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Films about the moon show that even after the lunar landing of 1969 our celestial neighbor has lost none of its aptitude for being made of green cheese. In fact, as soon as you put the moon on screen it is lost. This is equally true for a wide range of moon films, including the theatricality of Méliès, the incredulity of camp, the illegibility of footage shot by Apollo astronauts and the revisionary history of Transformers 3. Yet, as paradoxical as it might seem at first, it is only when we "lose sight" of the moon that lunar truths begin to come forth. This is because fantastic elements of the moon—by their mere absurdity—can indicate non-fantastic elements. However, what is of interest here is not realistic or fantastic lunar truths but rather that the moon is an object which invites, or even demands, more than one truth at once.
The Year that Defined American Journalism explores the succession of remarkable and decisive moments in American journalism during 1897 – a year of significant transition that helped redefine the profession and shape its modern contours. This defining year featured a momentous clash of paradigms pitting the activism of William Randolph Hearst's participatory 'journalism of action' against the detached, fact-based antithesis of activist journalism, as represented by Adolph Ochs of the New York Times, and an eccentric experiment in literary journalism pursued by Lincoln Steffens at the New York Commercial-Advertiser. Resolution of the three-sided clash of paradigms would take years and result ultimately in the ascendancy of the Times' counter-activist model, which remains the defining standard for mainstream American journalism. The Year That Defined American Journalism introduces the year-study methodology to mass communications research and enriches our understanding of a pivotal moment in media history.
For poet Iris Liebner, writing is a source of healing in her life. Her words arise as an intuitive knowledge, a flowering from within, and a path of revelation. Seraph is the culmination of that revelation, focusing on mistakes and reparation, living and dying. She utilizes strong voice and movement to invoke passion and inspire the art of expression. For Iris, healing is utmost, in both her professional and personal lives. She hopes her collection enables you to be more joyous in this oft-conflicted life. She hopes you will be less fraught with judgements, assumptions, and fragmentation. These poems stir the imagination and find a home in the heart as an ode to love, loss, and the spirit of renewed hope. With every inhale, fill with inspiration. With every exhale, surrender to the eternal all-knowing.
Fletcher Moon has never been like other kids. For one thing, he has had to suffer the humiliating nickname "Half Moon" because of his short stature. But the real reason Fletcher is different is that ever since he was a baby, he's had a nose for sniffing out mysteries. And after graduating at the top of his Internet class, he is officially certified as the youngest detective in the world.
Kyle Whitmore is the son of an emotionally distant multimillionaire. He ends up in a serious fix, but Kyle is nothing if not adaptable. Being sent to prison on the first and only prison colony on the Moon, he will have to make friends fast to avoid the darkness that hides under the surface of the self-sufficient, uncontrolled prison colony.
Slocum, a man of few friends, is minus another when war buddy Tim Blake is found murdered, leaving him alone to face the deadliest gunslicks in Black Rock in his quest for answers to the killing.
A thirst for revenge drives Slocum straight into the heart of hell.
The adventure continues as Celene, now fully immune to every vampire weakness save holy water, at last confronts Cahlin, the vampire who turned her and changed her entire life. But even as she finishes with him and believes that she will finally find peace, everything around her comes crashing down. Thoril reveals more secrets about her true identity, and while Celene pursues the real story behind her supernatural existence, dark forces begin to rear their heads in the forests of Florida. The understanding of why no one save Janet remembered her after her transformation into a vampire at last is given, and Celene is left reeling by the reality of her childhood. Who were Celene’s real parents, who is responsible for the chain of murders taking place in Kristinburg, what happens when Janet’s life hangs in the balance, and why does Celene feel that some terrible evil is coming for her? On top of everything else, what of her potential romance with Thoril? Readers who enjoyed Crimson Moon can’t miss out on the incredible and revelatory events that unfold in this perilous, dramatic, and enchanting sequel. J. Carroll delivers in full with new characters, new stories, and shocking revelations that will leave readers trying to catch their breath as the plot twists, turns, and backtracks to create an ever-growing web of intertwined fates.