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Had wanted to write earlier but was afraid a letter might not reach him. Informs Knox that his brother William left for France on the 20th. Before he left, Knox's brother William left Peirce various papers and empower'd me to transact his affairs in his absence, at the same time wished me to inform you thereof. Promises to forward letters he has since received from William. Discusses the surrender of Cornwallis: The taking of Lord Cornwallis' Army is an event of prodigious magnitude, such as may produce a peace at a much earlier period than the most sanguine could expect. Discusses the siege at York and the humiliation of the British. Mentions General John Burgoyne and General Benjamin Lincoln. Includes a long list of items William Knox left in his care and discusses William's business ventures in Europe.
Discusses consolidating business securities, which do not appear to be doing well. Rejoices in the glorious conclusion of the war.
Signed by Joseph Peirce & Son. Writes to advise Knox on business matters.
Updates Knox on various business matters and land deeds. Says they are still waiting for a vessel to arrive and fears it may have been overtaken by the last storm and that Mr. Robinson may have been on the vessel. Asks Knox to bring him his receipts when Knox visits next.
Writes that his last letter was shipped on board a schooner, upon which he also shipped a variety of merchandise. Regrets that he hasn't had a line from Knox in some time. Includes information related to the business and real estate world, such as the news that Mr. [James] Bowdoin declined receiving the dividend due to his Fathers Estate (may be speaking about Governor Bowdoin's son, as the Governor died in 1790). Provides information on Knox's Waldo patent lands in Maine, and the legal struggles relating thereto.
Mentions that a cow was purchased for Knox by General [Benjamin] Lincoln and is being sent to Knox with this letter. Discusses problems with rental payments. Relates that a young man who is a tanner by trade will be coming by to see Knox. Touches on other business matters.
Writes Knox about his son receiving an appointment in the 2d Regiment of the Federal Troops. Informs him that his son cannot accept the appointment due to his present commitment, but they are both grateful for the opportunity. Mentions issues with Mr. Thomas Flucker's estate, as well as issues involving other debtors.
Consists of Knox's working drafts of two retained letters, one to Joshua Loring and one to Joseph Peirce. In the letter to Loring, Knox asks that he forward him any money that he owes him as well as the proceeds for any sales of items belong to his brother, William Knox. Declares that he must pay 500 dollars over the next two months, and asks that the payments be made in Morris Notes, if possible (perhaps a reference to financier Robert Morris). In the letter to Peirce, he also discusses the collection of money from Mr. Morris and others, and mentions General Benjamin Lincoln.