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The multiplier ideals of an ideal in a regular local ring form a family of ideals parameterized by non-negative rational numbers. As the rational number increases the corresponding multiplier ideal remains unchanged until at some point it gets strictly smaller. A rational number where this kind of diminishing occurs is called a jumping number of the ideal. In this manuscript the author gives an explicit formula for the jumping numbers of a simple complete ideal in a two-dimensional regular local ring. In particular, he obtains a formula for the jumping numbers of an analytically irreducible plane curve. He then shows that the jumping numbers determine the equisingularity class of the curve.
Contains the proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Zeta Functions in Algebra and Geometry held May 3-7, 2010 at the Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. The conference focused on the following topics: arithmetic and geometric aspects of local, topological, and motivic zeta functions, Poincare series of valuations, zeta functions of groups, rings, and representations, prehomogeneous vector spaces and their zeta functions, and height zeta functions.
This book comprises an overview of twelve months of intense activity of the research group Geometry, Topology, Algebra, and Applications (GEOMVAP) at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Namely, it contains extended abstracts of the group meeting in Cardona and of the international Workshop of Women in Geometry and Topology aligned with a series of workshops in the topic. As such, it includes a panoramic view of the main research interests of the group which focus on varieties and manifolds from the algebraic, topological and differential perspective with a view towards applications. The GEOMVAP group has a long tradition working on various interfaces of algebra, geometry and topology. In the last decade, the group has become active contributor in interdisciplinary science and it is now focused on both a theoretical point of view and the transversal applications to several disciplines including Robotics, Machine Learning, Phylogenetics, Physics and Celestial Mechanics. The increasing interdisciplinarity of modern research and the fact that the boundaries between different areas of mathematics are vanishing, with a constant transfer of problems and techniques between them, makes it difficult to progress without a multidisciplinary approach. GEOMVAP gathers together experts in Algebraic, Symplectic and Arithmetic Geometry to stimulate the interaction between them and to allow the study of each object from different points of view. The book aims at established researchers, as well as at PhD and postdoctoral students who want to learn more about the latest advances in pure and applied Geometry and Topology.
Just as groups can have representations on vector spaces, 2-groups have representations on 2-vector spaces, but Lie 2-groups typically have few representations on the finite-dimensional 2-vector spaces introduced by Kapranov and Voevodsky. Therefore, Crane, Sheppeard, and Yetter introduced certain infinite-dimensional 2-vector spaces, called measurable categories, to study infinite-dimensional representations of certain Lie 2-groups, and German and North American mathematicians continue that work here. After introductory matters, they cover representations of 2-groups, and measurable categories, representations on measurable categories. There is no index. Annotation ©2012 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
Consider a rational projective curve $\mathcal{C}$ of degree $d$ over an algebraically closed field $\pmb k$. There are $n$ homogeneous forms $g_{1},\dots, g_{n}$ of degree $d$ in $B=\pmb k[x, y]$ which parameterize $\mathcal{C}$ in a birational, base point free, manner. The authors study the singularities of $\mathcal{C}$ by studying a Hilbert-Burch matrix $\varphi$ for the row vector $[g_{1},\dots, g_{n}]$. In the ``General Lemma'' the authors use the generalized row ideals of $\varphi$ to identify the singular points on $\mathcal{C}$, their multiplicities, the number of branches at each singular point, and the multiplicity of each branch. Let $p$ be a singular point on the parameterized planar curve $\mathcal{C}$ which corresponds to a generalized zero of $\varphi$. In the `'triple Lemma'' the authors give a matrix $\varphi'$ whose maximal minors parameterize the closure, in $\mathbb{P}^{2}$, of the blow-up at $p$ of $\mathcal{C}$ in a neighborhood of $p$. The authors apply the General Lemma to $\varphi'$ in order to learn about the singularities of $\mathcal{C}$ in the first neighborhood of $p$. If $\mathcal{C}$ has even degree $d=2c$ and the multiplicity of $\mathcal{C}$ at $p$ is equal to $c$, then he applies the Triple Lemma again to learn about the singularities of $\mathcal{C}$ in the second neighborhood of $p$. Consider rational plane curves $\mathcal{C}$ of even degree $d=2c$. The authors classify curves according to the configuration of multiplicity $c$ singularities on or infinitely near $\mathcal{C}$. There are $7$ possible configurations of such singularities. They classify the Hilbert-Burch matrix which corresponds to each configuration. The study of multiplicity $c$ singularities on, or infinitely near, a fixed rational plane curve $\mathcal{C}$ of degree $2c$ is equivalent to the study of the scheme of generalized zeros of the fixed balanced Hilbert-Burch matrix $\varphi$ for a parameterization of $\mathcal{C}$.
"November 2012, volume 220, number (end of volume)."
The authors investigate a continuous time, probability measure-valued dynamical system that describes the process of mutation-selection balance in a context where the population is infinite, there may be infinitely many loci, and there are weak assumptions on selective costs. Their model arises when they incorporate very general recombination mechanisms into an earlier model of mutation and selection presented by Steinsaltz, Evans and Wachter in 2005 and take the relative strength of mutation and selection to be sufficiently small. The resulting dynamical system is a flow of measures on the space of loci. Each such measure is the intensity measure of a Poisson random measure on the space of loci: the points of a realization of the random measure record the set of loci at which the genotype of a uniformly chosen individual differs from a reference wild type due to an accumulation of ancestral mutations. The authors' motivation for working in such a general setting is to provide a basis for understanding mutation-driven changes in age-specific demographic schedules that arise from the complex interaction of many genes, and hence to develop a framework for understanding the evolution of aging.
In an earlier paper, Aaron D. Lauda constructed a categorification of the Beilinson-Lusztig-MacPherson form of the quantum sl(2); here he, Khovanov, Marco Mackaay, and Marko Stosic enhance the graphical calculus he introduced to include two-morphisms between divided powers one-morphisms and their compositions. They obtain explicit diagrammatical formulas for the decomposition of products of divided powers one-morphisms as direct sums of indecomposable one-morphisms, which are in a bijection with the Lusztig canonical basis elements. Their results show that one of Lauda's main results holds when the 2-category is defined over the ring of integers rather than over a field. The study is not indexed. Annotation ©2012 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
Relying on the known two-term quasiclassical asymptotic formula for the trace of the function $f(A)$ of a Wiener-Hopf type operator $A$ in dimension one, in 1982 H. Widom conjectured a multi-dimensional generalization of that formula for a pseudo-differential operator $A$ with a symbol $a(\mathbf{x}, \boldsymbol{\xi})$ having jump discontinuities in both variables. In 1990 he proved the conjecture for the special case when the jump in any of the two variables occurs on a hyperplane. The present paper provides a proof of Widom's Conjecture under the assumption that the symbol has jumps in both variables on arbitrary smooth bounded surfaces.
Suppose $G$ is a real reductive algebraic group, $\theta$ is an automorphism of $G$, and $\omega$ is a quasicharacter of the group of real points $G(\mathbf{R})$. Under some additional assumptions, the theory of twisted endoscopy associates to this triple real reductive groups $H$. The Local Langlands Correspondence partitions the admissible representations of $H(\mathbf{R})$ and $G(\mathbf{R})$ into $L$-packets. The author proves twisted character identities between $L$-packets of $H(\mathbf{R})$ and $G(\mathbf{R})$ comprised of essential discrete series or limits of discrete series.