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Expert analysis of the NBC threat and comprehensive details of the manufacturers and their products for military and civilian readiness and response involved in meeting that threat.
Analyses the nuclear, biological and chemical threat and offers comprehensive details on the manufacturers and their products involved in meeting that threat. This book also highlights technological advances and initiatives formulated to meet the NBC threats.
Jane's Chemical-Biological Defense Guidebook provides an expert overview of agents, their delivery and detection, and an assessment of contamination control and protection procedures. Detailed reference information and invaluable checklists ensure you are fully briefed on necessary elements of defensive strategies. Key contents include: Chemical-biological agents; Detection and warning; Contamination control and protection; Threats to buildings; Domestic preparedness Related products include, Jane's Chem-Bio Web, Jane's Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence and Jane's Chem-Bio Handbook: Second Edition.
Expert analysis of the NBC threat and comprehensive details of the manufacturers and their products for military and civilian readiness and response involved in meeting that threat.
Expert analysis of the NBC threat and comprehensive details on manufacturers and products involved in meeting the threat. Supports threat assessment/ procurement of defensive equipment. Provides specifications, status, manufacturer details and images enabling comparison and appraisal.
Expert analysis of the NBC threat and comprehensive details on manufacturers and products involved in meeting the threat. Supports threat assessment/ procurement of defensive equipment. Provides specifications, status, manufacturer details and images enabling comparison and appraisal.
Jane's Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence offers expert analysis of the NBC threat and comprehensive details on the manufacturers and their products involved in meeting that threat. It is ideal for providing guidance for threat assessment and for procurement of defensive equipment. Equipment entries provide detailed specifications, together with availability status, manufacturer details and pictures or diagrams to enable comparison and appraisal.
Værket beskriver detaljeret ABC forsvar og beskyttelse. Værket indledes med at gennemgå 95 lande og vurdere deres evne til at anvende ABC våben. Herefter gennemgås ABC våben og deres virkninger samt den nyeste tekniske udvikling. Endvidere gennemgås de enkelte landes ABC - sporingssystemer, ABC - beskyttelsessystemer, ABC- rensemidler og -metoder samt ABC- uddannelse og træning. KGB har 8.udgave af værket til udlån dækkende året 1995 - 96 under benævnelsen: Jane's NBC Protection Equipment.