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When the young Dragon Master, Widseth, and his wife, Annel, travel to the southern countries, forces of darkness are unleashed to destroy their efforts to establish a kingdom of peace. Once again, the ancient battle between the dragons of light and the dragons of darkness places the world of men in turmoil. Choices must be made that define freedom and slavery. Explore Aelandra, a world filled with characters driven by passion, love, hope, and sorrow.
Synopsis According to Yogi Berra "You can sometimes see a lot just by looking". Even a casual observation of everyday life and current events may well reveal that the state of our nation and indeed the world is increasingly fraught with stress, rapidly deteriorating and costly health, angst, agony and even depression. "Be In Charge (of Yourself and Your Health), It’s Free of Charge" addresses with the utmost if not unprecedented simplicity what concerns and alarms most everybody on the planet ( maybe even more so in the US, Canada and the EU.) which is Human Health & Stress. It provides universal appeal, accessibility, and self empowerment for the general reader while also uniquely providing total independence of all external and/or intangible references and/or directives. Health and stress are practically everybody's prime and urgent concern. This is probably an understated understatement Martial the first century AD Roman poet was right on when he quite unequivocally stated "Life Is Not Living, But Living In Health" (non est vivere sed vaslere vita est). Myriad published recommendations to combat ill health and stress, fall mainly in the following categories: Medical Scientific Religious Abstract Esoteric Spiritual Fads (diets, fitness, meditation etc.) Some recommendations may be dogmatic and/or intimidating, but all operate under the illusion of one size fits all, or as culturally and commonly expressed "Everybody does it" or "It happens to everybody" This illusion is also hammered in holistically by relentless advertising. Most existing HEALTH and STRESS related PUBLICATIONS are BASED ON DOGMA and/or intimidation "pushed" strictly by AUTHOR CREDENTIALS, and/or FAME and NOTORIETY. They also embrace the one size fits all myth or rather oxymoron and promote fads often contradictory. As anyone may observe the state of our physical and mental health leaves a lot to be desired, to say the least, in spite of occasional short term and at times Pyrrhic victories. "Be In Charge (of Yourself and Your Health), It’s Free of Charge" offers a uniquely different and tangible paradigm. It contains no dogma be it religious, ideological, spiritual or other. Nor is it abstract, moralising or judgmental. It merely reminds readers of their uniqueness, their inherent and self evident free will/power of choice, which combined with their innate common sense can uniquely deal with their health and stress concerns. This reminder is tangible, self evident, accessible by most all, and anybody can identify with it individually. The reader is in the driver's seat, not some guru with myriad lists of to do's, none of which is individualised. The reader alone gets to choose. Simply put, you do not have to do anything, only what you choose to, since choice has always been yours, is always yours, will always be yours, and never, never anybody else's. Furthermore it does not prescribe/dictate, recommend or promote products, diets exercises, systems, procedures, and treatments, nor any literature dealing in "what to do, when and how". It establishes with Aristotelian sequential logic and common sense that by Being In Charge Of One's Self, stress and the resulting self contradictions and internal conflicts may be neutralised. Once In Charge Of One's Self, the next logical step is the option to take Charge Of One's Health and validate the ancient Greek principle of "Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body". This ancient principle is being constantly reconfirmed by medical science. . "Be In Charge (of Yourself and Your Health), It’s Free of Charge”, first establishes tangibly the absolute uniqueness of each human being while debunking the one size fits all myth. It next reminds all of the self evident, that all the "children" of the Big Bang, A.K.A. human beings, are inherently equipped with the gift of discrimination, and the absolute power of choice/free will. Once individual uniqueness and the absolute power of choice and its natural consequences are acknowledged and embraced, if so chosen, the result is inevitably taking charge of one's self. Consequently one can take charge of one's health as well, while realising that one is the sole chief architect in charge of one's health. After all Health Is Not Wealth, It Is Everything. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this book is the tangible presentation with which most all readers can identify with. It is based on widely available common knowledge/information be it historical and/or scientific, observations available to most if not all, as well as basic down to earth common sense and logic with which most everyone can identify with. All presented in another way from a fresh paradigm. IT fully IDENTIFIES, addresses, and blends WITH the most significant CONTEMPORARY AND CURRENT EVENTS and concerns, both national and international WITH A TOUCH OF HUMOUR HERE AND THERE... Another quite exceptional if not unique angle of this book, is that it is entirely fad proof and that it will inherently remain current while it keeps on being re enforced almost daily by events, findings, and trends constantly recorded by all media, and for the foreseeable longer range future. "Be In Charge, It’s Free of Charge" is a natural topic for talk radio and television interviews, and talk shows. It is also ideal for seminars and speeches to associations, clubs, etc. It can address any audience, from business, family, teenagers, to senior citizens. to AARP etc. The author can personally contribute in spreading the message of the book, having extensive experience in public speeches, presentations, interviews (with print, radio and TV media) multi-culturally and internationally, and is able to personally illustrate the validity of the message of the book.
You is a guide book that answers the “What else is there to life,” question. IT is a tool in cracking open a realm of reality that can not hide from “the light” that so many religions darken with their beclouded mists of spiritual slavery. You is an answer to the degradation of society, and a cure for the cancer that is destroying the youth of America. IT is a guide to understanding the rawest form of true love. IT is a guide to getting to self-peace/enlightenment, and IT is written in a way that is easily understood. You is a book that makes a stand on the problems of our world. Fear of these issues is what will create “A Brave New World,” or the Revelations. You is written so that IT can be understood at different levels, so that anyone can read about IT. IT can only be guided around, and IT is what I am explaining. If You do not get IT now, You are going to hate IT when You are old and living in a sold out world of misery. Everyone sees IT, IT is just a matter of how much we face IT.
Try gauging the stability of a man who does not remember certain period from his past. What if this memory loss is due to an accident? What if the accident was caused due to his own mistakes? Sure he frantically remains disturbed. As an adult he wishes to fight for his answers. When grown up he wants to grope for the answers. When wise he intends understanding the answers. Now his intent is on the beyond - Let his fellow men not suffer like him. What happens if a society is subjected to similar phenomena? What happens if a nation suffers from such past? India represents the longest continuing civilization in the world. India represents the eastern thought the eastern mind. India has been subjected to abovementioned accidents. Swami Sad Chidananda lived to see them through. Many joined him driven to look for the answers to these perennial questions. Genuine questions only de-questioned them. Now the answers were not needed. The questions were not there anymore. Collectively they learnt that this was the universal human story. They experienced the development of the classical eastern mind and learnt that the classical western mind evolved too only to embrace each other.
Welcome! We are glad that you are taking the necessary steps to learn the truth and become more aware about the world you live in. Our goal is to provide you with useful knowledge and universal tips to survive this terminal crisis (global conflicts) we all face as a people. We are all searching for answers to the many mysteries in Life, Death, and Everything In-Between and in this body of work is where you will take your very own personal journey and unravel the many mysteries in your life. We felt a dire need to create an animate voice and support system for ourselves and for the people who might be too afraid to speak up for themselves. We felt a sense of urgency to connect and bridge the gap between the globally conscious (the aware) and the unconscious (the unaware) minds to awakened them with truth and inspiration. We provide solutions and information on all subjects and concerns.(No! Subject is 2 Taboo.) We expose the problem and deliver solutions with a Raw and Real approach.
"The Book of Secrets is the finest and most profound of Deepak Chopra’s books to date. Want the answers to the secrets of life? Let me recommend that you start right here." —Ken Wilber, author of A Brief History of Everything We all want to know how to find a soul mate, what career would be most fulfilling, how to live a life with meaning, and how to teach our children well. We are looking for a personal breakthrough, a turning point, a revelation that brings with it new meaning. The Book of Secrets—a crystalline distillation of insights and wisdom accumulated over the lifetime of one of the great spiritual thinkers of our time—provides an exquisite new tool for achieving just that. Every life is a book of secrets, ready to be opened. The secret of perfect love is found there, along with the secrets of healing, compassion, faith, and the most elusive one of all: who we really are. We are still mysteries to ourselves, despite the proximity of these answers, and what we most long to know remains lodged deep inside. Because answers to the questions at the center of life are counterintuitive, they are often hidden from view, sequestered from our everyday gaze. In his ongoing quest to elevate our experience, bestselling author Deepak Chopra has isolated fifteen secrets that drive the narrative of this inspiring book—and of our lives. From "The World Is in You" and "What You Seek, You Already Are" to "Evil Is Not Your Enemy" and "You Are Truly Free When You Are Not a Person," The Book of Secrets is rich with insights. It is a priceless treasure that can transport us beyond change to transformation, and from there to a sacred place where we can savor the nectar of enlightenment.
"Prisons come in many guises and each of us experiences being imprisoned in some way during our lives. This book is about freedom from and freedom within whatever prison is yours."
From Simon & Schuster, TNT: The Power Within You is Claude Bristol and Harold Sherman's guide on how to release the forces inside you and get what you want! TNT: The Power With You is Claude Bristol and Harold Sherman's revolutionary book that includes chapters on such topics as "that something" within you that can profoundly impact others and help you take advantage of your inherent powers.