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This text covers topics such as sinkhole formation and regional studies of sinkholes and karst. Issues addressed are taken from the 8th multidiscilinary conference on this subject and chart the characteristics of sinkholes and karst as well as their environmental repercussions.
Originally published in 1989, Karst Geomorphology and Hydrology became the leading textbook on karst studies. This new textbook has been substantially revised and updated. The first half of the book is a systematic presentation of the dissolution kinetics, chemical equilibria and physical flow laws relating to karst environments. It includes details of the many environmental factors that complicate their chemical evolution, with a critique of measurement of karst erosion rates. The second half of the book looks at the classification system for cave systems and the influence of climate and climatic change on karst development. The book ends with chapters on karst water resource management and a look at the important issues of environmental management, including environmental impact assessment, environmental rehabilitation, tourism impacts and conservation values. Practical application of karst studies are explained throughout the text. "This new edition strengthens the book's position as the essential reference in the field. Karst geoscientists will not dare to stray beyond arm's reach of this volume. It is certain to remain the professional standard for many decades." Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, August 2007
Karst Hydrogeology, Geomorphology and Caves A Comprehensive Resource Covering All Aspects of Karst Hydrogeology, Geomorphology, and Caves This essential book covers all physical, chemical, and geological aspects of karst science. It reviews current knowledge on hydrogeology, geomorphology and caves in karst, based on the vast existing literature and investigations carried out by the authors worldwide. The different topics are profusely illustrated with color figures and images from all continents and climates, showing the scientific and aesthetic appeal of karst environments. The book covers in a systematic way the significant features of karst rocks, the chemistry and kinetics of their dissolution, the rate and distribution of karst denudation, the unique hydrogeology of karst terrains, the landforms endemic to karst, the morphology of caves and their diverse sedimentary records, and the multiple processes that lead to the formation of underground voids. Overall, the work reflects the increasing recognition of karst as a fundamental part of the Earth’s dynamic systems, and helps readers understand this multidisciplinary field from a holistic and nuts-and-bolts perspective. Some of the ideas discussed within the book include: How karst is gaining importance for human development, because of its valuable resources (groundwater) and associated environmental problems (impacts and hazards) The enormous technological developments achieved in recent years Recent major breakthroughs in the field and their influence on other scientific disciplines The central role played by karst science for understanding and mitigating global environmental issues (global warming, depletion of resources, human-induced hazards) For all scientists working in karst, and for students and lecturers of karst-related programs, this book serves as a valuable all-in-one source. It is also a valuable resource for professional hydrogeologists, the petroleum industry, environmental geologists, and of course speleologists, the last true geographic explorers in the world.
Karstified rocks of different lithology cover more than 10% of the continental surface of our planet. It is known that some 20% or even a few percent more of the global population largely depends on karstic groundwater but in many karst areas all over the world there are limited natural resources including absence of drinking waters. The problems o
Knjiga Evolution of karst: from prekarst to cessation (Razvoj krasa: od predkrasa do izginotja) je zbornik istoimenskega simpozija, ki je v septembru 2002 potekal na Inštitutu za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU. Namen knjige je odgovoriti na vprašanja, kot so: Kdaj se začne kras in kdaj končač Kateri procesi in dogodki določajo razvoj kraškega podzemlja in površjač Kako je razvoj krasa povezan s pretakanjem voda v kraškem vodonosniku in kako z razvojem in razširjenostjo bioloških vrstč Kako merimo čas, ki je minil od določenih dogodkov v krasuč
Dinarski kras je obsežno, 800 km dolgo in do 150 km široko kraško območje, ki zavzema večji del Dinarskih gora in zavzema zahodni del Slovenije. Dinarski kras se odlikuje po velikih sklenjenih površinah, izjemni pestrosti reliefnih oblik, izjemnih jamah, velikih rekah ponikalnicah in kraških izvirih. Zaradi izrazitih oblik in pojavov so se tu že zgodaj pojavili opisi krasa pa tudi znanstvena raziskovanja. V 19. stoletju, je iz imena pokrajine Kras nastal termin karst, domača imena za reliefne oblike, dolina, polje, uvala, ponor pa so postali znanstveni termini. Tu so bile odkrite in opisane tudi prve jamske živali. Kljub odkritju številnih novih kraških območij v drugačnih geoloških ali klimatskih pogojih ostaja Dinarski kras še vedno svetovno pomembno kraško področje. Dinarski kras je locus tipicus za številne oblike in pojave, je mesto intenzivnega raziskovanja, pa tudi mesto, kjer se srečujejo krasoslovci s celega sveta. Knjiga na poljudnoznanstven način opisuje osnovne karakteristike Dinarskega krasa ter karakteristične primere tipov površja z Dinarskega krasa.
Geologists and geographers study how to develop how and where karst develops and how sinkholes form, but engineers must use this information to develop karst terrane. Over the past ten years, these multidisciplinary conferences on the applied aspects of karst hydrogeology and engineering have been successful in bringing together engineers, geologists, other scientists and government regulators who must safely establish human infrastructure on karst terrane whilst protecting the environment. The essences of these conferences has always been communciation between geologists and engineers with an emplasis on practical applications and case studies. This text contains the proceedings of the fifth conference on karst geohazards. It presents 65 papers that cover topics such as: groundwater contamination through sinkholes and the karst surface; stormwater drainage and flooding problems; and foundation considerations and improvements in karst.
This book provides an overview of covered karst types, covered karst features, functioning of covered karst features, the evolution of covered karst features and the development of covered karst reliefs. The introductory chapters present the characteristics of karst, the investigated areas and the applied methods. The covered karsts are categorized according to the quality and development of the superficial deposit and its geomorphological position and environment. The morphology, development, functioning, sediment development and the transformation of the karst features are presented. The relationship between the covered karst formation and climate is analyzed; including the covered karst formation of the tundra climate, taiga climate, temperate zone climate, subtropical, tropical climate and the high mountains. The manifestation of the human activity on covered karsts is presented.
Engineers from around the world recount in this volume their successes and failures in attempting to deal with unique and quixotic landscapes.