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En cada época, la Iglesia debe proclamar de nuevo la belleza y la abundancia de gracia que encierra el Sacramento del Matrimonio. Las parejas casadas constituyen la mayoría de los fieles, y a menudo son pilares de apoyo en parroquias, escuelas, apostolados, grupos de voluntarios y casi todas las demás instituciones católicas. A partir de su exhortación apostólica Amoris Laetitia, el Papa Francisco ha expresado su deseo de que la Iglesia ofrezca una preparación mejor y más completa a las parejas de novios para el matrimonio. Ha pedido un enfoque relativamente amplio, inspirado en el catecumenado bautismal, que permita a las parejas celebrar el Sacramento del Matrimonio con mayor consciencia, empezando por una experiencia de fe y de encuentro personal con Jesús. Itinerarios Catecumenales para la Vida Matrimonial ofrece directrices pastorales para que las diócesis y las parroquias refuercen la preparación al Sacramento del Matrimonio. Invirtiendo energías renovadas en este esfuerzo, la Iglesia puede ayudar a las parejas a comprender el don de este sacramento, el significado del amor esponsal y el matrimonio como su auténtica vocación.
El Dicasterio para los Laicos, la Familia y la Vida ha preparado, con este fin, un documento que ofrece a los pastores, a los cónyuges y a todos los que trabajan en la pastoral familiar, una visión y una metodología renovadas de la preparación al sacramento del matrimonio y a toda la vida matrimonial, en todas las etapas del camino sacramental: los tiempos de preparación al matrimonio, su celebración y los años posteriores», especialmente cuando los cónyuges pueden estar atravesando crisis y momentos de desánimo.
How can we transmit a living, personal Catholic faith to future generations? By coming to know Jesus Christ, and following him as his disciples. These are times of immense challenge and immense opportunity for the Catholic Church. Consider these statistics for the United States. Only 30 percent of Americans who were raised Catholic are still practicing. Fully 10 percent of all adults in America are ex-Catholics. The number of marriages celebrated in the Church decreased dramatically, by nearly 60 percent, between 1972 and 2010. Only 60 percent of Catholics believe in a personal God. If the Church is to reverse these trends, the evangelizers must first be evangelized-in other words, Catholics-in-the-pew must make a conscious choice to know and follow Jesus before they can draw others to him. This work of discipleship lies at the heart of Forming Intentional Disciples, a book designed to help Church leaders, parish staff and all Catholics transform parish life from within. Drawing upon her fifteen years of experience with the Catherine of Siena Institute, Sherry Weddell leads readers through steps that will help Catholics enter more deeply into a relationship with God and the river of apostolic creativity, charisms, and vocation that flow from that relationship for the sake of the Church and the world. Learn about the five thresholds of postmodern conversion, how to open a conversation about faith and belief, how to ask thought-provoking questions and establish an atmosphere of trust, when to tell the Great Story of Jesus, how to help someone respond to God's call to intentional discipleship, and much more. And be prepared for conversion because when life at the parish level changes, the life of the whole Church will change.
Noted Catholic author Vinny Flynn and his daughter Erin have designed what is destined to become a much-loved companion volume for Mass and Adoration. Combining the best of tradition and modernity, this beautiful, deluxe volume will help you enter into the prayers of the Mass more fully and, thus, derive more benefit from not only the Holy Sacrifice, but from your Holy Hours before the Blessed Sacrament, and your personal prayer time as well. This durable book includes: - beautiful versions of both ancient and modern prayers - brief explanatory notes to guide you through the different parts of the Mass - entire section of prayers for Adoration - space to make personal notations and add your own personal favorite prayers Mass and Adoration Companion will help you develop your own unique way of conversing with God, so that Adoration and other prayer times will become completely centered on the loving and personal gift of the Presence of God, and so that the Mass will never again be just an hour-long event, but an inspiration and an aid to living a Eucharistic spirituality that will change your life.
Presents a fresh perspective on confession, inviting the reader to begin an exciting personal journey to healing and holiness.
Todas las páginas de Sembrar, revista diocesana de Burgos, del año 2009. En los 23 números de la revista publicados este año el lector podrá encontrar asuntos que ocuparon y preocuparon a la Iglesia en Burgos y en España, los temas candentes, las palabras del Arzobispo de Burgos al hilo de la actualidad o comentando temas fundamentales de la fe cristiana, entrevistas y artículos de opinión que nos ponen sobre la pista de lo que este 2009 fue, al menos desde la óptica de esta humilde publicación de la Archidiócesis de Burgos. También podrán encontrar reseñas de libros y de películas que pueden servir de orientación al lector.
The Companion to the Directory for Catechesis is your in-depth, chapter-by-chapter guide to the new Directory for Catechesis (2020). This practical summary and commentary on all twelve chapters of the directory will help you engage in deep reflection on the content and its implications for your ministry. Written by two trusted catechists and teachers, each chapter of the Companion to the Directory for Catechesis features discussion questions, reflection, and prayer for catechists and catechetical leaders. With a foreword by Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst of the Pontifical Council for Promotion of the New Evangelization, which is responsible for presenting the Directory for Catechesis itself, the Companion to the Directory for Catechesis is a trustworthy resource for group or individual study.
"I dream of a 'missionary option'... a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything..." Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium Do you have the same dream as Pope Francis? Would you like to see your parish, apostolate, or family flourishing in Christ like never before? In Making Missionary Disciples, Curtis Martin, founder of the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS), explores how to build a vibrant culture of faithfulness and fruitfulness. He doesn't just remind us how every disciple is called on mission to share the love and truth of Jesus Christ. He gives us practical ways to do this in our ordinary daily lives. • Know the three crucial habits of effective evangelization. • Grow in Divine Intimacy following the four essential practices to which the early disciples devoted themselves. • Learn the importance of becoming not only a disciple, but a missionary disciple. • Understand the three-phased "Method Modeled by the Master"--the approach to evangelization modeled for us by Jesus in the Gospels and rooted in Catholic magisterial teaching. Experience the transformation for which we all long--through Making Missionary Disciples.