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Kathopaniñad is a unique Upaniñad which starts with a kathä (a story) of a young boy who is ready to face the Lord of Death in his quest for Truth to know what lies beyond death. He asks the very pertinent and philosophical question, ‘Is there or is there not, and if it is what is it?’ In short, this teaching is an extravaganza of spiritual knowledge and meditation that guides a student step by step to the glorious state of immortality, peace and bliss.
This Upanishad forms a part of the Brahmana belonging to the Katha Shakha of the Krishna Yajur Veda. It stands in a class by itself. It combines charming poetry, elevating mysticism, and profound philosophy. The subject of the mystery of death is introduced through the medium of an interesting anecdote; and the teaching of the Upanishad is presented in the form of a dialogue between a mere boy, Nachiketa, and Yama, the King of Death. With the text of the Upanishad in Devanagari, a lucid and faithful translation of the text and commentary, relevant notes, reference to quotations, and index to texts, this Upanishad is a must for all students of Vedanta. Published by Advaita Ashrama, a publication house of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math.
An excellent introduction to the study of Vedanta for beginners, equally refreshing for advanced students.
A book about the relationship between life and death, and the how and why of organizing one's life in a way that leads to expansion and growth, and that is helpful in preparing for the transition we call death.
Swami Nityatmananda lived in the company of Sri M. for a long time, maintained a diary and elaborated it in sixteen parts of Sri Ma Darshan. The book is also available in English under the title ‘M., the Apostle & the Evangelist.’ All the sixteen parts are available in Bengali too. It is a continuation of the Kathamrita. This work is the result of twenty years of hard and incessant work and tapasya, on the banks of the Ganga in Rishikesh, in the Himalayas. In this series of 16 volumes the reader is brought in close touch with the life and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna family: Thakur, Swamiji, Holy Mother, M., Swami Shivananda, Swami Abhedananda and others. And there is the elucidation according to Sri Ramakrishna’s line of thought, of the Upanishads, the Gita, the Bible, Guru Granth Sahib, the Holy Quran and other scriptures. The third specialty of this work is the commentary on the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna by the author himself. Says Swami Shraddhananda, “One wonders at the unusual capacity of Swami Nityatmananda in recording these day to day conversations of this Vyasadeva of our time – M. – and later developing his notes into his masterly work. One cannot fail to discover the special training he received from Sri M. himself in this direction while he was serving as a teacher in M.’s school and living with him for years.” When he read it, Swami Jagadananda remarked, “The author has presented M.’s words lifelike. After reading his Kathamrita, a study of this book will throw new light on the Kathamrita. There is no doubt about it.” The great American and senior sadhu, Swami Atulananda, wrote, “This book may serve a double purpose. To those who are acquainted with M.’s Kathamrita, it may be welcome as a companion volume, and to those not yet acquainted with the Kathamrita, it may arouse a desire to make that acquaintance. For this book, which is a record of M.’s talks with his admirers about his reminiscences, not only reveals new facts about the life of Sri Ramakrishna, but throws new light on that wonderful life.” Swami Virajananda, the late President of Sri Ramakrishna Math and Mission, heard the manuscript read to him by his Secretary when he visited Dehradun for the last time, and he was delighted to hear it. He told to the author, “What a wonderful thing you have written! Why didn’t you show it to me earlier? Never mind, now go and finish the writing. Human life is so uncertain. If you complete the writing itself, publication can be taken up by others… Ah! The move is as dramatic as the subject is sublime…’
Tat tvam asi is an extraordinary book enveloping the gamut of the Upanishadic insights in all their profundity and splendour. Its author is a literary genius with about40 books and compositions to his credit. The book, which has received over 12 awards from various institutions in India, is written in a style that is quiteUpanishadic and not easily comprehensible to the ordinary man. It also uplifts the imagination of the reader. This translation is an attempt to make Tat tvam asi reach aglobal audience unfamiliar with Upanishadic terms and concepts. It could not have been achieved without a background in Philosophy, both Indian and WesternNevertheless it was an arduous exercise to find suitable words to convey the correct meaning intended by the author. I am grateful to the author for giving me freedom to accomplish it in my own way as well as for accepting the translation as authentic Undertaking the work of translation was a highly satisfying and enrichingexperience. This translation, one hopes, will generate a renaissance in Upanishadic knowledge at an international level, as Tat tvam asi did in Kerala, when it was firstpublished.
The whole world runs away from death, because death snatches everything, but the one who accepts it and willingly faces it, receives something from death itself. Ironically, knowledge of death gives you the gift of life. Katopanishad tells the story of young Nachiketa who goes to face the lord of death and the extraordinary dialogue that ensues between them. Upanishad means sitting close to the Master. Gurudev takes us through this beautiful story integrating its profoundness with real-life situations, turning abstract philosophy into existential reality.
Upanisads are the philosophical portion of the Vedas. Its poetic diction, systematic development of thought, at once clear, concise and scientific in arrangement of highly philosophical ideas make Kaivalya Upanisad one of the most striking minor Upanisads. The great commentator Närayana calls the Kaivalya Upanisad as the Brahma Satarudriya i.e. the Satarudriya which glorifies the unconditioned Brahman as opposed to the personal God, Lord Siva of the original Satarudriya. True to the Upanisadika style, where story form is considered as the most apt devise to make the subject easily intelligible to the readers, in this Upanisad Asvaläyana, the great teacher of Rig Veda is a disciple and Lord Brahmä, the Creator himself is the teacher, which makes this as the most valuable amongst the 'minor' Upanisads.
See God in all. To Him belong all know, renounce and rejoice Seek not to possess, nothing is yours. This short spiritual treatise of just eighteen mantras has inspired great minds for ages. Chapters in Sukla Yajurveda, the teachings here point out the Self-the divine essence-in every one of us. A crisp summary of the Vedanta, this Upanisad shows us the way to rise above all our attachments to the finite objects of this world. The glittering sense objects, the sweetest emotions and even the lofty ideals of human life are but a golden disk, covering the face of the Truth. We must avoid all traps of wonderful work (karma, avidya) or charming thought patterns (upasana, vidya) and seek the pure knowledge. The holy text permits the use of a healthy blend of lower spiritual practices as a stepping stone to the hightest realization. The scripture concludes with some sublime prayers of an advanced seeker.