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This story has never been told. Following years of research, both scientific and philosophical, the author has produced a controversial and fast-paced drama, told with reverence, that will make you examine your beliefs like never before. The reader quickly learns that astrophysicist, Dr. Noel Clay, has invited an eclectic group of renowned people to join him on a remote island somewhere in the Pacific. He does not disclose any details in advance. The characters produce an unforgettable dialogue that will remain in your thoughts long after you've finished reading. The author springs one surprise after another with each of the characters having to dig deep to reconcile their views and beliefs. The title says it all, but the reader will be engaged from the first page as the story twists and turns between scientists and everyday people, concluding with an outstanding final twist.
A fresh response to the problem of illegal immigration in the United States through the context of Christian theology.
In the second century, Platonist and Judeo-Christian thought were sufficiently friendly that a Greek philosopher could declare, "What is Plato but Moses speaking Greek?" Four hundred years later, a Christian emperor had ended the public teaching of subversive Platonic thought. When and how did this philosophical rupture occur? Dylan M. Burns argues that the fundamental break occurred in Rome, ca. 263, in the circle of the great mystic Plotinus, author of the Enneads. Groups of controversial Christian metaphysicians called Gnostics ("knowers") frequented his seminars, disputed his views, and then disappeared from the history of philosophy—until the 1945 discovery, at Nag Hammadi, Egypt, of codices containing Gnostic literature, including versions of the books circulated by Plotinus's Christian opponents. Blending state-of-the-art Greek metaphysics and ecstatic Jewish mysticism, these texts describe techniques for entering celestial realms, participating in the angelic liturgy, confronting the transcendent God, and even becoming a divine being oneself. They also describe the revelation of an alien God to his elect, a race of "foreigners" under the protection of the patriarch Seth, whose interventions will ultimately culminate in the end of the world. Apocalypse of the Alien God proposes a radical interpretation of these long-lost apocalypses, placing them firmly in the context of Judeo-Christian authorship rather than ascribing them to a pagan offshoot of Gnosticism. According to Burns, this Sethian literature emerged along the fault lines between Judaism and Christianity, drew on traditions known to scholars from the Dead Sea Scrolls and Enochic texts, and ultimately catalyzed the rivalry of Platonism with Christianity. Plunging the reader into the culture wars and classrooms of the high Empire, Apocalypse of the Alien God offers the most concrete social and historical description available of any group of Gnostic Christians as it explores the intersections of ancient Judaism, Christianity, Hellenism, myth, and philosophy.
"This theological speculative study of the bible takes the reader into the nature of the universe and how it works scientifically, the problem with evolution, the Neanderthal, Sasquatch, even the presence of space aliens and where they come from. The Bible describes a great starship -- 1.380 miles to each side -- on its way to Earth: learn about the size, composition, method of travel, possible purposes, and most importantly, when it will arrive. Discover the great war between ancient alien factions -- who they are, where they came from , their future plans and the role of humans caught in the middle." --
In the twenty-first century, the debate about life on other worlds is quickly changing from the realm of speculation to the domain of hard science. Within a few years, as a consequence of the rapid discovery by astronomers of planets around other stars, astronomers very likely will have discovered clear evidence of life beyond the Earth. Such a discovery of extraterrestrial life will change everything. Knowing the answer as to whether humanity has company in the universe will trigger one of the greatest intellectual revolutions in history, not the least of which will be a challenge for at least some terrestrial religions. Which religions will handle the discovery of extraterrestrial life with ease and which will struggle to assimilate this new knowledge about our place in the universe? Some religions as currently practiced appear to only be viable on Earth. Other religions could be practiced on distant worlds but nevertheless identify both Earth as a place and humankind as a species of singular spiritual religious importance, while some religions could be practiced equally well anywhere in the universe by any sentient beings. Weintraub guides readers on an invigorating tour of the world’s most widely practiced religions. It reveals what, if anything, each religion has to say about the possibility that extraterrestrial life exists and how, or if, a particular religion would work on other planets in distant parts of the universe.
Across the universe, thousands of inhabited worlds host intelligent alien life. Why should these alien races all have to come to Earth, eventually? We truly do have one thing on Earth that they don't, and never will. All the alien races know this, but so do the dark forces that seek to prevent them. However, THESE aliens can defend themselves, even from Hell itself.
Hello, my name is Reverend John Polk. I am channeling "Yahweh," the Judeo-Christian and Islamic creator-god-alien featured in the Bible, the Hebrew Bible and in the Quran. For thousands of years, up to this present day, he has been masquerading as the real God and is pulling a collective veil over the eyes of most of the world. Ancient alien astronaut theorists comprehend this reality, but most of humanity has no idea. Yahweh tells me the time draws near for full alien disclosure, so that we primitive Earthlings can be weaned off of the Mother Universe's figurative bosom. He wants the world to know that he is an extraterrestrial, that he is not God and that all God-figures in all cultures are ET's, not God. However, all creator-gods and Yahweh had wanted we humans to keep worshiping those creator-gods just like always. As collective humanity adapts to this knowledge, religion, culture and tradition need not change. For now, you may pray to the alien god you have worshiped all along but now, pray to the real God as well. The real God loves everyone regardless of their religion or belief system and therefore, he is the God for everyone. Make a deliberate point in your mind to differentiate between the two. Until this planetary transformation event takes place, we will be kept in the dark, unable to reach enlightenment. Enlightenment begins with we humans understanding and worshiping the real, universal God-love consciousness alongside with the alien gods we learn of in our religious texts. Yahweh, and other alien creator-gods who promised to return in the future, can foresee this time approaching. Instead of blanketing each continent with massive mother-ships, sending we indigenous Earthlings into a global panic, they are attempting to foretell to us of greater days to come. The extraterrestrials want to intervene in our lives on Earth because humanity is spiraling down in a negative direction. We are raping our planet of its resources for energy, for example, when there is an abundance of renewable and free energies being hidden from us. Additionally, our world leaders are doing a pathetic job of working together. Most of our countries' leaders are inept because they are selling out. Everything is based on money and war, which is draining the loving spirit energy of our entire planet. Money, truly is, the root of all evil. I am one of many chosen seers from around the world, whose mission is to communicate this message with the masses, so that when changes occur, it's not a total electric shock. Before I die, full disclosure about ET's and the world-wide disinformation campaign and cover-up will be revealed globally. Yahweh wants light workers, like me, to be mediators in this life-ascension event for all humanity.
Calculating God is the new near-future SF thriller from the popular and award-winning Robert J. Sawyer. An alien shuttle craft lands outside the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto. A six-legged, two-armed alien emerges, who says, in perfect English, "Take me to a paleontologist." It seems that Earth, and the alien's home planet, and the home planet of another alien species traveling on the alien mother ship, all experienced the same five cataclysmic events at about the same time (one example of these "cataclysmic events" would be the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs). Both alien races believe this proves the existence of God: i.e. he's obviously been playing with the evolution of life on each of these planets. From this provocative launch point, Sawyer tells a fast-paced, and morally and intellectually challenging, SF story that just grows larger and larger in scope. The evidence of God's universal existence is not universally well received on Earth, nor even immediately believed. And it reveals nothing of God's nature. In fact. it poses more questions than it answers. When a supernova explodes out in the galaxy but close enough to wipe out life on all three home-worlds, the big question is, Will God intervene or is this the sixth cataclysm:? Calculating God is SF on the grand scale. Calculating God is a 2001 Hugo Award Nominee for Best Novel. At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.
What The Aliens Told Us About God, Jesus, Human Soul And The Afterlife. From the secret aliens-US meetings in 1947 and 1948, and the account of Maria Orsic. Published by Times Square Press, New York. If you are among those who believe that our government's representatives met with aliens/extraterrestrials, then, and logically, you should entertain or consider the possibility that some of the subjects discussed during those meetings would be of a religious or at least moral or ethical nature, especially since at least three powerful religious leaders in our country attended one or two meetings with aliens on an American soil. In fact, this is exactly what happened. And we will be discussing the concerns and the questions of those religious dignitaries, the answers of the aliens, and how a synopsis of the discussions between our religious leaders and aliens ended up on the desk of religious authorities thanks to their religious affiliation and/or loyalty to their faith's hierarchy!
An adventurous ride through the universe and time, as our character gets abducted by aliens whose strange actions and sense of humor leads to weird revelations about them and us.