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Karl Buhler (1879-1963) was one of the leading theoreticians of language of the twentieth century. This is an English translation of Buhler's theory that begins with a survey on 'Buhler's legacy' for modern linguistics (Werner Abraham), followed by the Theory of Language, and finally with a special 'Postscript: Twenty-five Years Later !'
This volume contains selected proceedings of the conferences held at Kirchberg, August 26, 1984 and Essen, November 21–24, 1984 devoted to Karl Bühler's Theory of Language. Both conferences took place exactly fifty years after the publication of Bühler's masterpiece. However, it was felt necessary to bring renewed attention to Bühler's work in order to highlight its importance. The contributions in this volume, all in the original German language, focus on a wide range of perspectives: biographical, psychological, sociological, semiotic and linguistic.
"... fifteen texts which are essential reading for anyone interested in semiotics... This collection will surely become a standard text for those who teach semiotics, aesthetics or philosophy of language." -- International Philosophical Quarterly This volume presents the classic statements in semiotics and touches on a vast set of problems and themes -- philosophical, aesthetic, literary, cultural, biological, and anthropological.
"This verse marks that" : the Bible, editors, and early modern English texts / Helen Wilcox -- Humanized intertexts : An iconospheric approach to Ben Jonson's comedy, The case is altered (1598) / Anthony W. Johnson -- Appearance and reality in Jane Austen's Persuasion / Tony Lurcock -- Green flowers and golden eyes : Balzac, decadence and Wilde's Salome / Sven-Johan Spånberg -- "When I use a word it means just what I choose it to mean" : Power and (mis)communication in literature for young readers / Maria Nikolajeva -- Place and communicative personae: how Forster has changed Stevenage since the 1940s / Jason Finch -- Tony Harrison and the rhetorics of reality / Tony Bex -- Truthful (hi)stories in Michael Ondaatje's Anil's ghost / Lydia Kokkola -- Pragmatic Penelope or timeless tales for the times / Gunilla Florby -- Three fallacies in interpreting literature / Bo Pettersson
Psycholinguistics is one of the compulsory subjects for the students of English Education. Meanwhile, textbooks on Psycholinguistics are very scarcely available. Due to this fact, the author is motivated to write this book. This book aims to provide the students with basic knowledge of psycholinguistics. By having knowledge, the students will know what psycholinguistics is, language perception and production, first language acquisition, and second language acquisition. This book is organized into fifteenth chapters. In Chapter 1 introduction to psycholinguistics consists of a brief history of psycholinguistics and the definition of pscycholinguistics; Chapter 2 concept language perception and production; Chapter 3 language acquisiton devices of children; Chapter 4 the factors affecting first language acquisition; Chapter 5 first language acquisition; Chapter 6 the types and strategies of learning; Chapter 7 cognitive style of learning; Chapter 8 the acquisition in children, Chapter 9 language and communication, Chapter 10 spoken, sign, and written language; Chapter 11 language barrier; Chapter 12 linguistic performance and linguistic competence; Chapter 13 children interaction; Chapter 14 children vs adults in SLA; and Chapter 15 language disorder.
Nachdem 1934 Karl Bühlers Meisterwerk, seine "Sprachtheorie - Die Darstellungsfunktion der Sprache" endlich mit einiger Verzögerung publiziert worden war, konnte er rückblickend mit einiger Genugtuung feststellen, dass er nun auf eine 25 Jahre andauernde Auseinandersetzung mit dem Problem der Sprache zurückblicken konnte. Wie so oft in der Bühlerforschung hat man die wie nebenbei eingestreute Bemerkung über seinen Denkweg nicht hinreichend beachtet, sondern lediglich seine "Geistige Entwicklung des Kindes", die "Krise der Psychologie" und die "Ausdruckstheorie" neben seiner "Sprachtheorie" zur Kenntnis genommen. Um Bühlers Denkweg aber von Sprosse zu Sprosse und nicht bloß von Etage zu Etage folgen zu können, was ebenso der Destruktion überholter Denkkonzepte in den mit der Sprache befassten Wissenschaften wie dem Aufbau zukunftsweisender sprachwissenschaftlich-semiotisch-philosophisch-kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Modelle entspricht, ist es unverzichtbar, Bühler Schritt für Schritt zu folgen. Dieser Aufgabe dienen seine hier gesammelten Aufsätze zur Entwicklung der Sprachtheorie.