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The past decade has been a period of excessive fiuctuation fluctuation in the distribution and exerciseof exercise of power power in in Jordan, Jordan, and and the the land land and and the the people people have have passed passed through through some some of the most agonizing moments of their history. The political climate has been polluted with suspicion and repression, and even when peace and tranquility retumed, returned, the determinants ,¥ere ,,,,ere the the external extemal factors, factors, rather rather than than the the internal intemal maturity maturity and and harmony harmony of the system to create conditions of life which could ensure respect respeet for law lawand and liberties liberties among among the the rulers, rulers, and and trust trust and and confidence confidence among among the the subjects. subjects. The The defeat defeat of Arab armies in June, 1967 stimulated the rise of a Palestinian resistance movement based in Trans-Jordan, commonly known as the East Bank. This element has given a new dimension to Jordanian politics. The government and Commandos are at cross-purposes on practically every issue of public policy. The civil war and the blood-shed it it entailed entailed have have further further critically critically strained strained relations relations between between the the two. two. This This has has perpetuated perpetuated an an atmosphere atmosphere of chronic tension and insecurity in the country.
This volume offers an overview of the history, politics and economics of this fascinating country it's main focus being on King Hussein's reign, his quest to modernise, his internal struggle with the Palestinians and his pursuit of peace in the area.
Publisher Description
First published in 1983 Jordan: Crossroads of Middle Eastern Events examines Jordan’s unique role in the Middle East- Arab- Israeli conflict focusing also on its attempt and partial success, at developing its economy and society in the face of a dearth of natural resources and a large influx of refugees. Woven throughout the narrative is the role of King Hussain, a singular Arab ruler, master player on both the Middle Eastern and world stages even though his country lacks significant assets or power in either those arenas. Peter Gubser describes Jordan’s people, culture, history, and social structure, then looks at how the country, buffeted in the tumultuous Middle East, hampered by limited internal political development, and strained by its rapid transition from a peasant, Bedouin economy to one dominated by refugee problems, has moved forward to a much sounder economy based on diversification- in agriculture, industry, mineral extraction, and services. The author argues that Jordan once almost entirely depended on the West for economic largess as well as for political support, now has major Arab sources of assistance and is reorienting its foreign policy accordingly. This is a must read for scholars and researchers of Middle East studies, Middle East history and Middle East politics.
King Abdullah played an active role in the partition of Palestine and, as a result, has always been viewed as one of the most controversial figures in modern Middle East history. This book is the first in-depth study of the historical and personal circumstances that made him so. Born in Mecca in 1882 of a family that traced its lineage to the Prophet Muhammad, Abdullah belonged to the Ottoman ruling elite. He grew up in Istanbul and returned to Mecca when his father was appointed Sharif in 1908. During the First World War he earned nationalist credentials as a leader of the Arab revolt against the Ottoman Empire. Owing to his alliance with Britain in the revolt, he emerged afterwards as a contender for power in a Middle East now dominated by Britain. Despite grandiose ambitions, Abdullah ended up as Britain's client in the mandated territory of Transjordan. His dependence on Britain was exacerbated by his situation in Transjordan, an artificial creation with no significant cities, no natural resources, and little meaning beyond its importance to British strategy. Within the constraints of British interests, it was left to Abdullah to make something of his position, and he spent the remainder of his life looking beyond Transjordan's borders for a role, a clientele, or a stable balance of interests which would allow him a future independent of British fortunes. He found all three after 1948 when, in conjunction with the creation of Israel, he came to rule the portion of Palestine known as the West Bank.
This Brief examines the objectives of cultural policy in Jordan, the institutional framework within which it operates, and its outcomes. It considers the principles and methods of cultural policy, evaluates cultural attitudes and values, and places Jordan’s institutional, administrative, and legislative structures within their social, economic, and historical perspectives. The book uses theories of culture, political culture, modernization, and development theory in discussing problems of cultural policy and their assumed outcomes, particularly those of an institutional, administrative and financial nature. The Brief examines the evolution of cultural development in Jordan from the beginning of modern Jordan in 1921 to the political and economic reforms passed in 1992, and analyzes government policy towards cultural institutions, particularly in the education and information sectors. Discussing cultural policymaking from a political perspective, this Brief is appropriate for researchers and students of political science, public policy, comparative politics, Middle East politics, cultural studies, and development as well as policy makers and development agencies.