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Webber reports on the condition of Henry's brother, William, who suffered from mental illness. Writes, I now am griev'd that I cannot send you more agreeable tidings, still continues in the same way, and I fear but little probability of a quick recovery to a sound state of Mind- has some small intervals of reason, but it soon wears away- appetite tolerable, but much alter'd in his appearance. Promises to continue to care for William if Henry cannot come to England. Discusses financial matters that have been neglected by William. Mentions a letter from General Oglethorpe (possibly James Oglethorpe) he did not enclose in his last correspondence with Knox, noting that he sent the letter in a box of books.
Expresses his gratitude for the care Webber has taken to assist his brother William, who suffered from mental illness. Mentions a box of books, sent from London by Sharp, that were damaged in transit. Writes, I am not well acquainted with the state of my brothers affairs... Extensively discusses the details of business transactions left unattended by William. Relates that he will not be able to travel to London to care for William, due to the demands of his family and his recent acceptance of the post of Secretary at War. Asks that Webber send William to Boston and financially support him in the meantime. Promises to repay Webber with interest for the cost of William's care. Asks that if Webber cannot send William to Boston, to reduce the cost of his expenses: My own fortune or prospects are very far from being great & I have a large family to support & young children to educate But my unfortunate friend and Brother shall participate of the last shilling. In the margin of page seven, asks for Doctor Monro's opinion on William's condition (possibly referring to John Monro, noted for his study of insanity). Sends his regards to acquaintances in England, including his mother-in-law, Mrs. [Hannah] Flucker.
Webber, a London merchant and friend of William Knox, reports the details of William's recent episode of mental illness. William had announced his intentions to marry Miss Laurens, a Daughter of Mr Henry Laurens. Although they were apparently courting, she knew nothing of the proposal. Webber regrettably describes a scene in which William arrived at the Laurens' residence with loaded guns, declaring God, and Nature had join'd [William and Miss Laurens] together, and no power on Earth should prevent ye Union, and if not accomplish'd ye House and Street should be set on fire in a few days... William's friends in London seek advice as to whether or not to temporarily confine him, and ask what steps to take for his welfare. Discusses Williams debts and business matters. Congratulates Knox on a newborn child (possibly William Bingham Knox).
Webber reports on the condition of Henry's brother, William, who suffered from mental illness. Writes, Tis with great pleasure I can inform you that Mr W Knox is abundantly more compos'd and steady now, than he was, generally is recollected, but at intervals light and wavering...
Marked duplicate. Includes two letters from James Webber, both written from London. In the first letter, in a clerical hand, but initialed by Webber, written on 7 September 1785, Webber outlines his dealings with Knox's brother, William, whom he had cared for when William became mentally unstable. Writes that due to a variety of circumstances, including poor sales of his goods, William became afflicted with a lowness of spirits: and a desire to be alone. Webber took him into his home and helped him prepare to depart for America. Begs Knox to write to him about William's well-being when he arrives. Also, outlines the amount of money William's care cost him, including the charges of Dr. Monro (see GLC02437.03187), which Henry Knox promised Webber he would reimburse him for (see GLC02437.03171). Encloses several letters for Mrs. Lucy Knox from family members (not included). Webber's autograph letter signed from 5 October 1785 explains that he has not heard anything further of the ship carrying William to Boston. Has received a note from the Marquis de Lafayette thanking him for his care of William and asking William to visit him. Relates several financial matters. Reports on seeing relatives of Lucy's, who were in good health. Sends compliments and wishes to hear from them as soon as William has arrived.
Writes to Mr. James Webber of London on a variety of topics. First, thanks him very much for caring for Knox's brother William when William was ill. Is overjoyed to hear of his restoration to reason and health, and that he will be returning to America from England. Discusses a variety of other topics, including trade between America and England, Boston politics, and the financial business between Webber, Knox, and the firm of Broome & Platt (see GLC02437.03185).
Webber, a London merchant and friend of William Knox, responds to a letter from Henry Knox (GLC02437.03068). Expresses happiness at William's recovery from an episode of mental illness. Reports that William will soon sail from London to Boston. Discusses economics, commenting on the low price of good in the United States. Notes that credit for American trade is greatly lessen'd in England. Writes, in confidence, I would intimate that if Mr Wm Knox extends his Trade and line of connexions, you sir, would render him an essential service by being a guarantee to some of those with whom he is connected... Relates that when William Knox received Henry's last letter, tears of pleasure and affection flowed plentifully from his Eyes... Praises Knox for his service in the Revolutionary War, for preserving us from ye very dregs of slavery.
Writes to Webber, a caretaker and friend of Knox's brother William in England, regarding William's illness. Comments that he is very happy to hear William is doing well and that his prospects for recovery are positive. Discusses the likelihood that William will return to the United States, and hopes that he will, as his family will be able to provide a thousand tendernesses to soothe his mind & restore its tranquility. If William recovers, Knox suggests he stay in New York, with Knox and his wife and children; if he returns while still ill, requests that William return to Boston, as Knox has arranged for his care there. Reaffirms his statement in a previous letter that in case my brothers affairs should be so embarrased as to render him unable to pay the expenses of his confinement, Knox will reimburse Webber for any advances he had to make. Encloses a letter to William, as well as a packet to Mrs. Flucker, his mother-in-law, which he hopes Webber can safely deliver to her. Mrs. Knox sends her regards.
Mentions letters (pertaining to business affairs) that recently arrived by ship for Knox, newly appointed Secretary at War. Reports news of Knox's brother William, who suffered from mental illness: By Mr. Webbers letters you will observe the melencolly [sic] situation of poor Bill, it makes my heartache when I think of him- Mr Webber appears to be a divine man, & it must give you great consolation that Bill has fallen into such good hands (referring to James Webber, a close friend and subsequent caretaker of William). Advises Knox to send for his brother, noting that all of William's financial worries will fall into Knox's hands.