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Noticing how the world today is sinking into darkness as it did many times before through its history, seeing how the Muslims are working hard against the message that Allah sent, how Christian created their own preaching and faith, how the Jews worked all of their lives against the LORD and the men that the LORD sent. Mohammad Fawzi saw the need to do something, and this book is the first of many he is working on in hope he may be able to correct the mistakes done today from all the beliefs, he will also deal with the darkness of the Atheists. In a world full with darkness and evil done against the LORD, the need for those who have the truth is increasing, not the false truth some claim to have, but the genuine truth that is supported with solid proofs and convincing evidence. It is time for those who can do something to step up.
The book is a logical Bible study and in-depth examination of Race, Sex, Power, Politics and War. The Author addresses the false doctrine and propaganda that has been fronted for centuries, by Christianity and Judaism, as to their supremacy above other religions and races. He also examines the role these two religions have played in promoting these false doctrines, which literally contradict, the written laws of the Bible. The book further looks at Islam where the Author acknowledges the origin and foundation of its original teachings, as is likened by God's Commandments and as written in the Holy Bible and Holy Qur'an. The Author takes a scalpel to dissect race and religion to its core. The Author separates the gentile dogma of Christianity and Judaism and highlights their contradiction to the Laws of God. Lastly, he dwells on separation of races based on their individual religious philosophies, concluding in the introduction of Lucifer as a Chief Architect of Gentile religious doctrine and practices. Lucifer's mission is to maintain the delusion of the white God and its false power to rule over Black and Semite people. Quotes from Author: I am challenging the world's Christian religious believers, communities and the general masses to follow the true laws of God. They should stop falling prey to the False Luciferian Doctrine and the delusion of White God. I affirm to the world that, I am a true servant of God who is challenging all religious ministers to debate evidence and facts, referred to in this book through the lesson chapters, so that they may distinguish the truth from the lie. I challenge them to debate about the alleged religious authorities in reference to the Christian and Jewish faith, in order to determine, if truly, their religious practices is of the God of Heaven and Earth. I challenge all ministers to prove that they follow and believe in the commandments, Laws and Statues of God as written in the scriptures. I further challenge all of them to debate the true ethnology and race of God's chosen people; his first family being the black and Semite (Hebrews), who are identified by their skin pigmentation and coloration; and their true religion to be Abrahamic. This would also prove that True' Israelites are cousins to the Ishmaelite's. In addition, I challenge all ministers of Jewish Authority, to a debate, as to the true ethnology of True' Hebrews of the Land of Palestine and Canaan. It is worth noting that the true Hebrews were removed from the Holy land, and thereafter cursed by God and Scattered unto Gentile nations in all four corners of the earth. And shall remain there, until the second coming of Jesus; as was prophesied in his Revelation war against the Christian, Jewish Armies of Gog (Europe) and Magog (America, Israel), and as foretold in the book of Revelations. I challenge them to deny that it has been 2000 years of Christian Propaganda Crusade by the gentiles and gentile Jews, and Theologians, Philosophers and Historians, to hide the true identity of the true Israelites. Their mission has been to remove parts of, and alter the Holy Scriptures, thereby changing the Laws of God. Their intention is to make everyone follow Luciferian Doctrine. Because of this, God gave Revelation unto Jesus Christ, to bring forth the final Armageddon to all who changed His Laws. This led to his prophecy against the Christians (Nicolaitans) and Jewish doctrine (religion), which He hated, for they are the synagogue (disciples) of Satan.
Holy War The Blood of Abraham: Echoes from Nag Hammadi saying to all three Religions I am not the God you think you know is a book about the 1945 discovery at Nag Hammadi and how in time it will alter the future of Christianity-as well as Judaism and Islam. Through the lens of this discovery it addresses two important questions: · What is the role of the religions of Abraham in present world conflict? · Is only Islam to blame, or also Judaism and Christianity? It exposes the underlying flaws that are built into each of these three religious belief systems and, although it leaves it to the reader to decide, argues that culpability for Islamic terrorism lies not only with the failures of Islam, but also with the failures of Judaism and Christianity. It is a book that calls on its readers; Christians, Jews and Muslims, and all others, to look within themselves in search for answers to the most important questions facing our world today.
Six Million Crucifixions traces the history of antisemitism in Christianity, the role of the Christian churches during the Holocaust, and a legal analysis of what a potential indictment against the Church and clergy who may have been guilty of crimes before and during WWII might have looked like in the post-war years.
Founder of modern-day Lutheranism, Martin Luther (1483-1546) confronted many opponents, most notably, the Jews. Their religion directly denied Jesus as Messiah, and their arrogance, lies, usury, and hatred of humanity meant that they posed a mortal threat to society. Hence, said Luther, the harshest of measures are warranted. A shocking book.
There is an old Jewish adage that pretty much sums up Israel’s experience among the nations for the last 2,000 years. “Scratch a gentile,” the saying goes, “and you’re sure to find an anti-Semite.” That notion is given credence by the fact that the first two millennia of the Jewish-Christian encounter culminated in the systematic slaughter of six-million Jews in the heart of Christendom. But Dr. Paul R. Carlson, author of Christianity After Auschwitz, is cautiously optimistic that the dawn of this new millennium may lead to Jewish-Christian amity as the Church faces up to its past sins and seeks to work with the Synagogue against those demonic forces which threaten civilization itself. However, as Carlson illustrates, the genocidal germ that gave birth to Hitler’s criminal regime still flourishes among countless Christians, many of whom would passionately deny they harbor any anti-Semitic notions or sentiments. While the book is addressed primarily to Carlson’s fellow evangelicals, both Jews and Christians will discover that it provides the general reader with an overview of those critical issues which scholars alone have in the past wrestled with in the post-Holocaust Jewish-Christian encounter. At the outset, Carlson is quick to concede that the late Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, a scion of the great Chechnowa Rebbe, was certainly correct when he insisted that “Christians have never tried to penetrate the soul of the Jews. “They have read the Bible but neglected the oral tradition by which we interpret it,” he noted. “This makes a different Bible altogether. For example, says Rav Soloveitchik: “To equate Judaism with legalism the way Christian theologians are prone to do is like equating mathematics with a compilation of mathematical equations.” By the same token, old stereotypes die hard. “The Jew has been pictured as the arch-capitalist and the arch-Bolshevik and chastised for being both, whipsawed by contending forces,” says Nathan C. Belth. “The Soviet authorities [saw] Jews as a threat to the state, and Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who castigate[d] Soviet terror, sees Jews as libertarians who brought on socialism, after, of course, rejecting Christ.” Since time-immemorial, anti-Semites have also portrayed the Jew as the greedy, shady businessman or banker. But they conveniently forget stories such as that of Haym Salomon [1740-1785], the Jewish broker whose financial aid staved off starvation and desertion among American troops during our War for Independence. At one critical point, Robert Morris, the American financier and statesman, sent a messenger to alert Haym Salomon of the plight of the cash-strapped Colonial forces. The man brought the news to Salomon while he was attending Yom Kippur services at Mikveh Israel Synagogue in Philadelphia. The congregation was shocked at the intrusion on the holiest day of the Jewish year; but Haym Salomon quietly informed the messenger: “Tell Mr. Morris our country’s appeal will not be in vain.” But that old canard about Jews and their money remains grist for the anti-Semite’s mill. By the same token, Jews have not been entirely blameless when it comes to their own stereotypes of Christians, particularly evangelicals. Nathan Perlmutter confessed as much during his tenure as national director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith. “Our image of the fundamentalist and the evangelical is a kind of collage assembled out of bits and pieces from Theodore Dreiser, Sinclair Lewis and Erskine Caldwell . . . ,” he admitted. “Even after all this time memories of the great swarm of sex-ridden, Bible-thumping caricatures continue to exert a pervasive power.” But evangelicals would be among the first to admit that Jews have come a long way since the days of the infamous Toledot Yeshu, or Life of Jesus, which depicted the Galilean in scandalous terms. Indeed, the Israeli author Shalom Ben-Chorin is representative of those Jewish intellectuals who now believe that “it is time for Jesus to come home again.” Meanwhile, few Christians realize just how vulnerable many Jews feel in what they perceive to be “Christian America.” That perception is heightened by the 1992 American Jewish Year Book finding that “roughly 12 percent of Americans of Jewish heritage are now Christians.” “There is another way of looking at what I have called a disaster in the making,” says former US Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams, author of Faith or Fear: How Jews Can Survive in a Christian America “Of the 6.8 million people who are Jews or of Jewish descent, 1.1 million say they have no religion and 1.3 million have joined another religion, adding up to 2.4 million,” Abrams observes. “This means that one-third of the people in America of Jewish ethnic origin no longer report Judaism as their current religion (Abrams italics). Such statistics illustrate why Jewish leaders unanimously condemn those Christian missionary agencies which specifically target Jews for conversion. They have been particularly incensed by one recent evangelical effort, known as Peace 2000, which aimed to convert every Jew in Israel to Christianity by the dawn of the new millennium. “Centuries of martyrdom are the price which the Jewish people has paid for survival,” says Brandeis scholar Marshall Sklare. “And the apostate, at one stroke, makes a mockery of Jewish history. “But if the convert is contemptible in Jewish eyes,” Sklare adds, “the missionary — all the more, the missionary of Jewish descent -- is seen as pernicious, for he forces the Jew to relive the history of his martyrdom, all the while pressing the claim that in approaching the Jew he does so out of love. “What kind of love is it, Jews wonder, that would deprive a man of his heritage,” Sklare asks. “Furthermore, given the history of Christian treatment of the Jews, would it not seem time at last to recognize that the Jew has paid his dues and earned the right to be protected from obliteration by Christian love as well as destruction by Christian hate?” The distinguished Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel was even more pointed about the matter. “I had rather enter Auschwitz,” he once remarked, “than be an object of conversion.” All of this leads to the opening chapter of Christianity After Auschwitz, which introduces Christians to Emil Fackenheim’s “Eleventh Commandment” — or 614th Mitzvoth — which decrees that Jews are not permitted to grant Hitler any posthumous victories through intermarriage, assimilation, or conversion to a faith not their own. In a word, they are commanded to remain Jews. By the same token, Jewish scholars are quick to recognize that any “open and honest” dialogue will at some point involve a frank discussion of the similarities and differences between the Jewish and Christian perception[s] of the Messianic hope. With that understanding, the second chapter deals with the remarkable career of the late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the seventh and last Grand Rebbe of the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidim. Many of his talmidim, or disciples, believe he will ultimately be revealed as King-Messiah. His life and work are considered within the context of that of Jesus of Nazareth, as well as those of several pseudo-messiahs who have troubled Israel down through the centuries The author then makes it clear that Jesus himsel
How Jewish is Christianity? The question of how Jesus' followers relate to Judaism has been a matter of debate since Jesus first sparred with the Pharisees. The controversy has not abated, taking many forms over the centuries. In the decades following the Holocaust, scholars and theologians reconsidered the Jewish origins and character of Christianity, finding points of continuity. Understanding the Jewish Roots of Christianity advances this discussion by freshly reassessing the issues. Did Jesus intend to form a new religion? Did Paul abrogate the Jewish law? Does the New Testament condemn Judaism? How and when did Christianity split from Judaism? How should Jewish believers in Jesus relate to a largely gentile church? What meaning do the Jewish origins of Christianity have for theology and practice today? In this volume, a variety of leading scholars and theologians explore the relationship of Judaism and Christianity through biblical, historical, theological, and ecclesiological angles. This cutting-edge scholarship will enrich readers' understanding of this centuries-old debate.
Alternative Christianities is a series of books, articles, and lectures. This is only Volume I which introduces the many ancient Christian sects that were ostracized and had their Sacred Scriptures (what they were taught by one Jesus direct Disciples) not only left out of the New Testament but also suppressed, banned, and destroyed in the early centuries of Christianity by the emerging universal (catholic) Christian Church. Vince Nicolas is a historian not a theologian. Vince is a teacher not a preacher. Vince extensively researched this subject from the works of the best university religious studies professors in the United States. Additionally in compiling his treatise, Vince learned how the New Testament, besides more Sacred Scriptures were consciously being left out than included, many of the texts that were included had been repeatedly changed either accidentally or intentionally to suit the emerging Christian church and their "preferred Christian teachings;" then to accommodate the numerous and compounded Protestant Reformations. Consequently today there is not ONE Christian Bible or ONE Christian religion but dozens of versions of the Christian Bible and thousands of iterations of Christian religions, denominations, sects, and cults. Christianity is a hodgepodge disaster as viewed by outsiders! A 20th century discovery of these discarded ancient texts brought them back to light. More amazing are the differences from the traditional Christianity being taught and followed today. This made many of todays Biblical scholars, theologians, and university professors question whether we all have been led down the wrong Christian path for the past 2,000 years. In fact, these ancient discarded Alternative Christianities even make more sense in todays world and brings Christianity back to being a religion of "Good News"! Maybe these recent discoveries were a Divine intervention to adjust Christianity back onto its right path; the real path that was intended by Jesus Christ? Maybe people now can have a fresh and refreshing new look at Christianity? Volume I is guaranteed to pique your interest, get you hooked, and make you want to go more in depth in Volumes II and III. This treatise is not only very enlightening and educational for Christians but also for our intertwined Abrahamic-descendant Judaism and Islam relatives. This is an ecumenical book; it is not meant to convert anyone, promote any religion, or disseminate anyones beliefs. This series is a MUST READ for any serious theology or religious studies student to have a complete comprehension of the Bible and Christianity, especially if they are going to teach or preach it intelligently and correctly; or just for your own education. WARNING: This series will ruffle many feathers among the ultra-conservative and closed-minded communities and promises to be very controversial! GET YOUR CORRECT FACTS HERE.
Stories of Jesus' passion and death lie at the core of Christian identity. They offer an encounter with his experience of the human condition: betrayals by those closest to him, his own fear of death, uncertainty about God's will, and the endurance of terrible suffering and an ignominious death. From generation to generation, these stories have functioned in sacred and saving ways for Christians. Yet, misinterpretations of the passion narratives have rationalized hostility to and violence against Jews as "Christ killers". This sacrilegious telling cries out for redemption. Redeeming Christianity's sacred story requires respect, even awe, for its power; demands rigorous examination of the history between Jews and Christians and the ethical obligation to be altered by this history; and entails pursuing solid biblical scholarship, principles for reinterpreting troubling texts, and incorporation into Christian spirituality. Redeeming Our Sacred Story challenges us to forge more just relations between Jews and Christians. It witnesses to the world that reconciliation is possible. (Back cover).