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El presente trabajo expone la urgencia de un tercer principio de justicia, el cual amplía y critica la concepción de la Justicia como Equidad de John Rawls. Desde la visión del célebre filósofo liberal, los principios y las ideales son eficientes para la formulación de una teoría normativa de la sociedad, la llamada “sociedad bien ordenada”. No obstante, conceptos como “posición original” y “velo de la ignorancia” de nada servirían ante la realidad de las injusticias sociales y que las instituciones que propenden por la justicia, las cuales son organizadas a partir del “consenso entrecruzado”, no logran un respaldo adecuado debido a un grave problema de diseño en la “estructura básica” de la sociead bien ordenada: la sociedad se desestabiliza por la acción de un inadvertido –por Rawls- “Segundo Velo de Ignorancia” (SVI). Además, la teoría rawlsiana de la Jusitica se basa en concepción de la racionalidad y la razonabilidad, pilares de la sociedad liberal y fundamento imprescindible para la realización de los Principios de Justicia. No obstante, éstas son inoperantes en la vida cotidiana, al ser los seres humanos sobredeterminados por las asimetrias del poder politico y económico, lo que empuja también la adopción de actitudes tales como la ambición, el miedo y el rencor. Estas características, llamadas por Rawls “psicologías especiales”, son incitadas también por la sensación de incertidumbre que viene ante nuestro desconocimiento de lo que sucederá en el futuro...
Apart from considering classical theories of justice from Aristotle, Plato, Saint Thomas Aquinas, the Bible, and the Quran, the aim of Justice and Law is to focus on the contemporary vista, reviewing some of the modern ideas of justice advanced by legal philosophers of our time, such as John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas, Ronald Dworkin, Robert Nozick, Richard A. Posner, Wojciech Sadurski, Marxism, or Feminist Theories. In the second part of the work, María José Falcón y Tella deals with some of the principal themes relating to justice, such as punishment, civil disobedience, conscientious objection, just war, conflict of duties, and tolerance.
El presente volumen recoge un conjunto de trabajos sobre una temática sugerente, relevante y de permanente vigencia, dado que atañe a los fundamentos de uno de los pilares más sólidos en que se cimenta la Europa de los pueblos y de los ciudadanos, así como de la Comunidad Iberoamericana. Eso sí, partiendo del más preciado patrimonio común, su Historia, y, en particular, el legado jurídico que tuvo como referente el Derecho romano, base de la cultura jurídica de la mayor parte del Mundo Occidental. Todo jurista está llamado a asumir el compromiso de recrear un estudio e investigación propios del siglo XXI, que vengan a dar respuesta a lo que el momento actual demanda, y no perder el tren de la Historia. Por fortuna, sin duda, somos herederos del rico patrimonio que comporta la experiencia jurídica de la antigua Roma, de la que constituimos sólo un paso más de su largo devenir. Quienes colaboran en esta obra así lo entienden, y sirvan como prueba sus aportaciones.
This is a book on “equity in the civil law tradition” from the double perspective of legal history and comparative law. It is intended not only for civil lawyers who want to better understand the role and history of equity in their own legal tradition, but also – and perhaps more saliently – for common lawyers who are curious about why the history of equity has unfolded so differently on the continent of Europe and in Latin America. The author begins with the investigation of the philosophical foundations of the Western notion of equity in the teachings of Plato and Aristotle and of how their ideas affected the works of the great Attic orators (chapter 2). He then addresses the way in which Roman law turned this notion into a legal concept of considerable practical importance (chapter 3) and how it survived the fall of Rome and was later elaborated in the Middle Ages by civilists and canonists (chapter 4). Subsequently, the author analyses how the notion of equity was dealt with in the Modern Era by legal humanists, Protestant and Catholic theologians, scholars of the usus modernus pandectarum and of Roman-Dutch law, and then by legal rationalism and the philosophers of the Enlightenment (chapter 5). He then deals with the history of equity on the continent since the fragmentation of the ius commune and the codifications of the nineteenth century and with its reception in Latin America (chapter 6). Finally, the author offers some closing remarks on the fundamental equivocalness (or relativity, as some scholars put it) of the notion of equity in the civil law tradition today (conclusion).
What this book intends to do is to study three-dimensionalism (the distinction values-norms-facts) not in what could be called its historical dimension, but in its substantive aspect, as a “form” that, when applied to different legal themes, would add a “material content” to the three-dimensional theory. We can point out, as a study plan, the distinction between “three” perspectives: Those of the legal norm, of the legal order, and the legal relationship. Three-dimensionalism also appears in this work when one analyzes the “three” phases of the life of the law: The formation, the interpretation, and the application; and in the distinction between the “three” characteristics of the legal order: Fullness, coherence, and unity—the theory of legal validity, intended as legitimacy, as validity strictly speaking, or as effectiveness.
Joaquín Garralda determina los parámetros básicos que conforman el modelo del comportamiento empresarial sostenible y responsable desde la perspectiva de la RC. Con prólogo de Ramón Jáuregui.
Bertea puts forward a comprehensive and original theory of legal obligation, understood as a distinctive legal concept.
This book originated as lectures for a course on political philosophy that Rawls taught regularly at Harvard in the 1980s. In time the lectures became a restatement of his theory of justice as fairness, revised in light of his more recent papers and his treatise Political Liberalism (1993). As Rawls writes in the preface, the restatement presents "in one place an account of justice as fairness as I now see it, drawing on all [my previous] works." He offers a broad overview of his main lines of thought and also explores specific issues never before addressed in any of his writings. Rawls is well aware that since the publication of A Theory of Justice in 1971, American society has moved farther away from the idea of justice as fairness. Yet his ideas retain their power and relevance to debates in a pluralistic society about the meaning and theoretical viability of liberalism. This book demonstrates that moral clarity can be achieved even when a collective commitment to justice is uncertain.
This volume critically explores the basis and the goal of punishment from the standpoint of the right to punish. Studies and works dedicated to punishment are scarce compared to those dedicated to Crime Theory or some aspect thereof. The book reviews the main doctrines that have dealt with the theme of punishment from Antiquity to the present, not limiting itself to the legal-philosophical sphere but also analyzing the contributions from other social sciences. It then explores how these are reflected in the sphere of Positive Law. Moving from the most abstract and general to the most concrete and specific, various themes relating to the concept of punishment are distinguished. These themes are not exactly equivalent but are, nevertheless, often confused with one another. They are: Punishment; Punitive Practice; Sentence and Penalty. Of these the third – Sentence, which is almost the least generic concept dealt with, having to do with that area of law which basically constitutes Criminal Law – forms the central part of the work. In this section, via a dual structure, the distinction is made between punishments and deterrents, as the prime types of punitive practice, with a distinct historical tradition, diverse bases and functions, around which different sorts of theories and schools have developed. The book ends with a series of critical conclusions as to what, in the opinion of the authors, should be a correct conception of punishment.