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Describes societal problems, and gives methods and means toward resolution. Each chapter is designed for personal study and also for use by groups. This is a useful guide for those involved or interested in social justice and the Christian call to discipleship.
Just Prayer is a four-week prayer cycle for morning and evening readings to support people who “hunger and thirst for justice.” Patterned on the ancient monastic Hours, it offers psalms, intercessions, and reflections fashioned to strengthen a personal commitment to justice. The weekly themes are: recognizing God’s command that we act justly; lamenting suffering and injustice in our world; repenting our failures and renewing our commitment to justice; and, finally, celebrating God’s promise of justice lived as a new heaven and new earth. Weekly reflections encourage personal transformation by emphasizing the connection between justice action and peaceful communities. Created with parishes, youth groups, mission trip participants, and social justice organizations in mind, Just Prayer supports hands-on service work in local communities. By repeating and building upon the prayer sequences in Just Prayer, we can conform our hearts more fully to Christ’s living message of compassion and justice for the least among us. The print edition features a soft, leather-like cover and a durable ribbon for convenient daily prayer.
This book is a contribution to the Christian ethics of war and peace. It advances peacebuilding as a needed challenge to and expansion of the traditional framework of just war theory and pacifism. It builds on a critical reading of historical landmarks from the Bible through Augustine, Aquinas, the Reformers, Christian peace movements, and key modern figures like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Reinhold Niebuhr, and recent popes. Similar to just-war theory, peacebuilding is committed to social change and social justice but includes some theorists and practitioners who accept the use of force in extreme cases of self-defense or humanitarian intervention. Unlike just-war theorists, they do not see the justification of war as part of the Christian mission. Unlike traditional pacifists, they do see social change as necessary and possible and, as such, requiring Christian participation in public efforts. Cahill argues that transformative Christian social participation is demanded by the gospel and the example of Jesus, and can produce the avoidance, resolution, or reduction of conflicts. And yet obstacles are significant, and expectations must be realistic. Decisions to use armed force against injustice, even when they meet the criteria of just war, will be ambiguous and tragic from a Christian perspective. Regarding war and peace, the focus of Christian theology, ethics, and practice should not be on justifying war but on practical and hopeful interreligious peacebuilding.
In these essays I often refer to social contracts such as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and other international conventions that describe a vision of just human relations, especially in the area of culture and health care. We do not live behind a veil of ignorance where we enter into contemplation of questions of right and wrong without an awareness of our own particularities. Moreover, we do not always determine what is right based on reason. But, we do make decisions every day about how we will live within the social contracts that govern our lives. Many of us go along to get along with a lets-not-rock-the-boat-preserve-the-status-quocaution. Then there are those of us who use the documents of our social contracts to secure more justice and more peace. The purpose is to rock the boat and to disrupt the status quo when it is unjust. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I understand Christ as a title not as a person. It is a designation of an anointing. This, in my opinion, is the anointing of radical love. Christ is the human incarnation of divine love. We each ought to strive to become this whether or not we are Christian, whether or not we are even believers. Those of us who are Christians believe that Jesus paid it all. There is no more need for blood-shed sacrifice. Murder is never holy. God does not need it or want it. Our work now is to become living sacrifices that will redeem this world through justice and peace. That is the meaning of these essays. (From the Introduction)
In the wake of political evil on a large scale, what does justice consist of? Daniel Philpott takes up this question in Just and Unjust Peace. While scholars have written about many aspects of dealing with past injustice, no general ethic has emerged. Philpott seeks to provide a holistic model that delivers concrete ethical guidelines for societies striving to build peace.
"Just Peacemaking: The New Paradigm for the Ethics of Peace and War" is the product of twenty-three scholars across various denominations who have collaborated annually since 1992 to specify the ten practical steps and develop the undergirding principles of this critical approach: 1. Support nonviolent direct action 2. Take independent initiatives to reduce threat 3. Use cooperative conflict resolution 4. Acknowledge responsibility for conflict and injustice and seek repentance and forgiveness 5. Advanced democracy, human rights, and religious liberty 6. Foster just and sustainable economic development 7. Work with emerging cooperative forces in the international system 8. Strengthen the United Nations and international efforts for cooperation and human rights 9. Reduce offensive weapons and weapons trade 10. Encourage grassroots peacemaking groups and voluntary associations
"This book contains fifteen essays originally presented at a conference on evangelical Christianity and global peacemaking held at Georgetown University in September 2012, together with a critical analysis of the collection by the editor, David P. Gushee. The essays fall into two categories: the first four essays primarily engage theoretical issues in the ethics of war and peace, considering pacifism, just war, and just peacemaking approaches, all in contemporary US context. The other eleven essays offer glimpses into current evangelical peacemaking efforts being undertaken by individuals, congregations, parachurch organizations, and global evangelical bodies. The collection as a whole gives considerable attention to Christian-Muslim relations and offers a number of extraordinary accounts of evangelical peacemaking with Muslims and efforts to engage Islam as a living religious tradition. The concluding essay suggests that while evangelical peace and war thinking cannot escape the paradoxes and challenges that have always bedeviled Christian theorizing about war, contemporary evangelical peacemaking efforts reflect substantial progress in implementing the radical love of Jesus Christ in some of the most challenging contexts and conflicts in our world today. Contributors include: David P. Gushee Lisa Sharon Harper Eric Patterson Glen Stassen Geoff Tunnicliffe Mark C. Johnson Joseph Cumming Douglas M. Johnson Jr. David W. Shenk Lisa R. Gibson Sami Awad Bob Roberts Jr. David Beasley Jim Wallis Rick Love "
The classical just war criteria were helpful in a world of soldiers in uniforms with negotiated holidays. But just war no longer proves helpful in a world where small bands of terrorists with modest bundles of cash can do unspeakable terror to unarmed civilians. In this new world, war itself has become dysfunctional. What are the theological, political, and programmatic bases needed to become a peacemaking church? A Just Peace Church seeks to locate a position between pacifism and just war.
Interfaith Just Peacemaking is a collected work by 27 Jewish, Muslim and Christian scholars and religious leaders on the ten 'practice norms' of the peacemaking paradigm called 'Just Peace.'Just Peace theory, like the paradigm it most resembles, Just War theory, is a list of specific practices that are applied to concrete contexts.
The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have focused new attention on a perennial problem: how to end wars well. What ethical considerations should guide war’s settlement and its aftermath? In cases of protracted conflicts, recurring war, failed or failing states, or genocide and war crimes, is there a framework for establishing an enduring peace that is pragmatic and moral? Ethics Beyond War’s End provides answers to these questions from the just war tradition. Just war thinking engages the difficult decisions of going to war and how war is fought. But from this point forward just war theory must also take into account what happens after war ends, and the critical issues that follow: establishing an enduring order, employing political forms of justice, and cultivating collective forms of conciliation. Top thinkers in the field—including Michael Walzer, Jean Bethke Elshtain, James Turner Johnson, and Brian Orend—offer powerful contributions to our understanding of the vital issues associated with late- and post conflict in tough, real-world scenarios that range from the US Civil War to contemporary quagmires in Afghanistan, the Middle East, and the Congo.