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Since its inception, Islam and its civilization have been in continuous relationships with other religions, cultures, and civilizations, including not only different forms of Christianity and Judaism inside and outside the Middle East, Zoroastrianism and Manicheism, Hinduism and even Buddhism, but also tribal religions in West and East Africa, in South Russia and in Central Asia, including Tibet. The essays collected here examine the many texts that have come down to us about these cultures and their religions, from Muslim theologians and jurists, travelers and historians, and men of letters and of culture.
The Encyclopaedia of the Qur'ān online contains the complete articles of the printed volumes 1 to 5, the indices will be added as they become available.
Ethnische und religiöse Vielfalt ist in Deutschland inzwischen Realität - ist sie aber auch gelebte und anerkannte Normalität? Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund, Bindestrichdeutsche, Neudeutsche - es gibt viele Bezeichnungen für Menschen, die sowohl deutsch als auch türkisch, vietnamesisch oder italienisch fühlen, leben und so geprägt sind. Kurzum: Sie haben mehrere nationale und kulturelle Wurzeln, verorten sich in diesen vielfältigen Zusammenhängen. Die Begriffe offenbaren aber jeweils eine emotionale Kluft, die es schwer macht, als das verstanden zu werden, was letztlich alle sind: Bürgerinnen und Bürger Deutschlands, die eine moderne deutsche Einwanderungsgesellschaft repräsentieren. Die Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Buches sind im "Forum der Brückenbauer" aktiv, einem Netzwerk, das aus einem Leadership-Programm der Bertelsmann Stiftung für gesellschaftspolitisch engagierte Nachwuchsführungskräfte hervorgegangen ist. Sie alle verkörpern gelebte Vielfalt in der deutschen Gesellschaft - die weder uniform noch homogen ist. Sie sind das lebendige Beispiel für ein neues Sowohl-als-auch. In ihren Artikeln machen sie deutlich, dass die gesellschaftliche Veränderung in Deutschland keine Anti-These zum bisherigen darstellt, sondern eine Synthese von deutsch und zugleich vielfältig ist. Dieser Band beleuchtet die verschiedenen Lebensrealitäten in Deutschland und einiger seiner Protagonisten. Er zeigt, dass es mittlerweile eine "neue" Normalität gibt, die auch als solche verstanden werden sollte. Das Buch ist eine Einladung an alle, sich auf die Spurensuche nach den Brückenbauern von heute und morgen zu begeben.
Although recent scholarship has increasingly situated the Qur'ān in the historical context of Late Antiquity, such a perspective is only rarely accompanied by the kind of microstructural literary analysis routinely applied to the Bible. The present volume seeks to redress this lack of contact between literary and historical studies. Contributions to the first part of the volume address various general aspects of the Qur’an’s political, economic, linguistic, and cultural context, while the second part contains a number of close readings of specific Qur’ānic passages in the light of Judeo-Christian tradition and ancient Arabic poetry, as well as discussions of the Qur’ān’s internal chronology and transmission history. Throughout, special emphasis is given to methodological questions.
In face of unprecedented awareness of religious diversity, as well as the dangers of conflict, interreligious dialogue has become vital. Yet, these authors maintain, it is the commitment to think together about religious faith and our inherited traditions that genuinely moves mutual understanding to new levels. Here is such a religious experiment, an interreligious theological quest, framed in the interests of peacemaking. Fadi Daou and Nayla Tabbara, a Maronite priest and a Muslim Sunni, respectively, share one objective: to show what the Christian and Muslim faiths teach with regard to religious "otherness" and to indicate the relationship which may link the believer of another religion to God. It is this honest attempt to find divine hospitality that opens each religion to spiritual solidarity and to the reality, presence, and gift of the other. *** "This is truly an exceptional book. Fadi Daou and Nayla Tabbara have shown that the teaching of theology is not enough, and that . . . it is necessary to promote spiritual communion between believers from different religions and to translate theological questions into terms of daily life." --Jean-Marc Aveline, Institut Catholique de la Mediterranee[Subject: Religious Studies, Muslim Studies, Christian Studies]
The series publishes important new editions of and commentaries on texts from Greco-Roman antiquity, especially annotated editions of texts surviving only in fragments. Due to its programmatically wide range the series provides an essential basis for the study of ancient literature.
This book presents a new way of thinking about the history of science and technology, one that offers a grand narrative of human history in which knowledge serves as a critical factor of cultural evolution. Jürgen Renn examines the role of knowledge in global transformations going back to the dawn of civilization while providing vital perspectives on the complex challenges confronting us today in the Anthropocene, the present geological epoch shaped by humankind. Covering topics ranging from evolution of writing to the profound transformations wrought by modern science, The Evolution of Knowledge offers an entirely new framework for understanding structural changes in systems of knowledge and a bold, innovative approach to the history and philosophy of science.