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This play is a remarkably profound examination of the specific scriptures that Jesus fulfilled during His life and ministry, based on Matthew's account. It is not written sequentially and does not follow a particular path, but highlights both the Written and the Living Word becoming One. The scriptures used are from the Complete Jewish Bible, using the original Hebrew Language for names and places. It is written in three ACTS. The first Act is set in biblical times with Jesus at the center. His entire life in fragments passes before Him, and on many occasions, interacts with Him as He travels the path that was chosen for Him to walk. The second Act is a more contemporary setting, examining from one man's perspective the true nature of the incarnation - God becoming flesh, God living in us by His Holy Spirit. The third Act is the shortest of the three, that gives a profound challenge to all who will see this play, with a specific call not to be hearers of the Word only, but also doers. This play is emotionally driven but carries within it a fundamental message for all people today.
Raised in a traditional Jewish family, international television host Jonathan Bernis was taught from a young age that "Jews don't--and can't!--believe in Jesus." Yet in his study of the Bible, including the Torah, he found overwhelming evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really was the Jewish Messiah. With warmth and transparency, Bernis talks about discovering Jesus in history, too, and how it was that the Jewish Yeshua became the Gentile Jesus. By presenting historic evidence that Jesus is Messiah and refuting common Jewish objections, Bernis gives Christians the knowledge and tools they need to share their Lord with their Jewish friends in a loving, effective way.
Discover the Jewish Jesus! Teaching the Judaic roots of the Christian faith, fostering a deeper love for Yeshua, and sharing the Good News of Messiah with both Jew and Gentile. In Awakening to Messiah, Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider takes you on a personal journey, revealing how the Lord has appeared and has spoken to him over the past 30 years. You will vicariously experience some of the challenges he has faced as a Jewish believer in Messiah, including being kidnapped by a famous deprogrammer who hoped to destroy his faith in Jesus. More importantly, he shares lessons that the Holy Spirit has taught him, causing you to both consider and confirm your own beliefs. In this true adventure, you will discover how the Old and New Testaments connect like a hand in a glove!
When you know what name to call on, you know more of whose you are. This book will guide you so you can declare and trust that the names of God perfectly describe who He is at His core. You will have peace through the storms of life and learn how to walk in victorious living. In today's culture, names are often little more than identifiers. But in ancient Hebrew culture, names held symbolic and prophetic meaning. This is why when God revealed His names and titles to us in the Scriptures, He was giving us more than interesting information. He was making known to us His character, purposes, and will. In To Know Him by Name, Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider takes readers on a transformative journey to understand the true character of God by laying hold of the revelation found in His Hebrew names and titles. In a world where misconceptions about God abound, Rabbi Schneider challenges believers to reconsider their understanding of Him. Instead of seeing God as harsh and vengeful, they will be able to embrace Him for who He truly is--their provider, peace, savior, shepherd, victorious healer, and so much more. As they embrace the fullness of who God has declared Himself to be in their lives, readers will be strengthened, peace will abound, and they will experience the victory and abundant blessings that come from knowing Him intimately.
Did you know that God wrote a prayer for you? It was discovered on a silver amulet found in a tomb opposite the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, written in the ancient Paleo-Hebrew language. Moses was told by God to have Aaron, the high priest, pray it over the children of Israel every day. For forty years, as the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness, they received supernatural provision, divine health, angelic protection. Marcus reveals the ancient secret on how to pronounce a new amplified Hebrew-to-English translation so you can experience a supernatural, intimate, and experiential relationship with your heavenly Father in a way never thought possible.
Throughout history mankind has sought to prove his identity in his quest to find out the origins of his existance, going as far as to create for himself man-made diety / Gods in order to worship. This book will uncover in great detail the One True and Living God, who His name is, and the origin / creation of the Humankind creation. It is a readable book that allows its readers to follow along as well as bring them a vast array of new and valuable understanding about a God who loves them and has always been concerned for their well being and happiness. So take this journey into the heart and mind of the Creator-God as he reveals Himself to His creation.
Jesus the Anointed One recalls the events surrounding the birth, childhood, teachings, temptations, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The virtues of love, obedience, and faith in God, which symbolize the personality of Jesus Christ, are projected in a simplified manner, in this book.
"Blow the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in My holy Mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; for the day of the LORD is coming, for it is at hand: a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness... "For the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; who can endure it?" Joel 2:1-2, 11  Why is most of the world clueless as to what God has on the drawing board for the earth in the years ahead?  How might biblical prophecy unfold?  Just how bad will it get?  Will you be caught unaware? Read Randy and Nancy Moy's companion book titled Covenant Partnership for revelations as to why Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jews are so important to the LORD-and why it is vital for Christians to stand with them in the end-times. Randy and Nancy Moy love the LORD, His land, and His people. They are retired and currently reside in Montana.
Old Testament prophecy and the New Testament fulfillment of Jesus the Messiah. Intended as primarily a pastoral work, based on theology and biblical exegesis, it contains' homelitic outlines and samples. Also included are the church Fathers' writings on the most important issues of hermeneutics. This book is a work of exegesis and biblical theology entwined with pastoral guidance. It will be a useful tool for both ministers and faithful in their quest of Christ in the Old Testament.
YESHUA HA MASHIACH Epilogue In the temple area where the trial of Jesus was being conducted by Caiaphas (high priest that year) all seventy-one members of the Sanhedrin (Jewish Supreme Court) along with the elders, the rulers, and teachers of the law, a large crowd of people had gathered. Some of those present had methodically planned this event and had already paid for one of his disciples to betray him. It was truly a "set-up" deal that brought out quite a crowd of people at about daylight that morning. These "high ranking" men were fed up with this notorious trouble-maker who was causing them to lose money by drawing such large crowds of lower-class people away from them and they were all determined to put a stop to him once and for all. A few feet away from where they stood was a room within the temple called the "Holy of Holies" where only the high priest was allowed to enter, once each year, carrying the blood of an animal that had been sacrificed for the sins of the nation. These officials were the highest authorities of their religion yet they could not see that they were going to murder the "Giver of Life." They had no idea that this man was actually the creator of the universe, while the common folks seemed to readily accept it. Why would they bar Jesus from going behind the veil and into the "Holy of Holies"? Certainly they knew more about God than anyone else. And so, they all shouted as one: "CRUCIFY HIM!" YESHUA HA MASHIACH - (Jesus the Messiah) Who is he anyway?