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HKUST Call Number: Thesis ECED 2009 LuoL.
Fifthly, we analyze the thresholds-based rate adaptation algorithms in IEEE 802.11 WLANs from a reverse engineering perspective and propose a threshold optimization algorithm to enhance the performance of IEEE 802.11 WLANs. Finally, we investigate the stochastic traffic engineering problem in multi-hop cognitive radio networks and derive a distributed algorithm based on the stochastic primal-dual approach for convex scenarios as well as a general solution based on the learning automata techniques for non-convex scenarios.
Information flow in a telecommunication network is accomplished through the interaction of mechanisms at various design layers with the end goal of supporting the information exchange needs of the applications. In wireless networks in particular, the different layers interact in a nontrivial manner in order to support information transfer. In this text we will present abstract models that capture the cross-layer interaction from the physical to transport layer in wireless network architectures including cellular, ad-hoc and sensor networks as well as hybrid wireless-wireline. The model allows for arbitrary network topologies as well as traffic forwarding modes, including datagrams and virtual circuits. Furthermore the time varying nature of a wireless network, due either to fading channels or to changing connectivity due to mobility, is adequately captured in our model to allow for state dependent network control policies. Quantitative performance measures that capture the quality of service requirements in these systems depending on the supported applications are discussed, including throughput maximization, energy consumption minimization, rate utility function maximization as well as general performance functionals. Cross-layer control algorithms with optimal or suboptimal performance with respect to the above measures are presented and analyzed. A detailed exposition of the related analysis and design techniques is provided.
MANAGEMENT OF DATA CENTER NETWORKS Discover state-of-the-art developments in DCNs from leading international voices in the field In Management of Data Center Networks, accomplished researcher and editor Dr. Nadjib Aitsaadi delivers a rigorous and insightful exploration of the network management challenges that present within intra- and inter-data center networks, including reliability, routing, and security. The book also discusses new architectures found in data center networks that aim to minimize the complexity of network management while maximizing Quality of Service, like Wireless/Wired DCNs, server-only DCNs, and more. As DCNs become increasingly popular with the spread of cloud computing and multimedia social networks employing new transmission technologies like 5G wireless and wireless fiber, the editor provides readers with chapters written by world-leading authors on topics like routing, the reliability of inter-data center networks, energy management, and security. The book also offers: A thorough overview of the architectures of data center networks, including the classification of switch-centric, server-centric, enhanced, optical, and wireless DCN architectures An exploration of resource management in wired and wireless data center networks, including routing and wireless channel allocation and assignment challenges and criteria Practical discussions of inter-data center networks, including an overview of basic virtual network embedding Examinations of energy and security management in data center networks Perfect for academic and industrial researchers studying the optimization of data center networks, Management of Data Center Networks is also an indispensable guide for anyone seeking a one-stop resource on the architectures, protocols, security, and tools required to effectively manage data centers.
The high proliferation of smart devices and online services allows billions of users to connect with network while deploying a vast range of applications. Particularly, with the advent of the future 5G technology, it is expected that a tremendous mobile and data traffic will be crossing Internet network. In this regard, Cloud service providers are urged to rethink their data center architectures in order to cope with this unprecedented traffic explosion. Unfortunately, the conventional wired infrastructures struggle to resist to such a traffic growth and become prone to serious congestion problems. Therefore, new innovative techniques are required. In this thesis, we investigate a recent promising approach that augments the wired Data Center Network (DCN) with wireless communications. Indeed, motivated by the feasibility of the new emerging 60 GHz technology, offering an impressive data rate (≈ 7 Gbps), we envision, a Hybrid (wireless/wired) DCN (HDCN) architecture. Our HDCN is based on i) Cisco's Massively Scalable Data Center (MSDC) model and ii) IEEE 802.11ad standard. Servers in the HDCN are regrouped into racks, where each rack is equipped with a: i) Ethernet top-of-rack (ToR) switch and ii) set of wireless antennas. Our research aims to optimize the routing and the allocation of wireless resources for inter-rack communications in HDCN while enhancing network performance and minimizing congestion. The problem of routing and resource allocation in HDCN is NP-hard. To deal with this difficulty, we will tackle the problem into three stages. In the first stage, we consider only one-hop inter-rack communications in HDCN, where all communicating racks are in the same transmission range. We will propound a new wireless channel allocation approach in HDCN to hardness both wireless and wired interfaces for incoming flows while enhancing network throughput. In the second stage, we deal with the multi-hop communications in HDCN where communicating racks can not communicate in one single-hop wireless path. We propose a new approach to jointly route and allocate channels for each single communication flow, in an online way. Finally, in the third stage, we address the batched arrival of inter-rack communications to the HDCN so as to further optimize the usage of wireless and wired resources. For that end, we propose: i) a heuristic-based and ii) an approximate, solutions, to solve the joint batch routing and channel assignment. Based on extensive simulations conducted in QualNet simulator while considering the full protocol stack, the obtained results for both real workload and uniform traces, show that our proposals outperform the prominent related strategies.
Abstract: As wireless networks continue streaking through more aspects of our lives, it is seriously constrained by limited network resources, in terms of time, frequency and power. In order to enhance performance for wireless networks, it is of great importance to allocate resources smartly based on the current network scenarios. The focus of this dissertation is to investigate radio resource management algorithms to optimize performance for different types of wireless networks. Firstly, we investigate a joint optimization problem on relay node placement and route assignment for wireless sensor networks. A heuristic binary integer programming algorithm is proposed to maximize the total number of information packets received at the base station during the network lifetime. We then present an optimization algorithm based on binary integer programming for relay node assignment with the current node locations. Subsequently, a heuristic algorithm is applied to move the relay nodes to the locations iteratively to better serve their associated edge nodes. Secondly, as traditional goal of maximizing the total throughput can result in unbalanced use of network resources, we study a joint problem of power control and channel assignment within a wireless mesh network such that the minimal capacity of all links is maximized. This is essentially a fairness problem. We develop an upper bound for the objective by relaxing the integer variables and linearization. Subsequently, we put forward a heuristic approach to approximate the optimal solution, which tries to increase the minimal capacity of all links via setting tighter constraint and solving a binary integer programming problem. Simulation results show that solutions obtained by this algorithm are very close to the upper bounds obtained via relaxation, thus suggesting that the solution produced by the algorithm is near-optimal. Thirdly, we study the topology control of disaster area wireless networks to facilitate mobile nodes communications by deploying a minimum number of relay nodes dynamically. We first put forward a novel mobility model for mobile nodes that describes the movement of first responders within a large disaster area. Secondly, we formulate the square disk cover problem and propose three algorithms to solve it, including the two-vertex square covering algorithm, the circle covering algorithm and the binary integer programming algorithm. Fourthly, we explore the joint problem of power control and channel assignment to maximize cognitive radio network throughput. It is assumed that an overlaid cognitive radio network (CRN) co-exists with a primary network. We model the opportunistic spectrum access for cognitive radio network and formulate the cross-layer optimization problem under the interference constraints imposed by the existing primary network. A distributed greedy algorithm is proposed to seek for larger network throughput. Cross-layer optimization for CRN is often implemented in centralized manner to avoid co-channel interference. The distributed algorithm coordinates the channel assignment with local channel usage information. Thus the computation complexity is greatly reduced. Finally, we study the network throughput optimization problem for a multi-hop wireless network by considering interference alignment at physical layer. We first transform the problem of dividing a set of links into multiple maximal concurrent link sets to the problem of finding the maximal cliques of a graph. Then each concurrent link set is further divided into one or several interference channel networks, on which interference alignment is implemented to guarantee simultaneous transmission. The network throughput optimization problem is then formulated as a non-convex nonlinear programming problem, which is NP-hard generally. Thus we resort to developing a branch-and-bound framework, which guarantees an achievable performance bound.
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the underlying theory, design techniques and analytical results of wireless communication networks, focusing on the core principles of wireless network design. It elaborates the network utility maximization (NUM) theory with applications in resource allocation of wireless networks, with a central aim of design and the QoS guarantee. It presents and discusses state-of-the-art developments in resource allocation and performance optimization in wireless communication networks. It provides an overview of the general background including the basic wireless communication networks and the relevant protocols, architectures, methods and algorithms.