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Writes, Agreable to your request, I call'd on Mr. Billings to see what progress he had made in his work - I find that, he has prepared one of the Cannon, and has traced the device - as the border is to be Engraved, it requires much time to prepare the Cannon properly for the reception of the design. - He means to give such part of the gun, as will be exposed to view, when mounted, a very fine polish, which will add greatly to its appearance. He cannot yet determine when he will be able to compleat the work; But promises to undertake nothing else, till they are done. I flatter myself that the manner in which the design will be executed, will meet your approbation. Sends his compliments to Mrs. Knox. See GLC02437.02759 for a document that may be related. The work in question may have been engraving of cannon to be presented to the Count de Grasse.
Writes that he has, pursuant to Knox's instructions, sent Captain [William] Stevens to Secretary at War [Benjamin] Lincoln with a section of a howitzer shell and a request that Lincoln order Mr. [John Jacob] Faesch to produce the number of shells Knox requested. Lamb also asked General Lincoln to give Captain Stevens an order to the Financier for enough money to defray his expences, but Lincoln said he did not need to go to the Financier until the shells were cast. Also relates that Captain Patten mentioned a machine in Springfield for cutting Elevating-Screws and asks Knox to order some for the French howitzers and have them sent from there to Fishkill. Asks Knox to send his regards to Mrs. Knox and to Samuel Shaw. A note appears under the address that reads Favor'd, per Capt. Lt. Thompson, presumably denoting that Thompson delivered the letter. On public service written on address leaf.
Writes Colonel John Lamb with instructions regarding the amount of artillery equipment, such as tumbrils, wagons, horses, and camp equipage, necessary for a possible offensive strike in the New York area. Also discusses the movement of supplies from Philadelphia to Burlington by Lieutenant [possibly William] Price. Relates the assignments of Captain [William] Stevens, Mr. [John Jacob] Faesch, Captain [Thomas] Patten, Quartermaster Captain [John] Miles, and General and Secretary at War [Benjamin] Lincoln.
Comments that he only received Knox's most recent two letters the night before, which accounts for his late reply. Writes, I have (previous to your directions) made appreciation to the Qr. Mr. Genl. [Quartermaster General] for the necessary number of Horses, and wagons, to move us on the shorter notice. In consequence of your Letter, of the 14th ultimo, I have ordered Mr. Frothingham, to move with the Conductors, as soon as possible. Sends compliments to Mrs. Knox and Samuel Shaw.
Writes, The General [perhaps General George Washington] is still unable to decide when your regiment shall march. You will continue to work on the Tumbrills. As soon as the General shall give me his directions I will communicate them to you.
Writes that he has noted Knox's previous letter, which indicates that artificers are working hard on wagons and tumbrils. However, At the same time, I am sorry to inform you, that, they will fall far short of your expectations, in this particular owing to the great portion of time which has been taken up, in making the necessary repairs of the carriages, of those Pieces, that were brought from Philadelphia, to this place, many of which were in a wretched state. Writes that he is chagrined to find that a Lieutenant Fisk has resigned to avoid a Court Martial. Adds that the bearer of the letter, Lieutenant Allen, wants to resign and Lamb has permitted it, because there is no arguing with, or reasoning down a man's feelings, when want stares him in the face. Lastly, is happy that Holland has recognized America's independence, and that Captain Barney from the Havanna has arrived with a large sum of money for the public. Sends his compliments to Mrs. Knox and Samuel Shaw, and adds that the men in the Corps present their compliments to Knox. On public service written on address leaf.
Puts Colonel Lamb in charge of ordnance being transported to Head of Elk, Maryland and instructs him on how to proceed. Includes instructions on where to store the ordnance, what to obtain from the quartermaster at Head of Elk, and what to demand of the Board of War & Ordnance. Explains that the company of artificers under Captain Thomas Patten are to be left in Philadelphia and set to work immediately. As much artillery as possible should be removed to the Hudson River and placed under the command of General Benjamin Lincoln. The ordnance being transported had been used for the siege of Yorktown. Written at a park of artillery. In the hand of Samuel Shaw and signed for Knox by Shaw.