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The Jewel in the Lotus: This book is a masterpiece and with good reason can be called the flagship amongst Dr. Baker’s many books. Using scientific analogies he introduces the reader to the seven fundamental postulates that form the basis of the Ancient Wisdom, that body of teachings handed down through the ages and taught by the Mystics of all Religions and Mystery Schools in today’s, easy to understand words. The reader is introduced to the concept of Hylozoism, the proposition that all things, organic and inorganic are filled with life from the tiniest atom to the greatest galaxy. The author describes the nature and origin of the Seven Rays, knowledge of which leads to an understanding of Esoteric Psychology. An introduction to Esoteric Astrology is given and the basic questions of why we are here and where we are going are answered from the esoteric viewpoint. Your understanding of this vast subject will be enhanced by the inclusion of over eighty images and charts, many in colour. This book is a “must read” for every sincere student of Metaphysics, Esoteric Science, Alternative Healing and Esoteric Astrology!
A course in Tantric Kraya Yoga. Allows a student to direct the life force through the body in new ways to promote health and refine the nervous system.
Secrets are revealed in this complete and systematic course in the science of Tantric Kriya yoga that shows readers how to be more aware of the inner working of the boy and mind. (World Religions)
This book revolves around the life experience and teachings of Mumtaz Ali. It deals with some of the deeper aspects of Hinduism and will be of great interest to students of Hinduism, contemporary religion and seekers for truth around the world.
Learn how to reduce and maintain weight through yoga.
The Lotus Sutra is considered to be the fundamental Mahayana Buddhist sutra and has had a profound impact on Chinese and Japanese literature. This edition condenses the sutra from the most authoritative version.
Powerful and life-affirming, this watershed volume brings together the voices of pioneers in the field of contemplative care--from hospice and hospitals to colleges, prisons, and the military. Illustrating the day-to-day words and actions of pastoral workers, each first-person essay in this collection offers a distillation of the wisdom gained over years of compassionate experience. The stories told here are sure to inspire--whether you are a professional caregiver or simply feel inclined toward guiding, healing, and comforting roles. If you are inspired to read this book, or even one touching story in it, you just might find yourself inspired to change a life.
He appears out of nowhere in a sleepy little neighbourhood in suburban Kerala. He calls himself Shunya, the zero. Who is he? A lunatic? A dark magician? A fraud? Or an avadhuta, an enlightened soul? Saami-as they call him-settles into a small cottage in the backyard of the local toddy shop. Here he spins parables, blesses, curses, drinks endless glasses of black tea and lives in total freedom. On rare occasions, he plays soul-stirring melodies on his old, bamboo-reed flute. Then, just as mysteriously as he arrived, Shunya vanishes, setting the path for a new avadhuta, a new era. This first novel by Sri M is a meditation on the void which collapses the wall between reality and make-believe, the limited and the infinite. With its spare storytelling and profound wisdom, it leads us into the realm of 'shunya', the nothingness of profound and lasting peace, the beginning and end of all things.
Drawing on a deep knowledge of Christian scripture as well as Hindu philosophy, musician and teacher Russill Paul reveals that the mystical core of religion offers us much more than the simple solace of unthinking dogma. By demonstrating that these two seemingly separate and irreconcilable religions can actually unite in one person’s spiritual practice at the center of his life — as they did in his — he offers an alternative to religious intolerance and strife, as well as hope for personal liberation.