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In the prayer of John 17 Jesus not only verifies His preexistent nature and His purpose in coming to this earth, but He also reveals the glorious destination for Himself, and those who are His joint heirs. The purpose and place of prayer is herein established. Prayer releases the Father's will in heaven, which places into motion the answers. Jesus' prayer of John 17 precedes Him to the cross, through the cross, and into the bosom of His Father. It also precedes us and makes provision for us. The beautiful storehouse of Jesus' sacrificial blessing is revealed to us. The importance of "a family" to Father-God is revealed and His love spilled out that it would be accomplished. The heart-cry of Jesus is that we know Father-God. He shows us His relationship with Him and invites us into the family. John 17 reveals the depth of intimacy Jesus has with His Father. In a world that struggles profusely with fatherhood this reveals a relationship that lacks nothing! Ramona B. Jolly has an earned Ph.D. in Christian Education and Administration. In 1993-1994 she and her family lived in Kenya, East Africa as missionaries. It was in Africa that the purposes of God burst forth in her in bigger than life experiences. During this time a passion to serve Christ and flow in the purposes He foreordained was birthed. That passion remains to this day. In 1999 Ramona and her husband established YAHshua International, Inc., a 501(c)(3), to facilitate the ministries He has called them to. During a time of great trial when her husband was battling for his life with two kinds of leukemia raging in his body, she learned that Father-God could be trusted with life so precious. This was the beginning of a deep, true relationship with Him. Ramona and Billy have 3 children and two grandchildren. Website to purchase book:
Perhaps you were drawn to this book because of its title. The notion that someone like Jesus would even consider having a Last Will and Testament seems out of character with what we know about him. Today we would consider him homeless and the suggestion that he had something of value to bequeath seems ludicrous. The portion of scripture recorded in The Gospel of John, chapters thirteen through seventeen has been referred to by various titles. It is generally believed they are the words Jesus shared with his disciples the night prior to his death on the cross. He began their time together by presenting them with a new commandment. He said, "So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other." Jesus then took a pitcher of water and a basin, wrapped a towel around his waist and washed the disciples' feet. This action demonstrated a love based on service the foundation by which they were to live. Later he would take bread and break it, and then a cup of wine and bless it. He commanded them to eat the bread and drink from the cup in remembrance of him. This second commandment became known as "The Lord's Supper" which foreshadowed how he would die. These two commandments are the basis of a tremendous treasure, yet they only scratch the surface of the great inheritance that Jesus bequeathed that night. The purpose of this book is to help us realize and appreciate all the wonderful gifts that Jesus made available to those who love him. During my time as a pastor, I have spoken with hundreds of people as they have faced the most difficult moment of their lives: the death of a loved one. When it came time to discuss the memorial service for their loved one, a vast majority of them requested the opening words of the fourteenth chapter of the Gospel According to St. John be read. Jesus' words, "Let not your heart be troubled" offered them a sense of comfort and hope. Recalling Jesus words was a reminder that he had provided for them and their loved one a great inheritance. It is a precious gift to hear Jesus say, "I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you" (14:2) however the treasures he offers to us are not only to be acknowledged at the occasion of death. The inheritance is intended for daily life. Our goal is to discover, perhaps for the very first time what our inheritance encompasses. As we learn to love him, we soon discover that there is more than some future glory. The message of the Last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ is this: Whoever receives the son receives it all. And there is NO GREATER INHERITANCE!
In the prayer of John 17 Jesus not only verifies His preexistent nature and His purpose in coming to this earth, but He also reveals the glorious destination for Himself, and those who are His joint heirs. The purpose and place of prayer is herein established. Prayer releases the Father's will in heaven, which places into motion the answers. Jesus' prayer of John 17 precedes Him to the cross, through the cross, and into the bosom of His Father. It also precedes us and makes provision for us. The beautiful storehouse of Jesus' sacrificial blessing is revealed to us. The importance of "a family" to Father-God is revealed and His love spilled out that it would be accomplished. The heart-cry of Jesus is that we know Father-God. He shows us His relationship with Him and invites us into the family. John 17 reveals the depth of intimacy Jesus has with His Father. In a world that struggles profusely with fatherhood this reveals a relationship that lacks nothing! Ramona B. Jolly has an earned Ph.D. in Christian Education and Administration. In 1993-1994 she and her family lived in Kenya, East Africa as missionaries. It was in Africa that the purposes of God burst forth in her in bigger than life experiences. During this time a passion to serve Christ and flow in the purposes He foreordained was birthed. That passion remains to this day. In 1999 Ramona and her husband established YAHshua International, Inc., a 501(c)(3), to facilitate the ministries He has called them to. During a time of great trial when her husband was battling for his life with two kinds of leukemia raging in his body, she learned that Father-God could be trusted with life so precious. This was the beginning of a deep, true relationship with Him. Ramona and Billy have 3 children and two grandchildren. Website to purchase book:
David W. Robbins is a specially gifted Bible teacher. Addressing many congregations his teachings of Biblical truth have crossed denominational lines bringing many the joy and comfort that only the Holy Scriptures can afford. David is an interdenominational teacher and preacher of Faith, Grace and Freedom, according to the Scriptures. His passion is to serve our Lord Jesus Christ by helping those who are "going on with God" to deepen not only their knowledge of God but also their experience with Him as well. With unreserved boldness David brings the illuminating mysteries of the Sacred Scriptures to light so that all who dare to believe can be the beneficiaries of the Love and Power of Jesus Christ. For more than three decades he has engaged in intense Bible study to bring to the Body of Christ the Life they were meant to live by helping them with the "how" of Christian living. As David has often been heard saying; "All things are possible, to them that believe." This book is a modest attempt to help those who are "going on with God." Nothing here is new except in the sense that it is a product of discovery from my own personal journey aided by the Holy Spirit into the Spiritual realities of a Life in Christ Jesus. Believers before me have gone much farther into the Holy Mysteries of the Sacred Scriptures than I have done, but my fire is none the less real and there may be those who can ignite their lives by its flame.
On the night in which He was betrayed, Jesus gathered with His disciples in an upper room. During those final hours with His faithful disciples, Jesus spoke words of comfort and hope, bequeathing precious gifts that would soon be theirs.This book invites you to take a seat at the table with Jesus and His disciples. Listen as Jesus speaks the words of His Last Will and Testament, and learn about the Will, the Executor, the witnesses,and the seven gifts that Jesus gives to all who come to Him in faith. As a Christian, you have already received these gifts.This book will encourage you to remember all the gifts you have received from the One who gave His all for you. Learn to live in the riches that He has given you.