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Ranger Jim Hatfield waited until the right moment--then he jumped, coming face to face with the brutal Farand, whip in hand ... "Farand," Hatfield rapped flatly, "in the name of the State of Texas, I'm arresting you." A savage expression crossed Farand's face. Suddenly, Hatfield heard something behind him and Farand took full advantage of the moment. Swiftly the whip lashed out and hot pain lashed the Ranger's cheek ...
When a vicious schemer enslaves the wheat growers of the Panhandle Country in order to further his dream of empire, the Lone Wolf Lawman roars into swift action with avenging guns! Follow Texas Ranger Jim Hatfield as he pits himself against an evil owlhoot pack!
The Huachuca Trail had seen the lives of many men snuffed out in the thunder of six-guns or the vicious crack of a rifle. But this death was different. It brought Jim Hatfield -- the Lone Wolf of the Texas Rangers -- to the Tamarra Hills. Hatfield found strange and evil influences at work in the valley -- men spurred on to their dark deeds by the lust for the silver that poured out of the Tamarra Hills. It was stolen silver, bad blood between the cattlemen, and a struggle for political power that turned the Tamarra Valley to the brink of chaos. It was Jim Hatfield's job to uncover the varmints who were hell-bent on making the valley theirs -- and who didn't mind killing Texas Rangers to assure their dominance.
Ranger Jim Hatfield leaned against the bar of the Road to Ruin saloon-his silver-starred badge concealed in his pocket. He was a stranger in Rubyville and he wanted to keep it that way-at least until he savvy'd which of his rough and burly barmates had been putting bullets through their neighbors, grabbing land and rustling cattle. Then there'd be a mighty lot of gunfire in Rubyville-and Hatfield would be facing it alone.
AMBUSH! Hatfield had been riding a little too long, and he needed sleep and food as badly as he ever had. When he saw the line camp of the Rafter B in the distance, he relaxed and allowed the tiredness to flow through him; he was there. As he rode up to the shack, he saw the Mexican waiting for him. "Como 'sta? You Pancho?" he asked the man assigned to help him. The vaquero nodded, then said, "Put bedroll inside. I take you up-canyon to Marsh." Hatfield dismounted and began to move. It came at him so quickly, he wasn't conscious of Pancho's gun butt driving into his head ... of a second man pointing a six-gun at his heart.
THE LONE STAR LEGION: The Lone Wolf Avenger rides to combat a grim reign of hate and greed in the southwest country of the Great Salt Desert, matching guns and wits with "Silver Jack," Masked Desperado! Smoke wisped from the rifle muzzles, and gushes of flame, yellowish-red in the hot sunshine. Atkins staggered as five bullets struck him in the belly, but he did not fall. "Mas arriba, higher up, you dogs!" he shouted. Illustrated.
The unbelievable had happened. A series of brutal killings of ranchers and sodbusters had rocked the range. And the killings pointed damningly at the peaceful Lipan Indian tribe. As the anger of the ranchers rose and the Indians prepared to defend themselves, Ranger Jim Hatfield rode into the middle of the impending carnage. He had a hunch that the finger of guilt should point in another direction-but was it not too late? Had the bad blood on both sides reached a point of no return? Jackson Cole was a house name for the Thrilling Group. "The Red Marauders" was written by Tom Curry and appeared in the August 1944 issue of Texas Rangers pulp magazine.
When the Lone Wolf Lawman rides to Gillespie County to take up the battle of the defrauded owners of contested rangeland, he finds that he must pit himself against a dangerous crew of vicious land sharks and scheming murderers who are united in a grim conspiracy of death! A Texas Rangers story.
This is a reprinting of the feature story in Texas Rangers Magazine original issue dated October 1940, Vol 11,No. 1. These are action packed adventures that thrilled readers long before television written by several authors under the housename "Jackson Cole" In this issue"Apache Guns" Jim Hatfield handles Indian trouble in Texas..