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Communicating with God is as important to your spiritual well-being as breathing is to your physical life. Discover how you can develop and maintain a meaningful prayer life with Haddon Robinson’s practical and insightful study of “The Lord’s Prayer” in Matthew 6. Get a better understanding and a new perspective of one of the most beloved passages of the New Testament.
- Is it humanly possible to pray like Jesus? - Since God knows what we need even before we pray, why bother to pray? - To what extent does one's relationship with God affect one's prayers? With questions like these, John Brokhoff takes you on a 13-chapter journey of prayer in Pray Like Jesus. This book will help develop more effective prayer for persons and groups. It examines and studies the nature of Jesus' prayers. It examines methods and techniques Jesus used. It explores a theology of prayer, and a study of prayers in the Bible, which culminates with a study of the Lord's Prayer. This book is ideal for personal use, group study or a sermon series. Each chapter concludes with a series of discussion questions. Chapter titles include: The Contents of Prayer The Variety of Prayer Prayer and Healing The Power of Prayer John R. Brokhoff is former Professor of Homiletics, Candler School of Theology, Emory University. He is a graduate of Muhlenberg College and the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. His other popular CSS titles include Lectionary Preaching Workbook, A, B and C, Preaching The Parables, A, B and C, and Preaching The Miracles, A, B and C.
The Bible teaches us to pray without ceasing, but many Christians struggle with prayer. Is there a right way to pray? How should we address a holy God? Does prayer really change things? Even Jesus' disciples understood there was something lacking in their prayer life after they observed Jesus in prayer. When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He gave them a model of prayer as an example to follow in communing with God. In The Prayer of the Lord, Dr. R.C. Sproul helps us understand how to pray according to the pattern Jesus set for us. Each chapter focuses on a single line of the Lord's Prayer, shedding light on God's holiness and our need to humbly depend on Him. Dr. Sproul reminds us that as adopted children of God, we have an unspeakable privilege in prayer--to call upon our heavenly Father.
In the gospels, Jesus teaches much about prayer -- that God is our Father, that we can approach him directly, and that prayer thrives when done with simplicity, confidence, and persistence. Jesus also showed us many ways to pray -- in solitude and with friends, in wordless contemplation and humble intercession, and always with an attitude of obedience to his Father's will. All these are lessons for people who seek a more enriching prayer experience. Author George Martin shows us how to read the gospels for precious insight into prayer and teaches us how to "pray as Jesus prayed".
When governments collapse, human philosophies fail and your life is crashing down around you, Rediscovering the Kingdom will become your guide through the treacherous storms of the 21st century. All of the past ideologies have failed; humanism, communism, totalitarianism, fascism, socialism and even democracy. This is a philosophy, an ideology t...
The Only Comprehensive Guide to the Prayer Life of Jesus Prayer was essential to Jesus. Yet many Christians only know the Lord's Prayer, unaware of the rich, fertile prayer life he had while on earth. With warmth and keen insight, Janet Holm McHenry takes you on an engaging, vivid journey through the 14 recorded prayers Jesus prayed as well as his teachings on prayer and his prayer practices. No matter our backgrounds or ideas about how, when, and why we should talk to God, we can learn from Jesus's simple, vulnerable examples. This unique, comprehensive guide to the prayer life of Jesus provides background, context, and a detailed look at each one of the prayers of Jesus along with reflection questions and Scripture-based prayers. As we follow his example and take our problems to him, we will, like him, grow closer to the Father and find strength for our everyday challenges.
There is no Christian that can do without prayer. Just as water is a basic necessity for life, prayer is a necessity for healthy Christian living. To Chucks Uzonwanne, It is a ministry, the relationship and communication between man and God. Let us, therefore, return to the school of prayer with strong desire and hunger and ask our master Jesus Christ to teach us how to pray like him.