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Next generation commercial reactor designs emphasize enhanced safety through improved safety system reliability and performance by means of system simplification and reliance on immutable natural forces for system operation. Simulating the performance of these safety systems will be central to analytical safety evaluation of advanced passive reactor designs. Yet the characteristically small driving forces of these safety systems pose challenging computational problems to current thermal-hydraulic systems analysis codes. Additionally, the safety systems generally interact closely with one another, requiring accurate, integrated simulation of the nuclear steam supply system, engineered safeguards and containment. Furthermore, numerical safety analysis of these advanced passive reactor designs wig necessitate simulation of long-duration, slowly-developing transients compared with current reactor designs. The composite effects of small computational inaccuracies on induced system interactions and perturbations over long periods may well lead to predicted results which are significantly different than would otherwise be expected or might actually occur. Comparisons between the engineered safety features of competing US advanced light water reactor designs and analogous present day reactor designs are examined relative to the adequacy of existing thermal-hydraulic safety codes in predicting the mechanisms of passive safety. Areas where existing codes might require modification, extension or assessment relative to passive safety designs are identified. Conclusions concerning the applicability of these codes to advanced passive light water reactor safety analysis are presented.
A summary of the main activities that have been carried out towards the development of advanced mechanistic models and computer codes for light water reactor safety (LWR) analysis. The principal features of the two main types of western LWRs are given.
The Guidebook to Light Water Reactor Safety Analysis brings together government and expert researchers entrusted with maintaining the safety of reactors, preventing incidents, and for creating the guidelines for responding appropriately to emergency situations. It includes an overview presented by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. One of the most relevant compendiums of its time, it's a volume of both historical and scientific significance and well worth the consideration of those currently involved with maintaining reactor safety..
The Energy Research Advisory Board (ERAB) was requested to under take an examination of safety research and development (R and D) on light water reactors (LWRs) in order to advise the Department of Energy (DOE) on the adequacy of those efforts for making effective use of nuclear power. In carrying out this examination, DOE asked that ERAB: (1) review the adequacy of DOE's LWR safety R and D management plan prepared pursuant to Public Law 96-567, (2) examine the safety-related R and D conducted by the various government and nongovernment groups, and (3) identify R and D that could result in major design improvements to LWRs. To carry out this examination, ERAB appointed an expert panel. This report contains the results of ERAB's examination of the first two of the above subjects. The Board has yet to consider the subject of nonsafety-related long-term LWR R and D, as also requested by DOE. Furthermore, in keeping with the Department's guidance, this report does not include an examination of the R and D on related activities such as reprocessing, waste management, and the breeder.
This text arose from a study originally undertaken for the Department of Energy to characterize the principal safety features of light water reactors of western design. This text should be of use to professional engineers interested in safety assessment of operating light water reactors, students interested in the principal safety features of LWRs, and others interested in tracing the design evolution of light water reactors. However, while ambitious in its scope, this text should not be viewed as presenting the levels of reactor safety of the various families of western reactor designs.
This work investigates whether the advanced light water reactor designs with passive safety systems are more desirable than advanced reactor designs with active safety systems from the point of view of uncertainty in the performance of safety systems as well as the economic implications of the passive safety systems. Two advanced pressurized water reactors and two advanced boiling water reactors, one representing passive reactors and the other active reactors for each type of coolant, are compared in terms of operation and responses to accidents as reported by the vendors. Considering a simplified decay heat removal system that utilizes an isolation condenser for decay heat removal, the uncertainty in the main parameters affecting the system performance upon a reactor isolation accident is characterized when the system is to rely on natural convection and when it is to rely on a pump to remove the core heat. It is found that the passive system is less certain in its performance if the pump of the active system is tested at least once every five months. In addition, a cost model is used to evaluate the economic differences and benefits between the active and passive reactors. It is found that while the passive systems could have the benefit of fewer components to inspect and maintain during operation, they do suffer from a larger uncertainty about the time that would be required for their licensing due to more limited data on the reliability of their operation. Finally, a survey among nuclear energy experts with a variety of affiliations was conducted to determine the current professional attitude towards these two competing nuclear design options. The results of the survey show that reactors with passive safety systems are more desirable among the surveyed expert groups. The perceived advantages of passive systems are an increase in plant safety with a decrease in cost.