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This book provides a short, clear and concise introduction to Islamophobic hate crime. It builds on current research, and contributes to our understanding of Islamophobia and the various responses to this form of hate crime and victimization.
In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in anti-Muslim attacks. What is driving the proliferation of these hate crimes? Why are Muslims being demonised? Building on current research and drawing upon real-life examples and case studies, this book provides an accessible introduction to Islamophobia and Islamophobic hate crimes along with the various responses to this form of victimisation. Chapters cover a range of topics including: • Definitions of hate crime and Islamophobia • Islamophobic hate crime online • Gender and Islamophobia • Media representations of Islamophobia • Institutional Islamophobia As one of the first student resources dedicated to the subject of Islamophobia, this book will be instructive and important reading for those engaged in a range of topics in criminology, including hate crime, victimology and victimisation, crime and media, and gender and crime.
Muslims living in Western nations are increasingly facing overt hostility and even hate crimes, both in everyday life and in online interactions. This book examines the experience and effects of those hate crimes on the victims, their families, and their communities. Built on the first national study in the United Kingdom to examine the nature, extent, and determinants of hate crime against Muslims in the physical and virtual worlds, it highlights the relationship between online and offline attacks, especially in the globalized world. It prominently features the voices of victims themselves, which lend nuance to the accounts and make the reality of these attacks and their consequences palpable.
Within this sociopolitical crucible, racial identity, acceptance, or rejection are determined and managed as commodities or indicators of social worth. Both then and now, the social construction of group identities, such as the 'Other,' is designed to benefit White majority groups in various ways that yield cumulative advantages. However, to those groups deemed 'Other,' the process yields corresponding disadvantages. The process of labeling the Other and the structural systems in place to maintain these designations and their subsequent effects continue to strongly impact communities of color and those groups viewed as substantially different from the White Male Christian Heterosexism hegemony long established in the U.S.A. (Cadinu et Rothbart, 1996; Tajfel, Billig, Bundy, et Flament, 1971; Branscombe, Wann, Noel, et Coleman, 1993). The U.S. .
Describes post-September 11 violence directed against Arabs and Muslims in the United States and local, state, and federal government responses.
Islamophobic hate crimes have increased significantly following the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and 7/7. More recently, the rhetoric surrounding Trump’s election and presidency, Brexit, the rise of far-right groups and ISIS-inspired terrorist attacks worldwide have promoted a climate where Islamophobia and anti-Muslim sentiments have become ‘legitimised’. The Routledge International Handbook of Islamophobia provides a comprehensive single-volume collection of key readings in Islamophobia. Consisting of 32 chapters accessibly written by scholars, policy makers and practitioners, it seeks to examine the nature, extent, implications of, and responses to Islamophobic hate crime both nationally and internationally. This volume will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as postdoctoral researchers interested in fields such as Criminology, Victimology, Sociology, Social Policy, Religious Studies, Law and related Social Sciences subjects. It will also appeal to scholars, policy makers and practitioners working in and around the areas of Islamophobic hate crimes.
Islamophobia examines the online and offline experiences of hate crime against Muslims, and the impact upon victims, their families and wider communities. Based on the first national hate crime study to examine the nature, extent and determinants of Muslim victims of hate crime in the virtual and physical worlds, it highlights the multidimensional relationship between online and offline anti-Muslim attacks, especially in a global context. It includes the voices of victims themselves which leads to a more nuanced understanding of anti-Muslim hate crime and prevention of future anti-Muslim hate crime as well as strategies for future prevention.
Cyber hate can take many different forms from online material which can lead to actual offline abuse and violence, cyber violence; cyber stalking, and online harassment with the use of visual images, videos, chat rooms, text and social media which are intended to cause harm. This book examines the case for current guidelines dealing with online anti-Muslim abuse and concludes that we require a new understanding of this online behaviour and the impact it can have on vulnerable communities. It is unique as it focuses on new technology in the form of social media and the Internet and explores the challenges the police and other agencies face when confronting anti-Muslim abuse in cyberspace. It also provides a critique of how people are targeted by online offenders and helps us understand online anti-Muslim behaviour in a much more detailed and comprehensive way by bringing together a range of experts who will examine this phenomenon and critically discuss why they think it has become so much more prevalent than it was before.
This book investigates the contested phenomena of Islamophobia, exploring the dichotomous relationship that exists between Islamophobia as a political concept and Islamophobia as a ‘real’ and tangible discriminatory phenomenon. In doing so, this book improves understanding about Islamophobia through arguing how this dichotomous contestation serves a number of functions. To do so, Allen radically reframes and reconfigures existing notions and understandings of Islamophobia. It does so in two ways. First, through presenting empirical data gathered from more than 100 victims of Islamophobic hate crime to categorically evidence that Islamophobia is indeed real and tangible. Second, through unrivalled ‘insider’ experience gained as an independent adviser on Islamophobia and associated issues to various political, community and third sector stakeholders. Challenging existing scholarly conceptions of Islamophobia, this book also challenges politicians and policymakers to do more.
This dissertation explored victim blaming in the context of Islamophobic hate crime, including the role that model victim expectations might play. Study 1 and Study 2 explored the nature, content, and frequency of prototypes surrounding hate crimes, finding evidence of clear prototypic expectations for both perpetrators and victims. Study 3 found that anti-Muslim hate crimes with highly prototypical perpetrators (White, uttering Islamophobic slurs) were rated most typical of a hate crime, with increased certainty of guilt, longer recommended sentences, higher perpetrator blaming, and lowest victim blaming. In the low perpetrator prototypicality conditions (South Asian perpetrator, no slurs), participants were less certain that the offence was a hate crime, recommended lighter sentences, reduced perpetrator blame, and higher victim blame. Study 4a confirmed experimentally that observers recognize Muslim victims as equivalent to other, more traditionally studied targets of hate (i.e., Black, gay). Having established that Muslims do not differ, Study 4b explored prototypes of the typical victim of hate crime. Where the victim was depicted as a passive South Asian Muslim man, participants were most certain the offence was a hate crime, recommended harsher sentencing, imposed the highest perpetrator blame, and the lowest victim blame. When the South Asian Muslim victim responded verbally or physically to the perpetrator's harassment, however, victim blaming increased, perpetrator blame decreased, and guilt and sentences were reduced. This was not the case for the White, non-Muslim victim, whose behaviour was not so scrutinized. Overall, the research reported in this dissertation demonstrates the implications of prototypic expectations of "true" hate crime characteristics, and the behavioural expectations placed on Muslim victims to behave passively in the face of harassment.