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This beautifully-produced, illustrated book is a very readable account of John Wycliffe, "The Morning Star of the Reformation," and his contribution to English Protestantism.
The fourteenth century was a dark time for the church in England. Superstition and error obscured the truth of the gospel, and even the clergy had little knowledge of the Bible. Against this bleak backdrop, God raised up a scholar and preacher who would stand with conviction on His Word, even if it meant standing alone. Trusting Scripture as his highest authority, John Wycliffe believed the Bible was what England needed most. Only through the Word of God would the Holy Spirit reform hearts and, in turn, reform the church. But for this to happen, Wycliffe knew that everyday people needed to have the Bible in their own language. In The Bible Convictions of John Wycliffe, Dr. Steven Lawson tells how Wycliffe's devotion to the gospel made him the forerunner of the Reformation who translated the Bible into English for the first time. We're indebted to him for our English Bibles today, and his story can encourage us to establish our convictions on God's Word. This book is part of the Long Line of Godly Men Profile series, edited by Dr. Steven Lawson.
John Wyclif is known for translating the Vulgate Bible into English, and for arguing for the royal divestment of the church, the reduction of papal power and the elimination of the friars and against the doctrine of transubstantiation. His thought catalyzed the Lollard movement in England and provided an ideology for the Hussite revolution in Bohemia. Wyclif's Trialogus discusses divine power and knowledge, creation, virtues and vices, the Incarnation, redemption and the sacraments. It consists of a three-way conversation, which Wyclif wrote to familiarize priests and layfolk with the complex issues underlying Christian doctrine, and begins with formal philosophical theology, which moves into moral theology, concluding with a searing critique of the fourteenth-century ecclesiastical status quo. Stephen Lahey provides a complete English translation of all four books, and the 'Supplement to the Trialogue', which will be a valuable resource for scholars and students currently relying on selective translated extracts.
John Wycliffe, the Morning Star of the Reformation, gave us the first English translation of the Bible. A noted scholar and teacher at Oxford, his reliance on the Bible as the sole source of truth stood in stark contrast to the teachings of the Catholic church. His followers went out, teaching and preaching to the common man throughout England. Bowing himself to the authority of the Bible, his great aim was to bring men to the Word. He saw it as the one great authority, the Law that exceeded all other laws. His life’s work continued through men like John Hus and laid the groundwork for Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox and the other great men of the Reformation.