of visions in 1673, Jesus promised St. Margaret Mary Alacoque that those who “expose and honor his most Sacred Heart” will find peace in the home, consolation in sorrow, and a source of refuge in times of trouble. In Secrets of the Sacred Heart, Emily Jaminet—executive director of the Sacred Heart Enthronement Network—weaves personal testimony, teachings, and reflection questions while exploring and applying each of Christ’s promises. Jaminet will guide you through a special enthronement ceremony to dedicate your home and inspire you to a lifelong devotion to the Sacred Heart. Whether you have already consecrated your home or are newly embarking on the journey of discovering the graces of this ancient practice, you will find a personal encounter with Jesus, who promises: peace in your home, safe refuge in life and death, blessings on your undertakings, an infinite source of mercy, and a restored and enlivened faith for those who surrender themselves wholly to Christ. Videos and additional resources can be found at
You already know the women you'll meet in this book. They may sit beside you in the pew . . . or join you at small group . . . or touch your heart from a speaker's podium. They have all been saved. They all love the Lord. And yet . . . One struggles with sucidal despair Another is involved with adultery, pornography, or a same-sex attraction Another endures regular beatings – or worse – by someone who claims to love her Another is divorced . . . or thinking about it This one drinks secretly or "doctor shops" for pain pills That one wrestles with depression or bipolar disorder And many others feel they can never be thin enough, beautiful enough, successful enough . . . or Christian enough to be loved or accepted They're all good Christian girls who have been broken by sin – their own and others. They all needed the honest, life-giving truth at the heart of this book. Do you? Tammy Maltby addresses issues that aren't discussed much in church circles – private sins that she and other women have battled.
William Wrede was among the first to recognise the creative contribution of the Gospel writers. His work thus laid the foundation for the work of the Form Critics, Redaction Critics and Literary Critics whose scholarship dominated New Testament studies during the twentieth century. This highly influential work was throughout this period the departure point for all studies in the Gospel of Mark and in the literary methods of the evangelists. It remains highly relevant for its ground-breaking approach to the classically complicated question of whether Jesus saw himself and represented himself as the Messiah.
Let's be honest: it's far too easy to go through day-to-day life without a sense of the mystery, the marvel, or the awe of God's presence. Have you ever felt your relationship with God isn't as vibrant as you want it to be? Have you ever felt like God seemed far away -- even in the midst of devotions, prayer, and church? We Were Created for Wonder You were created and designed to experience wonder. Woven into the fabric of our humanity is an innate ability and desire for the wonder of God. It's felt in the moments when you watch the sun melt behind the horizon, when you reach out to cradle a baby and smell the sweet scent of new life, when you can't help but smile as you witness two wrinkled souls renew their vows to each other. Such moments remind us we were made for something more than deadlines and debt, carpools and coffee breaks. Yet despite such wondrous moments, we can still find ourselves going through the motions of faith. Whether you're: A long time follower of Jesus or still figuring Him out Unemployed, overly-employed, or an entrepreneur A creator, innovator, or conformist Grumpy, ebullient, grey-haired or bed-head An average Joe or have-a-gym-membership-but-never-go A superhero (of any era), supermom, superdad, super grand, super great grand, or don't feel particularly super at all No matter who you are or where you've been -- if you've lived a life where you've seen it all, done it all, or feel like you're past it all -- God still longs to take your breath away. Isaiah 29:4 records God's desire for you: "Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder." Do you see it? God is busting at the seams to display His glory, power, and might in your life. And He wants to give you the greatest gift of all -- Himself. Yet why do we pass by the wonder of God unaware?
Jefferson regarded Jesus as a moral guide rather than a divinity. In his unique interpretation of the Bible, he highlights Christ's ethical teachings, discarding the scriptures' supernatural elements, to reflect the deist view of religion.
The greatest teacher who ever lived, Jesus knew how to reach his audience where they were at. Whether preaching to a group in parable or holding an intimate conversation, he had an unequaled ability to get across the message that his listeners needed to hear. His teachings in the Gospels speak no less directly to us today. But so rich in meaning are the words of our incarnate God, so layered and profound his messages, that often we fail to do more than scratch their surface. And over time, our habit of superficial encounter with the Word can become self- perpetuating. In Secrets from Heaven, Fr. Sebastian Walshe helps you break free from stale and familiar takes on the Gospel, giving you new eyes to see and new ears to hear the inexhaustible depths of Christ's wisdom. The Parable of the Sowers, the Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son, the woman caught in adultery - all these and more come alive in fresh ways, revealing significant details and nuances, scriptural/historical connections, and testaments to Christ's rhetorical and pedagogical genius that you've never noted before. You'll marvel at Jesus' skill as an evangelist; but more importantly, you'll be powerfully moved to faith and love just as those who heard him in person long ago. Nothing Jesus taught was truly "secret" - he revealed the Father for all the world to see. But that doesn't mean his revelation is simplistic. Read Secrets from Heaven and go deeper into the saving mysteries of his life and words.
This book explains the big picture of the prophetic times we are living in and the apocalyptic times to come in the near future. It is about the heavenly plan to bring peace to the world and uses sources like the Bible, the Church's teachings, and regarded heavenly prophicies to detail the coming times of the Apocalypse.--From back cover.
How many souls have you won to Christ? How many are still walking with the Lord? All, some, a few? The facts are: Evangelical success is at an all-time low. We’re producing more backsliders than true converts. The fall-away rate—from large crusades to local churches—is between 80 to 90 percent. Why are so many unbelievers turning away from the message of the gospel? Doesn’t the Bible tell us how to bring sinners to true repentance? If so, where have we missed it? The answer may surprise you. One hundred years ago, Satan buried the crucial key needed to unlock the unbeliever’s heart. Now Ray Comfort boldly breaks away from modern tradition and calls for a return to biblical evangelism. If you’re experiencing evangelical frustration over lost souls, unrepentant sinners, and backslidden “believers,” then look no further. This radical approach could be the missing dimension needed to win our generation to Christ.
THE SECRET ORIGIN OF JESUS CHRIST tells the life story of Jesus of Nazareth as it has never been told before.In every other "Life of Jesus," things just seem to happen. Events unfold without interpretation, and nothing is ever explained. This is the first "Life of Jesus" where everything is explained - the teaching, the miracles, even the resurrection. If you want to know the secret, read THE SECRET ORIGIN OF JESUS CHRIST.