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The Great Unspoken in Jewish-Christian dialogue is Jesus’s conception. It’s a topic avoided even by many who accept his resurrection. This book tackles the issue. Did Jesus exist before Bethlehem? Who was mysterious Melchizedek? What does Psalm 110 really say? How far do the variant genealogies of Matthew and Luke really make sense? Was Mary a peasant or a princess? And what are the options for Jesus’s paternity? Just how Jewish was he really? Just as the author’s Messiah ben Joseph examined the ancient origins of the sacrificial Messiah promised to Joseph, so Jesus: The Incarnation of the Word looks at the origins of the Zadokite Messiah. BACK COVER REVIEWS David Mitchell’s Jesus: The Incarnation of the Word is a fascinating read. While its title seemingly rehearses well-trodden paths that need no further attention, that presumption could not be more misguided. The author is deeply conversant in the Hebrew Bible, Septuagint, Second Temple Jewish literature, Rabbinic writings, and early Christian and Patristic texts. All are brought into service to offer intriguing solutions to various difficulties arising from the Davidic (and priestly!) genealogies of Joseph and Mary and the relationship of Jesus to Melchizedek and the Angel of the Lord. Readers will find this a rewarding study. Michael S. Heiser, PhD (Hebrew Studies, Wisconsin) Bestselling author of The Unseen Realm Executive Director and Professor, Awakening School of Theology Jesus: The Incarnation of the Word brings readers on an eye-opening journey through Old and New Testament texts, genealogies, and extra-biblical sources ancient and modern to probe the core question distinguishing Christianity from other faiths: is Jesus God in the flesh? With meticulous attention to detail, David C. Mitchell applies his exegetical acumen and extensive expertise in second temple and Rabbinic literature to uncover the remarkable breadth of the Bible’s testimony about the Messiah and its long history of discussion. Erudite, witty, and eminently readable, this volume will enlighten, challenge, and inspire as it reveals how deep and wide are the Bible’s messianic promises fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth. Dr Adam D. Hensley, Australian Lutheran College, University of Divinity Author of Covenant Relationships and the Editing of the Hebrew Psalter
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Here Mitchell develops themes which he first addressed in Messiah ben Joseph. As Messiah ben Joseph examined ancient Israelite and rabbinic sources on the Passion of the Messiah, this book examines these sources on the Messiah's Incarnation. As Messiah ben Joseph looked at the sacrificial Messiah promised to Joseph, this book looks at the priestly Messiah promised to the prophets. As Messiah ben Joseph raised queries about the Messiah's descent, this book anwers them. On the way, we read about Jesus before Bethlehem, about mysterious Melchi¬zedek, about how the variant genealogies of Matthew and Luke are not only reconcilable but essential to bypass the prophets' curses on Josiah's sons. We read of Mary before Joseph. She was no Jewish peasant girl, but a Hasmonean princess. The result is that Jesus is not as Jewish as is commonly said. Genetically quarter-Jewish, he was halakhically not Jewish, but Zadokite.
Most theologians believe that in the human life of Jesus of Nazareth, we encounter God. Yet how the divine and human come together in the life of Jesus still remains a question needing exploring. The Council of Chalcedon sought to answer the question by speaking of one and the same Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, the same perfect in divinity and also perfect in humanity, the same truly God and truly a human being. But ever since Chalcedon, the theological conversation on Christology has implicitly put Christs divinity and humanity in competition. While ancient (and not-so-ancient) Christologies from above focus on Christs divinity at the expense of his humanity, modern Christologies from below subsume his divinity into his humanity. What is needed, says Ian A. McFarland, is a Chalcedonianism without reserve, which not only affirms the humanity and divinity of Christ but also treats them as equal in theological significance. To do so, he draws on the ancient christological language that points to Christs nature, on the one hand, and his hypostasis, or personhood, on the other. And with this, McFarland begins one of the most creative and groundbreaking theological explorations into the mystery of the incarnation undertaken in recent memory.
A thoroughgoing examination of Maximus Confessor’s singular theological vision through the prism of Christ’s cosmic and historical Incarnation. Jordan Daniel Wood changes the trajectory of patristic scholarship with this comprehensive historical and systematic study of one of the most creative and profound thinkers of the patristic era: Maximus Confessor (560–662 CE). Wood's panoramic vantage on Maximus’s thought emulates the theological depth of Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Cosmic Liturgy while also serving as a corrective to that classic text. Maximus's theological vision may be summed up in his enigmatic assertion that “the Word of God, very God, wills always and in all things to actualize the mystery of his Incarnation.” The Whole Mystery of Christ sets out to explicate this claim. Attentive to the various contexts in which Maximus thought and wrote—including the wisdom of earlier church fathers, conciliar developments in Christological and Trinitarian doctrine, monastic and ascetic ways of life, and prominent contemporary philosophical traditions—the book explores the relations between God’s act of creation and the Word’s historical Incarnation, between the analogy of being and Christology, and between history and the Fall, in addition to treating such topics as grace, deification, theological predication, and the ontology of nature versus personhood. Perhaps uniquely among Christian thinkers, Wood argues, Maximus envisions creatio ex nihilo as creatio ex Deo in the event of the Word’s kenosis: the mystery of Christ is the revealed identity of the Word’s historical and cosmic Incarnation. This book will be of interest to scholars and students of patristics, historical theology, systematic theology, and Byzantine studies.
On the Incarnation of the Word of God By: St. Athanasius Forward by Dr. Tom Morris Nothing except the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is a greater miracle or wonder in human history. God becoming flesh in human history is the greatest marvel. Avatar is what this is called in Hindu religious tradition. Jesus of Nazareth was foretold in the Torah and the Prophets centuries before his appearance and he was proved to be real and not a pretender due to his death and Resurrection. The early church grappled with all of this intellectually. Many heresies were confronted, answered, and dismissed. Throughout the 2000 plus years of church history, many of the early church heresies have reappeared over and over again. Whether you are Catholic or Protestant the answers are from the Word of God.
Everyone, Christians included, knows what it’s like to feel isolated and alone. We’ve all wondered if anyone really understands us or truly cares about our lives. The good news is that we aren’t alone, and the gospel tells us why: Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth to be forever united with his people—to be one of us. In fact, he has so united himself with us that the Bible says we are literally “in” him. Far from being alone and lost, the Incarnation changes everything for the Christian. Writing with everyday readers in mind, Elyse Fitzpatrick fleshes out the practical implications of our union with Christ and gives us confidence that we are not alone in this approachable and applicable devotional book.
What's really going on in the Psalms? Is it just an anthology of old Israelite songs? Or is there more to it than anyone ever guessed? This evergreen classic is the book that first proposed, in 1997, a messianic metanarrative in the Psalms. It explains how someone arranged the Psalms to outline a program of future events like in Zechariah 9-14. There is an appendix of apocalyptic midrashim, translated into English for the first time. A bridegroom-Messiah gathers exiled Israel. He sets up a kingdom, but dies a violent death. Israel are scattered in the wilderness of the nations. Then they are gathered again in troublous times. Finally, they are rescued by a king from the heavens. He sets his throne on Zion and receives the homage of the nations. 160,000 words. Read all about it!
This companion volume to T. F. Torrance's Incarnation: The Person and Life of Christ presents the material on the work of Christ, centered in the atonement, given originally in his lectures delivered to his students in Christian Dogmatics on Christology at New College, Edinburgh, from 1952-1978.