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Pauline studies are in a conundrum. The Reformation perspectives championed by great men like Martin Luther and John Calvin have been challenged recently by the rise of the new perspective on Paul. The main point of contention seems to be the place of biblical law in salvation. While the Reformation perspectives, based in part on Paul’s apparent attacks on law, assert that salvation is a free gift unmerited by human works, the new perspective suggests the law is an integral part of the work of salvation. It holds that Paul’s attacks on the law were focused only on specific aspects of law, the so-called boundary markers. This book, while having points of contact with both outlooks, takes a different view on Paul and the law. Building on Paul’s self-identification as a Christian, and Christian views on the covenant, it endeavors to give biblical law its due place in the plan of salvation and the life of the believer.
Pauline studies are in a conundrum. The Reformation perspectives championed by great men like Martin Luther and John Calvin have been challenged recently by the rise of the new perspective on Paul. The main point of contention seems to be the place of biblical law in salvation. While the Reformation perspectives, based in part on Paul's apparent attacks on law, assert that salvation is a free gift unmerited by human works, the new perspective suggests the law is an integral part of the work of salvation. It holds that Paul's attacks on the law were focused only on specific aspects of law, the so-called boundary markers. This book, while having points of contact with both outlooks, takes a different view on Paul and the law. Building on Paul's self-identification as a Christian, and Christian views on the covenant, it endeavors to give biblical law its due place in the plan of salvation and the life of the believer.
A fresh look at the earliest Christian movement reveals what made the new faith so compelling...and what we need to change today to make it so again. Once upon a time there was a version of the Christian faith that was practically irresistible. After all, what could be more so than the gospel that Jesus ushered in? Why, then, isn't it the same with Christianity today? Author and pastor Andy Stanley is deeply concerned with the present-day church and its future. He believes that many of the solutions to our issues can be found by investigating our roots. In Irresistible, Andy chronicles what made the early Jesus Movement so compelling, resilient, and irresistible by answering these questions: What did first-century Christians know that we don't—about God's Word, about their lives, about love? What did they do that we're not doing? What makes Christianity so resistible in today's culture? What needs to change in order to repeat the growth our faith had at its beginning? Many people who leave or disparage the faith cite reasons that have less to do with Jesus than with the conduct of his followers. It's time to hit pause and consider the faith modeled by our first-century brothers and sisters who had no official Bible, no status, and little chance of survival. It's time to embrace the version of faith that initiated—against all human odds—a chain of events resulting in the most significant and extensive cultural transformation the world has ever seen. This is a version of Christianity we must remember and re-embrace if we want to be salt and light in an increasingly savorless and dark world.
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The foundation for all scholarly study in biblical law is the shared assumption that the Covenant Code, as contained in Exodus 20:23-22:33 is the oldest code of laws in the Hebrew Bible, and that all other laws are later revisions of that code. The author of this text strikes that foundation.
Living Confidently in God's Unfailing Love Grace is amazing because it is God's provision for when we fall short of His standards. Unfortunately, too many of us embrace grace for our salvation but then leave it behind in our everyday lives. We base our relationship with God on our performance rather than on His love for us, even when we intuitively know that our performance cannot earn us the love we so desperately crave. Isn't it time to stop trying to measure up and begin accepting the transforming power of God's grace? The product of more than ten years of Bible study, Navigator author Jerry Bridges's Transforming Grace is a fountainhead of inspiration and renewal that will show you just how inexhaustible and generous God's grace really is. This edition includes the full study guide, which was formerly available as a separate product (ISBN 9781600063046). - Are Christians required to keep the Law of Moses? How about the Ten Commandments? Was Jesus divine? Join R. L. Solberg in his new book, TORAHISM, where he confronts a modern heresy and dives into these and other critical questions related to the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. "It all began with a series of Facebook posts that an old friend posted just after Thanksgiving. He was aggressively taking Christians to task for celebrating the 'pagan' holiday of Christmas. This struck me as odd because I'd always known he and his wife to be strong Christians. And while I've debated with plenty of atheists over the alleged pagan roots of Christmas, I'd never heard this charge leveled by a fellow Christian. So I decided to chime in on his posts and soon discovered that I had stepped into a mystery of, well, biblical proportions..." ENDORSEMENTS: "Over a decade ago, I came to know Rob Solberg. He impressed me back then with his searching heart, scholarly mind, and passion for apologetics. He has now offered a masterful work, well researched and very well-argued. Were I still a seminary professor, I would require my students to write reviews on this volume." Dr. Stephen Drake, Former Professor of Ministry at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary "Impressively written and researched! Aberrant theologies have existed throughout time, requiring trusted biblical guides to bring much-needed reproof. Rob Solberg does this superbly in his book, Torahism. And, he accomplishes this task with much 'gentleness and respect' (1 Peter 3:15). Even if you are not immediately confronted with this heresy, a careful reading of Rob's book will deepen your understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ." Ed Smith, Ph.D., President, Williamson College "Engaging and well-developed content on a tough topic. Rob addresses lofty theological issues with incredible accessibility and application. He reminds us to not just stay in our heads and win arguments but to love people well as we fight for what is true." Derek Bareman, Lead Pastor, Church of the City Spring Hill "This is an excellent, balanced, scholarly refutation of the heretical teaching of Torahism. Solberg does so with a wide array of Scripture, great Christian writers across the centuries, and impeccable logic. Not only does it address and answer the challenge of this new heresy, it serves as an apologetic in the best tradition of Christian scholarship. Exceptional work. I have reviewed thousands of books in 30 years. This book deserves to be read!" Reverend David "Doc" Kirby (retired), Host of the On The Bookshelf podcast FROM THE FORWARD BY PAUL WILKINSON, Ph.D. - "The best conversations are those that happen spontaneously amongst sincere, passionate seekers wanting to learn, mature, and progress in their faith and life. R. L. Solberg has blessed us by inviting us into just such a conversation . . . This book is a read that flows because it originates in genuine conversations between friends and passionate believers. It is reminiscent of the ancient dialogues with questions, points, and counterpoints. But be sure to catch this truth: Solberg's work is not about how to do the least work for the most grace, nor is it about how to avoid obligations, duties, and work. No, much more than that, Solberg's question is about how we who claim to be children of God best glorify, worship, and obey him . . . Solberg wants to know what it means to be "godly" and "righteous" in light of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. I invite you into Rob and his friends' conversation. I was challenged, encouraged, and taught by the insights he brings to the fore. I pray that you heed his call to take seriously what it means for the Christian to live the godly life; to be like Jesus."
Dr Eichrodt's work was the first important work in the modern movement towards constructing an Old Testament theology and in the eyes of many scholars is still the richest and most judicious approach, based as it is on the theme of the covenant. Volume One deals with the covenant relationship and its statutes, the name and nature of the covenant God and the instruments of the covenant.
Legal Friction: Law, Narrative, and Identity Politics in Biblical Israel tracks the mystery of narratives in the Hebrew Bible and their allusions to Sinai laws by highlighting intertextual allusions created by verbal resonances. While the second and the third parts of the volume illustrate allusions to Sinai narratives made by some narratives occurring in the post-Sinaitic era, twenty-three Genesis narratives are analyzed to show that the protagonists were bound by Sinai Laws before God supposedly gave them to Moses, anticipating the Book of Jubilees. Legal Friction suggests that most of Genesis was composed during or after the Babylonian exile, after the codification of most Sinai laws, which Genesis protagonists consistently violate. The fact that they are not punished for these violations implies to the exiles that the Sinai Covenant was unconditional. In addition, the author proposes that Genesis contains a hidden polemic, encouraging the Judean exiles to follow the revisions of laws of the Covenant Code by the Holiness Code and Deuteronomy. Genesis narratives, like those describing post-Sinai events, often cannot be understood properly without recognition of their allusions to biblical laws.