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Min Johanna Rocher autora de Jesús es la Cura comenzó su vida cristiana hace cinco años en la Iglesia Pentecostal en Watertown NY. Luego de haber hecho una búsqueda incansable por la verdad de Dios, el Señor toco su vida y la transformó. Al poco tiempo de haber comenzado su vida cristiana un siervo del señor profetizo sobre ella que escribiría un libro que apelaría a los últimos tiempos. Cuatro años más tarde el Espíritu Santo ilumino a la ministro a escribir esta obra. Vivimos en los últimos tiempos y Dios quiere recordarte su promesa de vida eterna y salvación. Al leer este libro hallarán dirección de Dios a través de su palabra, alimento para el espíritu y sanidad. Jesús es la Cura es un libro para cristianos, no cristianos o para los que alguna vez conocieron de Dios y están alejados. Solo Jesus es la Cura!
Who did Jesus of Nazareth claim to be? What was his relationship with early Judaism? When and how did he expect the kingdom to come? What were his intentions? Though these key questions have been addressed in studies of the historical Jesus, Brant Pitre argues that they cannot be fully answered apart from a careful historical analysis of the Last Supper accounts. In this book Pitre offers a rigorous, up-to-date study of the historical Jesus and the Last Supper, filling a significant gap in current Jesus research. Situating the Last Supper in the triple contexts of ancient Judaism, the life of Jesus, and early Christianity, Pitre brings to light crucial insights into major issues driving the quest for Jesus. His Jesus and the Last Supper is sure to ignite discussion and debate.
This first-of-its-kind collection reveals U.S. Latino/a theological scholarship as a vital terrain of study in the search for better understanding of the varieties of religious experience in the United States. While the insights of Latino/a theologians from Central and South America have gained attention among professional theologians, until now the role of U.S. Latino/a theology in the formation of North American theological identity has been largely unacknowledged. Nonetheless, the four-centuries old Latino/a presence in the United States has been forming a rich, creative, and distinctively North American Latino/a Christology. Exploring both constructive theology and popular religion, this collection of essays from top U.S. Latino/a scholars reveals the varieties of religious experience in the United States and the importance of Latino/a understandings of Christ to both academy and community.
This accessible and comprehensive introduction examines the evidence and offers a coherent picture of Jesus of Nazareth in his context.
This work is a presentation of the truth of Jesus Christ from the viewpoint of liberation - from Jesus's options for the poor, his confrontation with the powerful and the persecution and death this brought him. Building and expanding on his previous works, Jon Sobrino develops a Christology that shows how to meet the mystery of God, all God "Father" and call this Jesus "the Christ".
Jesus, Mi Amigo Para Siempre es un libro bilingüe para niños pequeños. With vibrant pictures and engaging text, Jesus My Forever Friend introduces Jesus’ love to young children. Inquisitive little minds and tender hearts learn the Truth that Jesus wants to be their forever friend. Connecting baby Jesus with grown-up Jesus, this delightful, bi-lingual book prepares children to ask three critical questions: What important job did Jesus have to go away to do? Why could only Jesus do it? How can I be Jesus’ forever friend? Jesus My Forever Friend offers a fresh approach to the story of Jesus for young children-- the perfect gift for Christmas, Easter, birthday, baptism, baby shower, or ”just because I love you”. Experience with your child again and again this joy-filled discovery of Jesus’ always and forever love. Con cautivantes ilustraciones y un texto ameno, Jesús, Mi Amigo Para Siempre, presenta el amor de Jesús a los niños. Pequeñas mentes curiosas y corazones tiernos aprenden la Verdad de que Jesús quiere ser su amigo para siempre. Conectando al niño Jesús con el Jesús adulto, este encantador libro bilingüe prepara a los niños para hacer tres preguntas críticas: ¿A qué trabajo importante tuvo que irse Jesús? ¿Por qué sólo Jesús pudo hacerlo? ¿Cómo puedo ser el amigo para siempre de Jesús? Jesús, Mi Amigo Para Siempre ofrece un nuevo enfoque de la historia de Jesús para niños pequeños y es el regalo perfecto para Navidad, Pascua, cumpleaños, bautizo, fiesta de bienvenida al bebé, o simplemente “porque te amo". Viva una y otra vez con su niño(a) este descubrimiento gozoso del amor eterno y para siempre de Jesús.
The Jesus Loves Everybody Series is filled with the joy of family, learning, and faith in Jesus Christ. The repetition of simple words helps to build confidence in young readers. A great LOVE story for every child! Explore These Titles in the Series: Jesus Loves Me: All About My Needs Jess me ama: Todo sobre mis necesidades Jesus Loves You: All About Meal Time Jess te ama: Todo sobre la hora de comer Jesus Loves My Daddy: All About Responsibility Jess ama a mi papi: Todo sobre responsabilidad Jesus Loves Us and Our Favorite Colors Jesus Loves Everybody: Especially Me And
Scott Brazil examines the frequent practice of applying Old Testament YHWH-texts to Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels. He argues that this YHWH-text phenomenon evidences a high Christology in the primitive church that traces back to Jesus himself. He thus finds in this Synoptic practice a stinging contradiction against the modern critical theory that a high Christology took many decades to develop in the early church and exists only in John among the canonical Gospels. Brazil surveys the Synoptic Gospels in canonical order, exegeting dozens of passages in which OT texts originally referring to YHWH are either clearly or most probably applied to Jesus. He observes the frequency, diversity, and ubiquity of the practice, as well as its wide range of OT source material and its parallel to the NT practice of applying OT messianic texts to Jesus. And from the data he offers several ramifications, including the early deliberate employment of YHWH-texts to Jesus, the likelihood that Jesus is the source of the practice, the high Christology of the Synoptics, and the redemptive-historical metanarrative that Jesus is the divine interpreter and central figure of the Jewish Scriptures. Ultimately, Brazil argues that understanding the prolific application of OT YHWH-texts to Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels cannot be neglected without truncating genuine NT Christology.
Carlos llego a este bendecido pais como refugiado cubano; con la esperanza de vivir y criar a su familia dentro de la libertad y el respeto al que todo ser humano tiene derecho. Este libro esta escrito para todo el que lo lea, le sirva de inspiracion el saber que no importa en que situacion nos encontremos, siempre hay una luz al final del tunel; y esa luz tiene su nombre que es: Jesucristo, Dios de todos y para todos, no importa la raza, el color o de donde vienes; lo importante para El no son nuestros pecados, sino nuestro corazon. Amen.
Aniversario 27 de la investigación bioenergemal ['espiritual']. Patriarcas, profetas, Buda, Jesús, María, José y socios, lamas y Mahoma se disculpan con sus seguidores por el milenario engaño que han promovido. Todas las figuras religiosas se promueven parasitando sueños, provocando en el soñante escenas e imágenes favorables o desfavorables según a ellas les convenga. Sin este recurso, ellas no hubieran podido publicitarse. Dudas como éstas del Concilio Vaticano II quizá propiciaron el biocolapso ['fallecimiento'] de Juan XXIII. No obstante, este libro no es sobre las religiones, sino acerca de quiénes las figuras religiosas, y muchas personas más, fueron y son. ¡Información excepcional!