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The metaphysical system of Karma suggests a generalised application of the law of cause and effect through which we try to explain the paradox of a well-intending person facing hardship in life while another, even a badly-meaning person, appears to be leading an easy life. This is the destiny we create for ourselves, as a result of the judgment of our acts in our present and past lives. We experience the consequences of our past lives but this does not imply an irreversible sentence for the rest of our life because karma is not a law of punishment. It is indicative of the love of the creator towards his creation, us. This is because it allows us to set ourselves free from our past, set a new course to our lives and partake in the cosmic perfection. Seen that way, knowledge of the past lives of certain people might prove particularly useful, so that we can either emulate them or steer away from the mistakes that have cost them dearly.
PAST LIVES OF FAMOUS PEOPLE provides fascinating insights into history and the journeys that individual souls take during their incarnations on earth. The concepts of reincarnation and collective as well as individual karma are illustrated in a unique way as Bengtson leads his readers through the different lives of celebrities.
Discover the Hidden Mysteries of Reincarnation and Karma Are you curious about the secrets of past lives and how they shape our present existence? In "A Theory of Reincarnation: How is Karma Related to Reincarnation and How to Remember Past Lives," author Robin Sacredfire delves into the fascinating world of karma and reincarnation, shedding light on the profound connection between our past and present lives. In this captivating book, Robin Sacredfire takes readers on a journey to uncover the hidden truths about our previous incarnations. Drawing on scientific evidence and spiritual insights, he reveals how our past lives intricately intertwine with our karmic experiences, suppressed talents, fears, and even our dreams and ambitions. Unlock your true potential as Robin Sacredfire explores how some of us manifest exceptional skills and abilities from a young age, surpassing what most people achieve with training and development. This unique perspective challenges the conventional notions of talent and provides a new understanding of how our previous existences shape our current capabilities. But it's not just about delving into past lives; it's about rediscovering what we inherently knew. Our difficulties, passions, needs, attributes, values, and relationships all trace back to a lineage of existences on Earth and beyond. As we embark on this path of self-discovery, we come to realize that it's not just about who we were but also about who we are today and how our past lives have shaped us. Robin Sacredfire guides readers through the intricacies of achieving a higher consciousness of our spirituality, showing how we can leverage the knowledge of our past lives to make significant changes in the present. By understanding, changing, and learning to control our karma and reincarnations, we can create a future that benefits us greatly, starting with our actions in this very life. This book isn't just a theory; it's a personal journey. Robin Sacredfire shares their remarkable story of unlocking their past lives, accepting them, and discovering hidden talents and skills that they never knew they possessed. Through this candid account, readers gain insight into how they too can embark on a similar journey, connecting the dots between people and experiences encountered throughout their existence. In "A Theory of Reincarnation," Robin Sacredfire presents a clear and direct approach to this mystical subject, offering a wealth of information rarely found elsewhere. By enlightening and stimulating our understanding of reincarnation and karma, Robin Sacredfire motivates us to embrace a more uplifting and spiritually fulfilling life. Discover the profound connections between your past and present. Uncover hidden talents and secrets from previous lives. Take control of your karma and transform your present and future. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Buy "A Theory of Reincarnation: How is Karma Related to Reincarnation and How to Remember Past Lives" now and unlock the power of your past!
Steve Burgess is one of the UK's leading Hypnotherapists who has completed many thousands of past life regressions. This intriguing book is the story of some of his clients who in regression sessions appear to have been very famous historical characters in their previous lives. These famous past lives include Queen Elizabeth I, her elder sister Queen Mary, one of Jack the Ripper's prostitute victims, Titus Oates from the Scott of the Antartic Expedition and William Shakespeare. Whilst in trance, Steve's clients give fascinating accounts of their past life alter egos, often experiencing things known only to historians. As they re-live their famous past lives they even provide unknown information, which gives us a fuller insight into the lives of the famous characters, including Elizabeth's passionate affair with Robert Dudley and the fate of their love child, and Shakespeare's travels abroad. This book may be the book that proves the reality of reincarnation, and will be of interest to both sceptics and spiritually minded people.
This is a fast-reading, far-reaching look into the strange concept of our soul's life, describing how our soul goes through a recurring cycle of incarnations bringing karma that affects us in a way often unseen, like a shadow over our personality's life and relationships today. Van Auken explains how and why reincarnation occurs, where our past-life memories are stored, and how we may become aware of our soul and its karmic patterns. He explains soul mates, twin souls, soul groups, and reveals what our souls are doing when they are not incarnating! He revisits passages in the Bible about our origin and true nature, a nature that is not affected by the death of the physical body. Using sources from the Hindu Akashic Records and the Book of Life or Book of Remembrance, as well as Kabbalistic and Gnostic teachings, he gives us examples of how our soul sees life rather than our earthly self's view. He uses Edgar Cayce's discourses to add to our overall understanding of soul life versus personality life. Destiny, fate, and karma are explored as well. Then he has a series of chapters of meditation, dreams, living by ideals rather than allowing circumstances to direct our lives. There's a fascinating chapter telling the lifetimes of one soul's whole series of incarnations, and how each of them contributed who she is today and why specific people are in her life today. All in all, it is an interesting and compelling revelation about a life few of us are aware of but are apparently living at some level of our consciousness.
Do You Believe That This Life Are The Effect Of Your Past Life?! Let’s face it – We all know the fact that we don't know anything about our past life. If we could, we'd be much more wiser and not doing anything stupid that can possibly affect our next life. But as time goes on, more and more people have been learning more about reincarnation and how the law of cause and effect can change our future. Anybody – Regardless of their circumstances can equip themselves with these information about reincarnation. Well, you are not alone. I’ve once walked down this lost path and I told myself that I would do whatever it takes to figure out the key to enlightenment. And after years of research and hardship, I’ve finally found the solution, which I want to share with you today. Here’s What You'll Learn: The Law of Cause and Effect, Karma The Degree Of Reincarnation Leads to Self-Mastery The Best Method for Resolving Karma Right Relationships End the Karmic Cycle The Dangers Of Knowing Your Past Lives
Between the two concepts of past life regression and reincarnation, most people are probably more familiar with the latter. However, what few realize is that these two concepts are essentially linked with each other. Reincarnation has to do with the rebirth of a soul. If you believe that you will be reincarnated, then death is nothing to be afraid of. After all, if reincarnation exists for you it only means that life is but one cycle after another and death is just a transition from a previous life to the next. Get all the info you need here.
A comprehensive, visionary guide to the karmic cycle and its role within our life-both the life we're living and the lives to come. There is life after death, and Barbara Martin has seen it. Now for the first time comes her inspired, firsthand account of the intricate world of spiritual rebirth. The award-winning authors of Change Your Aura, Change Your Life reveal the afterlife in a work based directly on Martin's personal explorations of the world to come and awe-inspiring clairvoyant experience with the spiritual world. Both a fully practical handbook to the ins and outs of the karmic cycle and a field guide to the spiritual plane and how reincarnation works, Karma and Reincarnation: -Brings together the design of the world beyond and the mechanics of karma; -Gives practical guidelines and tools to deal effectively with karmic situations and avoid generating adverse karma; -Helps align readers with their spiritual purpose; -Shows readers how to face and resolve their karmic troubles; and -Provides essential keys to spiritual development. A true spiritual wonder in a single, fully accessible volume, Karma and Reincarnation is perfect for both those taking their first steps down a spiritual path and longtime spiritual students.
Discover your roles in your former incarnations and explore their effect on your present life Using the ancient Indian form of karmic astrology, we can discover the effect of our past lives on the present This guide aims to impart the practical skills needed to see your own present-day path according to the teachings of karma and reincarnation. By calculating and understanding how to read your birth chart you can understand patterns that have built up over many lifetimes. Judy Hall offers detailed explanations on types of karma, how souls reincarnate and how patterns are carried forward. Past Life Astrology examines karmic themes within each sun-sign and then goes on to show how these themes are played out throughout life, meaning you can start to apply the information in a practical way to your own soul journey, wherever you are in this lifetime.