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It is a little-known fact that the exodus of the Hyksos pharaohs from Egypt to Jerusalem is an incredibly similar event to the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt to Jerusalem. Classical historians and theologians will not entertain any connection between the two, because this infers that the Israelite leaders were actually pharaohs of Egypt. However, Ralph Ellis has taken this obvious comparison and demonstrated the royal Egyptian ancestry of the Judaic patriarchs and also of Jesus. Ralph has also uncovered evidence for the New Testament Saul (St Paul) in the historical record, a discovery that brings with it several new accounts of the life of Jesus. Saul, the inventor of Christianity, was actually Josephus Flavius, a well-known historian. Jesus was the governor of Tiberias and owned a castle there; and he may have died during the siege of Jerusalem in about AD70, rather than AD 33 - crucified along with two of his compatriots. Followed by "Tempest & Exodus" and "Eden to Egypt". Latest version v5.6 Hyksos, Shepherd Kings, Jacob, Sea People, Jesus, Saul, Jerusalem, Egyptian False Prophet, historical Jesus.
New revised and expanded 2015 edition. *** Jesus was descended from the Egyptian royal line *** The exodus of the Hyksos pharaohs from Egypt to Jerusalem is an incredibly similar event to the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt to Jerusalem. Classical historians will not entertain any connection between the two, because this infers that the Israelite leaders were actually pharaohs of Egypt. However, Ralph Ellis has taken this obvious comparison and demonstrated the royal Egyptian ancestry of the Judaic patriarchs and also of Jesus. Ralph has also uncovered evidence for the New Testament Saul (St Paul) in the historical record, a discovery that brings with it several new accounts of the life of Jesus. Saul, the inventor of Christianity, was actually Josephus Flavius, a well-known historian. Jesus was the governor of Tiberias and owned a castle there; and he may have died during the siege of Jerusalem in about AD70, rather than AD 33. This is the first book in this "Egyptian Testament" series. This book followed by: Egyptian Testament Series - 'Tempest & Exodus' or King Jesus Trilogy - 'Cleopatra to Christ'. V5.6
There is good evidence to be found within the Bible, Torah and Koran that indicates that the biblical patriarchs were pharaohs of Egypt, they were not poor shepherds but the Hyksos Shepherd pharaohs of Egypt. The biblical exodus was therefore the Hyksos exodus from Egypt, a historical event where some half a million people evacuated Egypt after a civil war with the Theban pharaohs. Having found the biblical Saul in the historical record, it became apparent that there were some 'new' historical references to the biblical Jesus. Jesus was descended from this Hyksos royal vine, a Hyksos prince in exile. He was the governor of Tiberias, the rebel leader who led an army trying to save Jerusalem from the rebel Jewish factions and he died in AD65 after the revolt failed -- some thirty years after the presumed crucifixion. Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs is a new and fantastic adventure through the Biblical texts, with dramatic re-interpretations of the old creed at every twist and turn in the story. Yet despite the unbelievable nature of some of these claims, the fact is that all of the arguments in this book are fully supported by the established Biblical and historical texts. Theologians and historians cannot argue with the underlying thesis in this book: it is written in black and white -- they can only dispute the radical interpretation being placed upon those texts.
A provocative thesis that the historical Jesus was connected to the royal 18th dynasty of Egypt • Contends that Jesus, Joshua, and Tutankhamun were the same person • Provides evidence from church documentation, the Koran, the Talmud, and archaeology that the Messiah came more than a millennium before the first century C.E. • Shows that Christianity evolved from Essene teachings Although it is commonly believed that Jesus lived during the first century C.E., there is no concrete evidence to support this fact from the Roman and Jewish historians who would have been his contemporaries. The Gospel writers themselves were of a later generation, and many accounts recorded in the Old Testament and Talmudic commentary refer to the coming of the Messiah as an event that had already occurred. Using the evidence available from archaeology, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Koran, the Talmud, and biblical sources, Ahmed Osman provides a compelling case that both Jesus and Joshua were one and the same--a belief echoed by the early Church Fathers--and that this person was likewise the pharaoh Tutankhamun, who ruled Egypt between 1361 and 1352 B.C.E. and was regarded as the spiritual son of God. Osman contends that the Essene Christians--who followed Jesus’ teachings in secret after his murder--only came into the open following the execution of their prophet John the Baptist by Herod, many centuries later. Yet it was also the Essenes who, following the death of Tutankhamun and his father Akhenaten (Moses), secretly kept the monotheistic religion of Egypt alive. The Essenes believed themselves to be the people of the New Covenant established between their Lord and themselves by the Teacher of Righteousness, who was murdered by a wicked priest. The Dead Sea Scrolls support Osman’s contention that this Teacher of Righteousness was in fact Jesus.
Mummies, pyramids, and pharaohs! The culture and civilization of the ancient Egyptians have fascinated people for centuries and some have direct correlation to biblical events.Authors David Down and John Ashton present a groundbreaking new chronology in Unwrapping the Pharaohs that shows how Egyptian Archaeology supports the biblical timeline.Go back in time as famous Egyptians such as the boy-king Tutankhamen, and the beautiful Cleopatra are brought to life in this captivating new look at Egyptian history from a biblical worldview.
Ralph Ellis and Edfu Books present the most radical and shocking revision of biblical history ever published 'Solomon, Falcon of Sheba' a 400-page epic that rediscovers the remarkable truth about a great swathe of Biblical and secular history. The Queen of Sheba, King Solomon and King David are still household names in much of the world, so how is it possible that these influential monarchs cannot be found in the archaeological record? The reality of this omission has perplexed theologians and historians alike for centuries, but Ralph Ellis has at last rediscovered the lost tombs and sarcophagi of these legendary monarchs. Includes: The tomb, sarcophagus and mummy of the Queen of Sheba discovered; The family history of the Queen of Sheba discovered; The tomb, the solid silver sarcophagus and mummy of King David discovered; The solid gold death-mask of King David discovered; The surprising history and nationality of King David discovered; The true location of King David's city discovered; The tomb, magnificent silver sarcophagus and mummy of King Solomon discovered; The true relationship between the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon discovered; The tomb, sarcophagus and mummy of Joab (King David's general) discovered; The solid gold death-mask of Joab discovered; The sarcophagus of Hiram Abi (King Solomon's architect) discovered; The true location of King Solomon's Temple discovered; The location of King Solomon's Mines discovered; The ancient text that details the founding of the kingdom of Saba discovered.
Drawing on the narratives of the apocrypha and the traditions of the Coptic Orthodox church, the author follows the Holy Family's odyssey through Egypt after their flight from Herod, discussing what happened to Jesus and his parents in Egypt and the possible influence of their sojourn in Egypt on Jesus's life and teachings. Reprint. 10,000 first printing.
Contrary to orthodox perceptions, King Jesus and Queen Mary Magdalene were the richest couple in Syrio-Judaea. The Romans wanted to impose taxes on Jesus and Mary, which provoked the Jewish War. King Jesus fought and lost that war, so he was crucified, reprieved and sent into exile in Roman England. There, King Jesus became known as Atur-tii (the Egyptian) or 'King Arthur and the twelve disciples of the Last Supper Table'. This identification of Jesus as a wealthy, royal, warrior-hero of first century Judaea may sound bizarre, but that is what the texts say. All research and quotations are from original sources, including the New Testament, Tanakh, Talmud, Josephus, Origen, Eusebius, Irenaeus, Herodian, Suetonius, Tacitus, Clement and many others besides. Those feet, in ancient times, did indeed walk upon England's mountains green! Sequel to "Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs," and "Cleopatra to Christ." Grand finale of the series. For ebook errors, contact .
An engaging survey of Coptic Christianity in Egypt since Pharaonic times, through its development under Rome, Byzantium, Islam and beyond. Ideal reading for students of Egyptian history and Christianity.
===epub format=== . The Tempest Stele of Ahmose I contains a quotation from the biblical account of the plagues. This again demonstrates that the Israelite leaders were the Hyksos pharaohs of Lower Egypt, and so the biblical Jacob was probably the Hyksos pharaoh Jacoba. This earlier date for the exodus means that the biblical plagues were probably a real event, caused by the island of Thera (Santorini) exploding; and the fallout from this natural catastrophe caused a historically documented civil war and great exodus of the Hyksos-Israelite people from Egypt. However, if these links between Egyptian and Israelite history are true, then it is possible that Mt Sinai was actually the Israelite name for the Great Pyramid of Giza. The sacred mountain of the Jews was actually a pyramid. Sequel to "Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs". Followed by "Solomon, Pharaoh of Egypt", and "Eden in Egypt". L