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Because every single one of us will die, most of us would like to know what—if anything—awaits us afterward, not to mention the fate of lost loved ones. Given the nearly universal vested interest in deciding this question in favor of an afterlife, it is no surprise that the vast majority of books on the topic affirm the reality of life after death without a backward glance. But the evidence of our senses and the ever-gaining strength of scientific evidence strongly suggest otherwise. In The Myth of an Afterlife: The Case against Life after Death, Michael Martin and Keith Augustine collect a series of contributions that redress this imbalance in the literature by providing a strong, comprehensive, and up-to-date casebook of the chief arguments against an afterlife. Divided into four separate sections, this collection opens with a broad overview of the issues, as contributors consider the strongest evidence of whether or not we survive death—in particular the biological basis of all mental states and their grounding in brain activity that ceases to function at death. Next, contributors consider a host of conceptual and empirical difficulties that confront the various ways of “surviving” death—from bodiless minds to bodily resurrection to any form of posthumous survival. Then essayists turn to internal inconsistencies between traditional theological conceptions of an afterlife—heaven, hell, karmic rebirth—and widely held ethical principles central to the belief systems supporting those notions. In the final section, authors offer critical evaluations of the main types of evidence for an afterlife. Fully interdisciplinary, The Myth of an Afterlife: The Case against Life after Death brings together a variety of fields of research to make that case, including cognitiveneuroscience, philosophy of mind, personal identity, philosophy of religion, moralphilosophy, psychical research, and anomalistic psychology. As the definitive casebookof arguments against life after death, this collection is required reading for anyinstructor, researcher, and student of philosophy, religious studies, or theology. It issure to raise provocative issues new to readers, regardless of background, from thosewho believe fervently in the reality of an afterlife to those who do not or are undecidedon the matter.
A senior at East Fresno High School lives on as a ghost after his brutal murder in the restroom of a club where he had gone to dance.
The best-selling author of Stiff and Bonk trains her considerable wit and curiosity on the human soul. "What happens when we die? Does the light just go out and that's that—the million-year nap? Or will some part of my personality, my me-ness persist? What will that feel like? What will I do all day? Is there a place to plug in my lap-top?" In an attempt to find out, Mary Roach brings her tireless curiosity to bear on an array of contemporary and historical soul-searchers: scientists, schemers, engineers, mediums, all trying to prove (or disprove) that life goes on after we die.
Is death the end? Or, to put it another way, do we survive bodily death? Some shrug their shoulders and declare we simply can’t know. Others just say “No.” And a few, flying their philosophical colors, pretentiously profess to not even understand the question. Curiously, the overwhelming majority of human beings throughout the course of history have taken it for granted that death is not the end, that there is a life after death. This striking and seemingly instinctive belief has been embodied in the religious traditions and philosophical reflections of most cultures. There is Life After Death is the first of its kind in that it assembles and analyzes a comprehensive range of data on life after death and then provides a framework to understand the data. No previous book has given a concrete structure of the afterlife that is based on the accounts of “eye”-witnesses, as well as on data from diverse sources. Above all, the book provides exciting and compelling answers to the urgent question: what lies on the other side?
Reveals the evidence of life beyond death • Examines 125 years of scientific research into reincarnation, apparitions, and communication with the dead showing these phenomena are real • Reveals the existence of higher planes of consciousness where the souls of the dead can choose to advance or manifest once again on Earth • Explains how these findings have been ignored and denied because they are incompatible with materialist doctrines In this book, Chris Carter shows that evidence of life beyond death exists and has been around for millennia, predating any organized religion. Focusing on three key phenomena--reincarnation, apparitions, and communications from the dead--Carter reveals 125 years of documented scientific studies by independent researchers and the British and American Societies for Psychical Research that rule out hoaxes, fraud, and hallucinations and prove these afterlife phenomena are real. The author examines historic and modern accounts of detailed past-life memories, visits from the deceased, and communications with the dead via medium and automatic writing as well as the scientific methods used to confirm these experiences. He explains how these findings on the afterlife have been ignored and denied because they are incompatible with the prevailing doctrine of materialism. Sharing messages from the dead themselves describing the afterlife, Carter reveals how consciousness exists outside the parameters of biological evolution and emerges through the medium of the brain to use the physical world as a springboard for growth. After death, souls can advance to higher planes of consciousness or manifest once again on Earth. Carter’s rigorous argument proves--beyond any reasonable doubt--not only that consciousness survives death and continues in the afterlife, but that it precedes birth as well.
The Afterlife is Realis the latest book from much-loved paranormal expert, Theresa Cheung, and is a captivating collection of true stories from people who have glimpsed the next life. Using as evidence first-hand accounts from ordinary people whose lives have been transformed by near death experiences and/or contact with the other side, Theresa will answer the big questions that everyone asks at some point in their lives whether or not they are religious/spiritual. What happens when we die? Will we ever see our loved ones again? Is there an afterlife? Is there a heaven? Its aim is to empower readers with the knowledge that there are answers, hope and life in the midst of confusion, uncertainty and death. Theresa instructs readers in how to look for signs of spirit communication and how near death experiences can inspire and transform lives. It is a powerful and comforting reminder that there is more waiting for us than we see in the here and now.
The guide of choice for anyone who plans to die someday--are YOU ready for the AFTERLIFE? To find out, take this simple quiz: 1. Like Earth, the Afterlife has celebrities, outcasts, deadheads, losers, and busybodies. True False 2. Is there an Afterlife after the Afterlife? Yes No 3. When you first arrive on "the Other Side," you will be given: a) a set of wings b) a toaster c) a copy of A Newcomer's Guide to the Afterlife Don't worry if you're not sure how to respond. A Newcomer's Guide to the Afterlife has answers to these questions and more--and if you're lucky, some of them may turn out to be right! An irreverent, one-of-a-kind compendium from the award-winning author of Ishmael, A Newcomer's Guide to the Afterlife can be read as a parable, an allegory, a work of fiction--or exactly what it claims to be: a helpful handbook for the recently deceased. It is filled with uncommon wisdom, bizarre imaginings, uncanny perceptions, and unexpected humor. Is it fantastic escapism or a seminal event in human history? Read it and find out.... Face it. The Afterlife is the ultimate test. You might as well study.
Deepak Chopra turns to the most profound mystery confronting humankind: What happens after we die? By marrying science and wisdom, Chopra builds his case for afterlife, in which one's most essential self uses the end of life to "pass over" into the next lifetime.
Suppose you knew that, though you yourself would live your life to its natural end, the earth and all its inhabitants would be destroyed thirty days after your death. To what extent would you remain committed to your current projects and plans? Would scientists still search for a cure for cancer? Would couples still want children? In Death and the Afterlife, philosopher Samuel Scheffler poses this thought experiment in order to show that the continued life of the human race after our deaths--the "afterlife" of the title--matters to us to an astonishing and previously neglected degree. Indeed, Scheffler shows that, in certain important respects, the future existence of people who are as yet unborn matters more to us than our own continued existence and the continued existence of those we love. Without the expectation that humanity has a future, many of the things that now matter to us would cease to do so. By contrast, the prospect of our own deaths does little to undermine our confidence in the value of our activities. Despite the terror we may feel when contemplating our deaths, the prospect of humanity's imminent extinction would pose a far greater threat to our ability to lead lives of wholehearted engagement. Scheffler further demonstrates that, although we are not unreasonable to fear death, personal immortality, like the imminent extinction of humanity, would also undermine our confidence in the values we hold dear. His arresting conclusion is that, in order for us to lead value-laden lives, what is necessary is that we ourselves should die and that others should live. Death and the Afterlife concludes with commentary by four distinguished philosophers--Harry Frankfurt, Niko Kolodny, Seana Shiffrin, and Susan Wolf--who discuss Scheffler's ideas with insight and imagination. Scheffler adds a final reply.
This two book volume contains the author's bestselling title, "Life After Death, Powerful Evidence You Will Never Die" and the sequel, "Life After Death Book II: Heaven, Hell & You," thereby revealing what everyone living today needs to know about life after death. Book One lays out indisputable evidence the brain does not create your consciousness, and that when your body dies, your consciousness will be released into a mental realm. It explains what you can expect to experience during the first minutes until you come to a border near death survivors agree is a point of no return. Book Two will lead you past that border to explore that Shakespeare called, "The undiscovered country," a mental realm each individual creates for him or herself. It also makes suggestions about actions to take now to insure the best possible outcome after death. Read what reviewers had to say about Book I: "Extraordinary findings in Stephen Martin's newest book, Life After Death, Powerful Evidence You Will Never Die, will keep readers on the edge of their seats as they burn through this well written book's pages. . . ." - Mark Davis, M.D. "If you only read one book about the afterlife, I highly recommend this one. It's an extensive research project and is quite understandable for the average reader. . . ." - Alan Halverson "I couldn't put this book down. I'm 34 years old with no major health issues and have been recently dealing with a lot of anxiety over death. . . ." - Nicole Ryan "This is one of the most powerful books on this subject that I have ever read. Very inspiring." - C. Ann Clarkon "Very accessible and well-written overview of recent research supporting evidence of consciousness existing independent of the brain; as well as its implications for survival of awareness after physical death. . . ." - Keith Park, Ph.D.