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The past decade has been a period of excessive fiuctuation fluctuation in the distribution and exerciseof exercise of power power in in Jordan, Jordan, and and the the land land and and the the people people have have passed passed through through some some of the most agonizing moments of their history. The political climate has been polluted with suspicion and repression, and even when peace and tranquility retumed, returned, the determinants ,¥ere ,,,,ere the the external extemal factors, factors, rather rather than than the the internal intemal maturity maturity and and harmony harmony of the system to create conditions of life which could ensure respect respeet for law lawand and liberties liberties among among the the rulers, rulers, and and trust trust and and confidence confidence among among the the subjects. subjects. The The defeat defeat of Arab armies in June, 1967 stimulated the rise of a Palestinian resistance movement based in Trans-Jordan, commonly known as the East Bank. This element has given a new dimension to Jordanian politics. The government and Commandos are at cross-purposes on practically every issue of public policy. The civil war and the blood-shed it it entailed entailed have have further further critically critically strained strained relations relations between between the the two. two. This This has has perpetuated perpetuated an an atmosphere atmosphere of chronic tension and insecurity in the country.
This volume moves beyond traditional studies of Jordan's politics to explore the interplay between politics and economy. Examining the phenomenon of market reform in the developing world, Timothy J. Piro assesses the state's contradictory impulses toward privatization and continued state intervention in the economy. Drawing on a wealth of primary materials, the author illuminates the kingdom's unique politics and argues that market reform is dependent on domestic rather than international political structures.
Jordan occupies centre stage in both Middle Eastern and Arabic politics, yet the kingdom itself is comparatively under-researched. This volume contains contributions from some of Jordan's most respected academics in the field of geography, economics and political science. A number of international specialists in Jordan have also made valuable contributions. The work covers important aspects of the Jordanian economic and political scene which have not yet been written about in English. Aspects of Jordan's consumer society are examined, including the question of foreign aid support, the role of the private sector, and the demand for consumer durables. The economic vulnerability which an open consumer society faces is illustrated in the chapter on the balance of payments and inflation. Despite economic and political problems, it is argued that Jordan has exhibited a certain economic resilience and that a national identity has been successfully fostered.
The aim of this work is to contribute to the common public awareness concerning the Jordanian political system, motivated by the belief in the value of spreading awareness regarding the political history of the Jordanian state and the defined concepts that constitute its political system, starting with the constitutional and legal concepts that the Jordanian public authorities are built upon and the mechanisms on which they function, in addition to the nature of their roles and functions. This book also aims to inform the citizen of the basic rights and public freedoms granted and guaranteed by Jordanian constitution. This book is an attempt to shed some light on the political development of the kingdom since the early days of establishment, focused on the four Hashemite eras and what has been accomplished during those eras in terms of political stability, economic progress, social progress, and political progress, as well as to highlighting how the Hashemite dynasty has employed their religions, historical and political legitimacies, alongside the public support and popular cohesion they enjoy, added to their array of achievements in sustaining Jordan’s political system despite its location in the eye of the storm and the center of events. The Jordanian leadership enjoys this from its people. This book focuses on democratic development and political pluralism by looking at the evolution of parliamentary life and elections, which highlights the level of political participation, in addition to the development of political parties and the accompanying legislative development since the restoration of democratic life in 1989, and it sheds light on the foundations and pillars of Jordanian foreign policy and Jordan’s position on key issues in the region.