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The North won the Civil War, but it took a Jefferson Davis to reunite the nation. It's 1876, the last days of postwar Reconstruction in the South, when a nineteen-year-old artistic prodigy from Georgia, with a troublesome name, heads to Yankee Philadelphia and the country's first World's Fair since the Civil War. A call for artists to participate in the Fair's art exhibit, the largest in the nation, sends Thomas J. on his way. A hilarious coming-of-age story follows, with a cast of illustrious characters and more than a few mishaps and amusing encounters. Ultimately, Jefferson Davis takes Philadelphia in this madcap fictional romp, where anything can happen - and very nearly does - in this historical farce.
During the last nine months of the Civil War, virtually all of the news reports and President Jefferson Davis’s correspondence confirmed the imminent demise of the Confederate States, the nation Davis had striven to uphold since 1861. But despite defeat after defeat on the battlefield, a recalcitrant Congress, nay-sayers in the press, disastrous financial conditions, failures in foreign policy and peace efforts, and plummeting national morale, Davis remained in office and tried to maintain the government—even after the fall of Richmond on April 2—until his capture by Union forces on May 10, 1865. The eleventh volume of The Papers of Jefferson Davis follows these tumultuous last months of the Confederacy and illuminates Davis’s policies, feelings, ideas, and relationships, as well as the viewpoints of hundreds of southerners—critics and supporters—who asked favors, pointed out abuses, and offered advice on myriad topics. Printed here for the first time are many speeches and a number of new letters and telegrams. In the course of the volume, Robert E. Lee officially becomes general in chief, Joseph E. Johnston is given a final command, legislation is enacted to place slaves in the army as soldiers, and peace negotiations are opened at the highest levels. The closing pages chronicle Davis’s dramatic flight from Richmond, including emotional correspondence with his wife as the two endeavor to find each other en route and make plans for the future in the wreckage of their lives. The holdings of seventy different manuscript repositories and private collections in addition to numerous published sources contribute to Volume 11, the fifth in the Civil War period.
A biography of Jefferson Davis: statesman, Mexican war hero, and President of the Confederate States of America.
The anthology 'The Life and Work of Jefferson Davis' presents an intricate exploration of one of the most polarizing figures in American history, through a blend of literary styles ranging from biographical sketches to analytical essays. The collection captures the multifaceted persona of Davis, not only as the President of the Confederacy but also as a man of letters, a politician, and a soldier, offering readers a comprehensive view of his life, ideology, and legacy. The diversity within the pages of this anthology underscores the complexity of Southern identity, the nuances of American Civil War history, and the enduring debate over Davis's place in American historiography, making it a significant contribution to the field. The contributors, Jefferson Davis himself and his biographer Frank H. Alfriend, bring together a powerful combination of firsthand insights and scholarly analysis. Davis provides a unique introspective into his own life, complemented by Alfriend's external perspective shaped by his historical and cultural insights, positioning this anthology at the convergence of personal memoir and scholarly biography. Together, they illuminate the societal and political undercurrents of the 19th century American South, adding depth to the discourse on Confederate legacy and American history. For scholars, students, and enthusiasts of American history, 'The Life and Work of Jefferson Davis' offers a nuanced and detailed examination of a contentious figure. The anthology encourages readers to engage with the complexities of historical narratives, providing a valuable resource for understanding the myriad ways in which individual lives can reflect broader cultural and political landscapes. Its a must-read for those seeking to unravel the intricate tapestry of America's past, offering a rare blend of personal reflection and academic analysis.
Volume 8 of The Papers of Jefferson Davis brings the Confederate president to the second year of the War Between the States and shows that during 1862 Davis was almost completely overwhelmed by military matters. Indeed, early that year, in an address to the Confederate Congress, he admitted that in trying to defend every part of its far-flung territory, the “Government had attempted more than it had power successfully to achieve.” During 1862, Judah P. Benjamin was replaced as secretary of war by George W. Randolph, who was then succeeded by James A. Seddon. As the year advanced, Davis’ relationships with certain key generals continued to sour. Chief among them were P.G.T. Beauregard, who was finally removed from his last significant command, and Joseph E. Johnston, whose fall from grace precipitated Robert E. Lee’s rise to influence as commander of the Army of Northern Virginia. Lee proved to be as adept in communicating and coordinating plans with the president as Johnston had been inept. At the inconclusive Battle of Shiloh, Davis lost Albert Sidney Johnston, a trusted friend and the general he had most admired. Like Shiloh, many other campaigns of 1862 ended in stalemate and withdrawal, including Henry H. Sibley’s New Mexico campaign, Braxton Bragg’s Kentucky campaign, Earl Van Dorn’s battle at Elkhorn Tavern, and the Confederacy’s greatest gamble—Lee’s Invasion of Maryland. Correspondence with Davis’ brother, Joseph E. Davis, reveals the ever-worsening situation in Mississippi. The Federal occupation of New Orleans, the fall of new Madrid and Island No. 10, and Grants repeated attempts to capture Vicksburg heightened anxiety about the area and persuaded the president to tour the western theater in December. Because the Union’s springtime invasion of Richmond prompted Davis to send his wife and children away, Volume 8 contains an unusually rich collection of letters exchanged during their separation. This correspondence offers a rare glimpse into the minds and hearts of Davis and his wife. Altogether, more than 2,000 documents, many never before published, are included in Volume 8; 133 are printed in full. Culled from fifty-nine repositories, twenty-one private collections, and numerous printed sources, they reveal that despite the many setbacks he suffered in 1862, Davis maintained a deep devotion to duty and an unbending will to win.
An excerpt from the CHAPTER I. ANCESTRY AND BOYHOOD: Jefferson Davis was born in 1808. He died in 1889. During the intervening period of over fourscore years, by his stainless personal character; by his unflagging and unselfish devotion to the interests of the South; by his unsurpassed ability as an exponent and champion of her rights and principles, as well as by his distinguished public services in peace and war, and his high official station, he was universally regarded, both at home and abroad, as pre-eminently the representative of a great era, a great cause, and a great people. The era is closed, the cause sleeps, but the people survive, and revere the memory, and mourn him dead, whom, living, they delighted to honor. It is for them that I write this memoir and vindication of his political action. In vindicating him I also vindicate them; for he spent his long life in their service, and was rewarded with their love and confidence from his cradle to his grave. In the fulfilment of this sacred task I shall endeavor to be guided by the spirit that inspired him during his whole life-a spirit of unswerving devotion to truth and duty, of unyielding antagonism against all assailants of justice, without regard to their prejudices or their numbers, but-mindful of the fact that every opponent, even to the death, is not necessarily an enemy, and that sincerity of belief is entitled to respectful consideration even when found arrayed against us. I shall endeavor to do exact and equal justice to the antagonists of the South, as well as to her leaders; "naught to extenuate, nor set down aught in malice." If I fail, it will be because my love for the Southern people, and their lost cause and leader, may unconsciously influence my judgment of the men and beliefs that were arrayed in deadly conflict during the war between the States. As to the plan of the work, I shall endeavor, as far as possible, to make the book an autobiography-to tell the story of my husband's life in his own words; to complete the task he left unfinished. For, during the last year of his life, after having spent the summer in preparing "A Short History of the Confederate States," he yielded to the repeated requests, both of his personal friends and publishers, to write an autobiography. Shortly before his last journey to Briarfield he dictated to a friend, as an introductory chapter, this account of his ancestry and early boyhood. He was too weak to sit up long at a time, and lay in bed while his friend and I sat by and listened. No verbal or other change has been made in the dictation, which Mr. Davis did not read over: "Three brothers came to America from Wales in the early part of the eighteenth century. They settled at Philadelphia."....
Lynda Lasswell Crist, Editor Mary Seaton Dix, Coeditor Introduction by Frank E. Vandiver Volume 7 of The Papers of Jefferson Davis offers a unique view of 1861, the first year of the Confederacy, Davis' presidency, and the Civil War. On January 21 Davis made his affecting farewell speech before a hushed Senate, then left for Mississippi. His uncertainty over a military or political course vanished when he received news of his unanimous election as president of the Confederate States of America. Inaugurated at Montgomery, Alabama, on February 18, Davis quickly set to work to forge a government, in a race with events to select a cabinet, establish departments, and plan for the common defense. Hopes for a peaceful separation from the North ended with the firing on Fort Sumter; subsequent documents reveal a president absorbed by the problems of waging a war that soon stretched from the Atlantic Coast to the Gulf of Mexico. Victory at Manassas produced euphoria among southerners but plunged the president into the first of several unfortunate controversies with his generals, this one over the failure to pursue the enemy and capitalize on success. Throughout 1861 the Confederate commissioners in Europe reported to Davis on their expectations of recognition, convinced that the demand for cotton would induce Great Britain and France to break the North's blockade of southern ports and help supply arms for the defense of the fledgling nation. Volume 7 provides a rare opportunity to assess anew Davis' strengths and weaknesses as executive, to reexamine his relationship with generals, governors, congressmen, cabinet officers, the press, and the public. Davis ended the year as he begun, aware of the difficulties of the course the South had adopted and confident that its cause would ultimately triumph. Containing illustrations, maps, and more than 2,500 documents drawn from numerous printed sources and more than seventy repositories and private collections, Volume 7 covers a year of paramount importance in our country's history.