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…We must know ourselves, Erkenne uns selbst, beyond of the over two thousand years of Delphi inscription, Know thyself, Erkenne dich selbst!... …If the Sapientosophy means a desired raising in knowledge of the Sapiens towards UpSapiens, then, the Weapon of Philosophy must go into the multitudes of our Species, interconnecting the Philosophy of Amphitheatre (like the Philosophy of Being since Parmenides and Heidegger, or Philosophy of Akademos and Lyceum through Plato and Aristotle, or the Philosophy of Patristics through Sf. Augustine and Maxim the Confessor, or Philosophy of Scholastic through Duns Scotus and Von Aquin, or Philosophy of Rationality through Descartes and Spinoza, or Idealist Philosophy through Kant and Hegel, or the Philosophy of Phenomenology through Husserl and Jaspers ) with the Philosophy of the Book (particularly in our On Line times), with the Philosophy of Human History, reaching the terrible insights of the Human Genome… …But, has Human Genome (in its biology as the sum of genes inside of an individuality), a special philosophical mystery, flourishing into the human of articulated language, of the writing alphabet and of the abstract thinking?... …Our endeavor is to shed the modest light upon these basic biological and philosophical concepts of our times… Biophilosophist
In order to know myself better, gnothi seauton, I have to descend into the strongholds of meditation, of pondering and of wise silencing, by trying to re-unite the essence of a thing with its own existence, esse et existere… In order to know myself better, gnothi seauton, I have to know what is uncertain around me and inside me, regarding the cosmological uncertainties, biological uncertainties and ontological uncertainties… In order to know myself better, gnothi seauton, I have to know what is unknown around me and inside of me, whatever of the level of universe or of the starry skies upon me and the ones inside me… Ultimately, in order to know ourselves better, of what is known, of what is uncertain and of what is unknown must be the duty-triad in every school, in every college or university of all those who are trying the ontological jump, or start up in our Species, towards an Up-Sapiens Species… Encyclopaedist towards Up-Sapiens
…We are under big pressure of the adverse times and realities, in rethinking and umthinking of the whole of the World History, after big waves of World’s earthquakes, by mentioning here the big financial crisis between 2008-2010, or Brexit of the Great Britain out of European Union, or Scotland Referendum in 2016, or dramatic pandemy of Corona virus between 2019-2022, or Ukraina’s war against Russia in 2022, all as embittered fought inside of the Great Britain, inside of Europe and of European Union, and subsequently inside the World History, all belonging to the first three decades of the Third Millenium (MMXXII), between the years 2000 and the present year of 2022… …It is not mentioned here the huge waves of migrants in the last ten years towards European Union and towards Great Britain, through which a world of social and political pathology is accompanied and enhanced by a dramatic pandemic’s world of biologic pathology, these worst issues of viral disease, outbreaking in the year 2019, and going through the present year 2022… …We will try to remake other configurations of the initial books regarding the triad of BRITISH NATION – BRITISH EMPIRE – BRITISH COMMONWEALTH, called BRITISHOLOGICUM, LONDINIUM BLISSBURG, SCOTLAND REFERENDUM, BREXITT & BREXITOLOGY, written and published by author within the last 10 years, without to pretend to be or to become an influencer and re – influencer in social sciences, in philosopgy and sociology or World History… Terminology of different books will be different in their substance and their semantics, reflecting the difference in temporality and creativity of the author, but the basic principles of ethics and morality are into all books, into the sameness areas of consideration… If the triad BRITISH NATION – BRITISH EMPIRE – BRITISH COMMONWEALTH needs to survive into World History, then the Great Britain, (our cogitate for United Kingdom), must know the history of oneself, the history of the Europe, the history of the world and the history of the Sapiens, and all its inhabitants, its native, the people and citizens of Great Britain, must know the science and technology of the world, the art and religions of the world, the geography and demography of the world, by knowing in the same time, the history of the Species Sapiens, since the oldest times of Upper Paleolithic, of Neolithic, of Chalcholithic, of Antiquity, of Middle Age, of Renaissance, of Enlightenment, of Modern Times and of present Third Millennium, all all in their generality, in their detail, in their reality, through morality, through their rationality and in their unavoidable ontology… More than that, our set of books, BRITISH SAPIENS, is desired to be and to become, a pilot project in searching and researching in Anthropology, in Sapientology in Videology and Anthropo-Sapientology, a vector of axiological and epistemological substance in knowledge and discoveries, in invention and further developing of our Species Sapiens, to whom all human being is primarily indebted not only in its upright posture, in free of upper arms, but particularly in abstract thinking of working abilities, of working productivity and of working creativities and setting the whole Sapient, with no exemption, at work… SAPIENTOLOGIST OF BRITISH SAPIENS
…Could one know the totality ancestors of our Species Sapiens, as accumulated experiences through Sapiens itself, coming from Genus Homo, Hominid Family, Order Primate, Class Mammals, Phylum Vertebrata, Kingdom Animals?.. …More than sure, the answer is not, just by taking into account that this chain of evolution has an average age of ca. about 500 millions years of different eras and periods, and the un-numerable ascendant species or genus or families, had been already in extinct phase of paleontology of the earth… …But through a theoretical process of the psychoanalytic introversion into upright posture of the Hominid Family, Genus Homo and Species Sapiens, it is tried a confrontation not only with the supposed subconscious of this triad bipedic ancestor of present human, but a re-sensing of myth-o-poiesis enchained into the three interrelated evolutionary groups, perhaps, the main responsible for our qualities, for our fragilities, for our vulnerabilities and for our creativities… …This metaphor for a Species individuation, with a huge emptiness around us, united in contraries, transcending ourselves towards unknown, resembles a creative pathology in-written into human, who is the carrier of duality consciousness – sub-consciousness, which is the mirror into which the cosmos and the nature are seen reflected… Anthropo - Sapientosophist
To our Father of Cosmology, the creator of all basic foundations of the present Universe, by calling them through a three times of triad, as: Genesis – Evolution – Becoming Space – Time – Causality Matter – Form – Energy Gravitation – Field of Forces – Numerology! To our Mother Biology, the creator of Life on our planetary system, having the basic characteristics through the next triads of Life, as the next ones: Cell Singularity – Cell Prokaryote – Cell Eukaryote Multicellularity – Plants – Animals Vertebrates – Mammalians – Primates Hominidology – Anthropology – Sapientology To our Father / Mother Sapiens, to whom we are fully indebted for all basic characteristics of Species Sapiens, also in three times triad of anatomical characteristics, as the next ones: Upright posture – Free Hands – Tools maker Enlarged Brains – Language – Alphabet Domestication of Plants & Animals – Division of Labor – Developer of Culture and Civilization. To my mother Victoria, the greatest incessant stimulant as human being in my whole life, who proved to be more than any encouragement by the creation by her son of the monumental work called THE AREA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, later on multiplied by the next AERAS; AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS (AERA-1) AERA OF SAPIENTOLOGICAL SYSTEM (AERA-2) AERA OF VIDEOLOGICAL SYSTEM ( AERA-4 ) AERA OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM (AERA-4) „Being and Edentation 1 - GnathoAnamnesis” is a combination of Dentistry as a physiology and human pathology in Total Edentation, and Gnathology, an interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary super-concept, with a recombination between dentistry, general medicine, philosophy, psychology, theology, anthropology and sapientology, all in their theoretical, conceptological and videological complementarity… In principle, this set of books- works under the generic name of Being and Edentation, belong to the ERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, in the following hierarchical inscription: I. PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE I.2. METAPHYSICS OF LIVING SYSTEMS I.2.6. GNATHOLOGICUM I.2.6.4. GNATHOPROTETICUM But, for the simplification of the hierarchical code, will be used just the ISBN code, which will be displayed within technical cassette of every E- book! Video-Gnathologist-in-Becoming
The first decades of the third Millennium have brought about a huge amount of information out of all areas of human activity, requiring a strong systematization of them all… This endeavor taxonomy requires beyond of an encyclopedic approach, courage of the author in finding and imposing a line of ordering, in such a way, that the comprehension of it to overcome the limits, the borders of his own understanding… The increased complexity of a such Info – Data – Task – Force of Human, put a huge pressure an author, also in an enlarge diversity and complexification of the triad of the publications as book – booklet – bookish… More than that, a confrontation between the science of physics, in its becoming through biophysics and metaphysics, with the Oriental philosophy of the triad in Sanskrit ( Hinduism – Buddhism – Jainism ) and the triad of the Chinese Philosophy ( Taoism – Confucianism – Chan Buddhism) could bring about another vision, another light, over the evolutionary triad of the cosmology – biology and human ontology, by enriching in this way, even the Species Sapiens through its own thesaurus of reason, diversity and creativity… Sapientologist
By illegally leaving the country of Romania in September 1988, the author fall under immense pressure to equate his medical-university diploma in Romania through a set of exams in the United States (Detroit and Chicago) from 1989-1991, obviously in English language. This particular effort created to the author an extended gnathological universe to entire domestic medical structure and conceptology. The gnatho-philosophical book "Being and Edentation" is the result of a synthesis that upstarted from a conceptual analysis of the Central Relationship, called Centric Relation, in its determinations and redeterminations as a fundamental reference of the Dento-Maxillary Apparatus... Even if the scientific book “Being and Edentation” was presented by the author himself in the last 25 years throughout of Western Civilizations, no one has had the comprehensive insight in making at least a commentary regarding this book… Gnathologist