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One quarter of the world's population lives in karst terrains, yet karsts are highly vulnerable to stresses caused by human activity. This book surveys human impact on karst water, showing that the increasing pollution of the environment has, to a great extent, spoiled sensitive karst ecosystems. This text examines such consequences and offers proposals for future solutions and strategies. Part One provides an overview of the functioning of karsts and of human interaction with karst environments over several millennia. Part Two consists of a systematic examination of the major areas of human activity affecting karst waters, such as agriculture, industry, mining and water exploitation. Finally, Part Three views the effects on karst groundwater within a broader societal and legislative perspective and considers possible changes of methodology and approach.
The increasing pollution of our environment as deliberate or unintentional consequences of human activities has to a great extent spoiled sensitive karst ecosystems. This has led, for example, to distortions of landscapes, to soil erosion, to increased solution processes & to input of contaminants into the underground systems. Contents: Introduction; The historical perspective; Introduction & overview of human impacts; Agricultural induced impacts; Industrial & urban produced impacts; Extractive industries impact; Karst water exploitation; Conservations of karst terranes & karst waters: The future.
Karst Hydrogeology, Geomorphology and Caves A Comprehensive Resource Covering All Aspects of Karst Hydrogeology, Geomorphology, and Caves This essential book covers all physical, chemical, and geological aspects of karst science. It reviews current knowledge on hydrogeology, geomorphology and caves in karst, based on the vast existing literature and investigations carried out by the authors worldwide. The different topics are profusely illustrated with color figures and images from all continents and climates, showing the scientific and aesthetic appeal of karst environments. The book covers in a systematic way the significant features of karst rocks, the chemistry and kinetics of their dissolution, the rate and distribution of karst denudation, the unique hydrogeology of karst terrains, the landforms endemic to karst, the morphology of caves and their diverse sedimentary records, and the multiple processes that lead to the formation of underground voids. Overall, the work reflects the increasing recognition of karst as a fundamental part of the Earth’s dynamic systems, and helps readers understand this multidisciplinary field from a holistic and nuts-and-bolts perspective. Some of the ideas discussed within the book include: How karst is gaining importance for human development, because of its valuable resources (groundwater) and associated environmental problems (impacts and hazards) The enormous technological developments achieved in recent years Recent major breakthroughs in the field and their influence on other scientific disciplines The central role played by karst science for understanding and mitigating global environmental issues (global warming, depletion of resources, human-induced hazards) For all scientists working in karst, and for students and lecturers of karst-related programs, this book serves as a valuable all-in-one source. It is also a valuable resource for professional hydrogeologists, the petroleum industry, environmental geologists, and of course speleologists, the last true geographic explorers in the world.
The importance of investigating karstified aquifers lies in their significance as a major source of drinking water. This book describes methods that are basic to all hydrogeological studies, such as hydraulic investigations, hydrochemistry, geophysics, isotope chemistry and modelling, but with the emphasis placed on their application to karst syste
The Malaga Symposia Series provides an international forum for scientific debate on the progress made in research into karst environments. The 2010 meeting of the 4th International ISKA presents 80 papers in four key areas: karst hydrogeology and investigations, karst landscape and ecosystems, human interaction with karst environments, and engineering geology in karst areas. This book will be a useful edition to the libraries of consultants, scientists, lecturers, and policy makers concerned with the special issues of karst terrains.
This practical training guidebook makes an important contribution to karst hydrogeology. It presents supporting material for academic courses worldwide that include this and similar topics. It is an excellent sourcebook for students and other attendees of the International Karst School: Characterization and Engineering of Karst Aquifers, which opened in Trebinje, Bosnia & Herzegovina in 2014 and which will be organized every year in early summer. As opposed to more theoretical works, this is a catalog of possible engineering interventions in karst and their implications. Although the majority of readers will be professionals with geology/hydrogeology backgrounds, the language is not purely technical making it accessible to a wider audience. This means that the methodology, case studies and experiences presented will also benefit water managers working in karst environments.
This book sheds new light on contaminant transport in karst aquifers and the public health implications of contaminated karst groundwater. The papers included were presented at a conference held in early 2016 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and range from lengthy reviews on contaminant transport mechanisms to short articles summarizing research findings. The conference addressed a variety of topics, such as contamination sources, the hydrogeology of contaminant transport, the storage and release of contaminants, and the health impacts as well as the epidemiology of contaminated water supplies drawn from karst aquifers, and gathered perspectives from experts in different disciplines, including hydrogeologists and public health specialists. Although there is a wealth of literature on specific instances of karst groundwater contamination, this book offers an integrated conceptual framework for the public health impacts of karst groundwater, making it a valuable resource for a broad interdisciplinary readership.
Originally published in 1989, Karst Geomorphology and Hydrology became the leading textbook on karst studies. This new textbook has been substantially revised and updated. The first half of the book is a systematic presentation of the dissolution kinetics, chemical equilibria and physical flow laws relating to karst environments. It includes details of the many environmental factors that complicate their chemical evolution, with a critique of measurement of karst erosion rates. The second half of the book looks at the classification system for cave systems and the influence of climate and climatic change on karst development. The book ends with chapters on karst water resource management and a look at the important issues of environmental management, including environmental impact assessment, environmental rehabilitation, tourism impacts and conservation values. Practical application of karst studies are explained throughout the text. "This new edition strengthens the book's position as the essential reference in the field. Karst geoscientists will not dare to stray beyond arm's reach of this volume. It is certain to remain the professional standard for many decades." Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, August 2007
The book is the result of joint work and many years of mutual cooperation between researchers from Slovenia and Croatia. It was made as part of the transboundary project ŽIVO! Življenje – voda! (Life – Water!) (IPA CBC SI-HR 2007-2013), which involved the participation of authors from project partner institutions as well as invited authors who are famil­iar with the characteristics of the karst area of Northern Istria and the conditions there relating to drinking water supply. The monograph presents the natural features of Northern Istria, the karst and karst phenomena, karst hy­drogeology, ecology and microbiology, and highlights in particular the vulnerability of the karst to various human activities. The main focus of attention is on karst water sources. In assessing their characteristics we used available knowledge of karst water on both sides of the border and supplemented it with new research on the transboundary area in question, which was based on field measurements and sampling, and chemical, microbiological and biologi­cal analysis of water. The collected findings form the basis for planning more effective monitoring of the quality of karst water sources, their protection and consequently the improvement of their quality. First editon was published in 2015, this corrected second edition is available also in paperback (ISBN 978-961-05-0001-8). _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Knjiga je rezultat skupnega dela in dolgoletnega medsebojnega sodelovanja raziskovalcev iz Slovenije in Hrvaške. Nastala je v sklopu čezmejnega projekta ŽIVO! Življenje – voda! (IPA CBC SI-HR 2007-2013), kjer so sodelovali tako avtorji iz inštitucij projektnih partnerjev kot vabljeni avtorji, ki poznajo značilnosti kraškega območja severne Istre in tamkajšnje razmere pri oskrbi s pitno vodo. V monografiji so predstavljene naravne danosti severne Istre, kras in kraški pojavi, kraška hidrogeologija, ekologija in mikrobiologija, posebej pa je izpostavljena ranljivost krasa na različne človekove dejavnosti. Glavna pozornost je posvečena kraškim vodnim virom. Pri oceni njihovih značilnosti smo uporabili razpoložljiva spoznanja o kraških vodah z obeh strani meje in jih dopolnili z novimi raziskavami obravnavanega čezmejnega prostora, ki so temeljile na terenskih meritvah in vzorčenju ter kemijskih, mikrobioloških in bioloških analizah vode. Zbrani izsledki so osnova za načrtovanje bolj učinkovite zaščite vodnih virov in posledično za izboljšanje njihove kakovosti. Pregledani ponatis knjige, ki je prvič izšla leta 2015, je na voljo tudi v mehki vezavi (ISBN 978-961-05-0001-8).
Karst is characterized particularly by special landforms and sub surface drainage. The various actions of water result in numerous variations of surface and sub-surface karst forms. They also bring about distinctive geologic-morphologic forms, and more striking ly, specific flora and fauna. The scientific discipline of hydrology, although a long-established science, cannot easily be applied to karst regions with their very complex drainage system. A special approach is therefore necessary to understand and predict water circulation in these areas. This is the viewpoint we must adopt if hydrology is to solve the complex problems of karst phenomena. This book can be seen as the appeal of a hydrologist to experts from different scientific dis ciplines (geology, hydrology, geomorphology, geography, geo physics, meteorology, ecology, civil engineering, forestry, agricul ture, etc.) to collaborate towards a better understanding of karst areas. Evidently, karst phenomena have not been sufficiently and carefully studied worldwide. It is equally true that the first theories on water circulation in karst were developed according to ex periences in the Dinaric karst. This can easily be explained. In habitants in those areas had no place to which to escape, as was the case in other countries.