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Within the pages of "Jnana-Yoga," the profound collection of ideas penned by Swami Vivekananda, lies a transformative journey into the realm of self-realization and transcendental wisdom. Drawing from ancient Indian philosophy and his own profound experiences, Vivekananda unveils the path of Jnana-Yoga, the pursuit of knowledge and the realization of one's true nature. In this timeless treatise, Vivekananda dismantles the barriers of ignorance that shroud our understanding, inviting readers to embark on an inner quest for self-discovery. Through his teachings, Vivekananda illuminates the profound truths that lie at the core of human existence. He explores the intricate tapestry of the mind and its role in perceiving the world, emphasizing the power of introspection and self-analysis as tools for unraveling the mysteries of the self. Jnana-Yoga is an invitation to embark on an inward pilgrimage, to delve into the depths of our being and discover the timeless truths that lead to liberation. It is a guiding light that empowers seekers to awaken their inner divinity and merge with the eternal source of knowledge.
The four types of yoga are covered in length in the current book, along with its philosophy, psychology, and practise techniques. It provides a comparison of the four yogas, outlining their similarities and distinctions. By destroying the ego, karma yoga, also known as the yoga of selfless action, aims to address the issue of ignorance. We are tethered to this world by attachment because of the ego, which was born out of ignorance. The practise of bhakti yoga involves inward purification. Bhakti-central yoga's thesis is that love is the most fundamental human emotion. Love is cosmocentric and divinely inspired in its most pure form. Raja-yoga ignites the flame of awareness of the self within in order to reach the Divine.
Jnana is Sanskrit for "knowledge or wisdom" and Jnana Yoga is the path of attaining knowledge of the true nature of reality through the practice of meditation, self-inquiry, and contemplation. Jnana Yoga can be defined as the "awareness of absolute consciousness," and is a comprehensive practice of self-study (Svadhyaya).In Jnana yoga, the mind is used to inquire into its own nature and to transcend the mind's identification with its thoughts and ego. The fundamental goal of Jnana yoga is to become liberated from the illusionary world of maya (self-limiting thoughts and perceptions) and to achieve the union of the inner Self (Atman) with the oneness of all life (Brahman). This is achieved by steadfastly practicing the mental techniques of self-questioning, reflection and conscious illumination that are defined in the Four Pillars of Knowledge. Jnana Yoga utilizes a one-pointed meditation on a single question of self-inquiry to remove the veils of illusion created by your concepts, world views, and perceptions. This practice allows you to realize the temporary and illusionary nature of maya and to see the oneness of all things.
Indian philosophy reflects some of the earliest thought-traditions in human history. The Indian thinkers of old aimed their pragmatic philosophies at not just the satisfaction of intellectual curiosity or pursuit of theoretical truths but actually the assimilation of intellectually discerned and established truths into one's own personality for a life of freedom and enlightenment. This is true of modern Indian philosophers, like Sri Aurobindo and Dr. Radhakrishnan, as well. Fundamentals of Indian Philosophy reflects the vastness and richness of this philosophic tradition in a comprehensive yet compact presentation that lays bare the essentials of Indian philosophy. Professor Puligandla takes special care to emphasize the methods, temper and goals of Indian philosophy even while delving into the specificities. All the major schools of the philosophic tradition are objectively and thoroughly analyzed.
Jnana Yoga shows the seeker that everything in the body, personality, thoughts, memories, and experiences has form and is changeable and, thus, is neither essential nor eternal. Its contemplative practice identifies the witnessing consciousness within--all that remains when the ephemeral is eliminated--as the real Self, the one and only unchanging eternal Being.
From ancient times, people of India have practiced spiritual disciplines designed to clear the mind and support a state of serene, detached awareness. The practices for developing this desired state of balance, purity, wisdom, and peacefulness of mind are known collectively as "yoga." "Yoga" means "yoke" or "union" - referring to union with the true Self, the goal described in the Upanishads. The sages distinguished four basic types of people and developed practices that are particularly suitable for each type, in order that each man can attain the desired union with the Self. For rational people, there is the path of Knowledge. For meditative people, there is the path of Self-Knowledge. For naturally active people, there is the path of Selfless Action. For emotional people, there is the Path of Devotion. Editor's Note: In order to be more enjoyable during reading, this book is in 6" x 9" format. In the same spirit, the paper is cream-colored, which causes less fatigue to the eyes than white paper. All our publications are carefully handled both in terms of typography and design.
For centuries, readers have turned to the Bhagavad Gita for inspiration and guidance as they chart their own spiritual paths. As profound and powerful as this classic text has been for generations of seekers, integrating its lessons into the ordinary patterns of our lives can ultimately seem beyond our reach. Now, in a fascinating series of reflections, anecdotes, stories, and exercises, Ram Dass gives us a unique and accessible road map for experiencing divinity in everyday life. In the engaging, conversational style that has made his teachings so popular for decades, Ram Dass traces our journey of consciousness as it is reflected in one of Hinduism’s most sacred texts. The Gita teaches a system of yogas, or “paths for coming to union with God.” In Paths to God, Ram Dass brings the heart of that system to light for a Western audience and translates the Gita’s principles into the manual for living the yoga of contemporary life. While being a guide to the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita, Paths to God is also a template for expanding our definition of ourselves and allowing us to appreciate a new level of meaning in our lives.
John Scott's Ashtanga Yoga is a step-by-step illustrated guide that takes you through the balanced exercise routines and breathing techniques of this dynamic form. Carefully structured, this course starts with a simple sequence for beginners which, once mastered, provides the foundation for moving on to the next level. - Purify your body with dynamic movement and precise postures - Develop physical and mental strength, increased stamina and greater flexibility - Includes a foreword by Shri K Pattabhi Jois, founder of Ashtanga Yoga - This new edition has been fully revised and updated This essential guide is the perfect introduction to yoga or the ideal gift for those who want to take their yoga practice to the next level. Author John Scott studied with yogi Shri K Pattabhi Jois at the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute in India, where he qualified to teach Ashtanga Yoga around the world. He has instructed many people in Ashtanga Yoga, including high-profile celebrities Madonna and Sting. John now spends much of his time teaching international workshops and undertaking teacher trainings.
For the spiritual aspirant, samkhya is the metaphysics of self-realization and yoga is the sadhana or means to achieve it.