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"The JLA has always been a team of superheroes that have relied on each other to defeat insurmountable odds. But with Batman's betrayal and expulsion from the group, suddenly the team has become divided amongst themselves. Dealing with dangerous issues of trust, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, the Flash, Aquaman, Martiam Manhunter, and Plastic Man must try and unite to face off against the twisted fairy-tale nightmare of the Queen of Fables and the world-altering abilities of Dr. Destiny. But even if they defeat these formidable foes, the JLA may be shattered by their loss of faith in one another"--Publisher's web site.
Volume 1: "Posing as a new group of super-heroes, the Hyperclan have descended upon Earth, convincing everyone that they are a benevolent force. But as their true nature and plans come to light, only the World's Greatest Heroes can stop them. Standing side by side, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, the Flash, Green Lantern, and the Martian Manhunter take on these alien posers and come to realize that Earth needs a guardianship made up of only the mightiest of icons."--Publisher's website.
David French warns of the potential dangers to the country—and the world—if we don’t summon the courage to reconcile our political differences. Two decades into the 21st Century, the U.S. is less united than at any time in our history since the Civil War. We are more diverse in our beliefs and culture than ever before. But red and blue states, secular and religious groups, liberal and conservative idealists, and Republican and Democratic representatives all have one thing in common: each believes their distinct cultures and liberties are being threatened by an escalating violent opposition. This polarized tribalism, espoused by the loudest, angriest fringe extremists on both the left and the right, dismisses dialogue as appeasement; if left unchecked, it could very well lead to secession. An engaging mix of cutting edge research and fair-minded analysis, Divided We Fall is an unblinking look at the true dimensions and dangers of this widening ideological gap, and what could happen if we don't take steps toward bridging it. French reveals chilling, plausible scenarios of how the United States could fracture into regions that will not only weaken the country but destabilize the world. But our future is not written in stone. By implementing James Madison’s vision of pluralism—that all people have the right to form communities representing their personal values—we can prevent oppressive factions from seizing absolute power and instead maintain everyone’s beliefs and identities across all fifty states. Reestablishing national unity will require the bravery to commit ourselves to embracing qualities of kindness, decency, and grace towards those we disagree with ideologically. French calls on all of us to demonstrate true tolerance so we can heal the American divide. If we want to remain united, we must learn to stand together again.
A special anniversary issue! The Justice League battles the Justice League as the seven original JLA members fall prey to mind control. It's up to the rest of the League to stop them from reassembling the Appellax meteorites!
The Justice League of America, an organization of superheroes, struggles to save the world from a group of evil aliens called the Hyperclan.
Attacked by two mysterious Ancients, Manitou Raven and Tezumak, the JLA are almost outgunned. When they go searching for the reason behind this attack, the team vanishes into ancient Atlantis - where they discover not only Raven's mighty allies, but their own lost friend Aquaman.
Partisan warfare and gridlock in Washington threaten to squander America’s opportunity to show the world that democracy can solve serious economic problems and ensure widely shared prosperity. Instead of working together to meet the challenges ahead—an aging work force, exploding inequality, climate change, rising debt—our elected leaders are sabotaging our economic future by blaming and demonizing each other in hopes of winning big in the next election. They are weakening America’s capacity for world leadership and the case for democracy here and abroad. Alice M. Rivlin, with decades of experience in economic policy making, argues that proven economic policies could lead to sustainable American prosperity and opportunity for all, but crafting them requires the tough, time-consuming work of consensus building and bipartisan negotiation. In a divided country with shifting majorities, major policies must have bipartisan buy-in and broad public support. Otherwise we will have either destabilizing swings in policy or total gridlock in the face of challenges looming at us. Rivlin believes that Americans can and must save our hyper-partisan politicians from themselves. She makes the case that on many practical economic issues the public is far less divided than partisan politicians and sensationalist media would have us believe. She draws attention to numerous hopeful efforts to bridge partisan and ideological divides in Washington, in state capitols and city governments, and communities around the country, and advocates a major national effort to enable citizens and future leaders to learn and practice the art of listening to each other and working together to find common ground. This book is a practical guide for Americans across the political spectrum who are agonizing over partisan warfare, incivility, and policy gridlock and looking for ways they can help to get our democratic policy process back on a constructive track before it is too late.
While caught up in a battle with their enemy, ID, the JLA team must turn their focus to the threat of the telepathic White Martians. Presented in comic book format.
Generalissimo Demmy Gog use a stolen morale machine to try and conquer America; the lesser-powered leaguers have a falling out with the more powerful members.