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Helene Tallon Russell is an associate professor of Theology at Christian Theological Seminary. Her areas of research include Kierkegaard, feminist theology, Christian anthropology, and process theology. She is an active member at All Saints Episcopal Church in Indianapolis. Russell has published articles in Doxology, Encounter, and The Process Studies Journal. She is a popular lecturer and speaker, having recently presented the baccalaureate address at Chapman University. Irigaray and Kierkegaard: On the Construction of the Self is a creative construction of selfhood that begins by critiquing embedded assumptions that dominate current discourse. The apparent unity of the self is a problematic and fictitious conception. This construct is a prodigious illusion that not only has outworn its usefulness but also has become detrimental to more inclusive concepts of the self in which diversity and relationality are encouraged. This construct is particularly evident in the Christian doctrine of theological anthropology. This book both evaluates the supreme value ascribed to the quality of oneness in the Western theological tradition and suggests alternative conceptualizations of selfhood. First, the work analyzes Augustine's formulation of Christian selfhood, which incorporates Plotinius's claim that the one is the good, and thus identifies multiplicity with sin. Søren Kierkegaard and the French feminist Luce Irigaray both offer critical alternatives to such a unitary conception of selfhood. Kierkegaard views the self as complex, relational, and processive. The self consists of three pairs of polar elements, temporal and eternal, within three spheres of existence. The spheres and the elements are dialectically interrelated to each other. Irigaray criticizes the cultural and philosophical norms of Western discourse as phallocentric and monistic. This "economy of the same"-a system in which only one universal norm of behavior is accepted and valued-is built upon the repression of the feminine. She looks to women's embodied experience to uncover the feminine. Her (psycho)analysis highlights that which has been repressed, such as multiformity and Fluidity, to be an excellent candidate for the lost feminine. Russell argues that a dialogue between these two diverse thinkers provides a fruitful groundwork for reenvisioning and building up the concept of self as multiple, embodied, and relational. Book jacket.
This book draws Soren Kierkegaard and Luce Irigaray into conversation on the nature and ethics of sexual difference. While these two initially seem like doubtful dialogue partners, the conversation between them yields a rich and compelling account of intersubjectivity between man and woman--an account that moves beyond the limited and tired debate over egalitarianism vs. complementarianism. Through engagement with Irigaray and Kierkegaard, this book develops a constructive, theological ethics of sexual difference that focuses on an epistemological and subjective gap that sets man and woman at a decisive distance from each other. They are a mystery to each other. Yet it is also an ethical framework that allows woman and man to encounter one another in ways that respect the independence, subjectivity, and becoming of each. Above all, this is a theological ethics of sexual difference that centers on Jesus Christ, who is defined as the middle term in every relationship and whose love command defines the encounter between man and woman in difference.
Although Kierkegaad provided many a puzzle for his biographers, one would be wrong to assume Kierkegaard invariably lied when he claimed to be telling the truth. Tying Kierkegaard's baffling misogyny, and ultimately his misogamy, to the existence of an inner mysterium, The Neither/Nor of the Second Sex navigates between the Charybdis of an allegedly insurmountable gulf between works and biography and the Scylla of the biographical fallacy, a peril whose threat raised greater alarms in Kierkegaard. Celine Leon draws her conclusions by paying close attention to the texts and by carefully distinguishing between author and pseudonyms. She only brings works and life together when Kierkegaard ambivalently plays with the former in order to impart something of the secret lying at the core of his being, to reverse Sartre's famous formulation, to communicate at the heart of hiddenness. Leon shows how Kierkegaard-a writer whose views on other subjects she holds in high regard-projected his lack onto a particular woman, Regina Olsen, his one time fiancee and lifelong obsession, then onto all women, and ultimately, regarding his own exceptional status as normative, elected to ban the heterosexual relation altogether. This is not, however, the same as saying that-notwithstanding the religious development and the enormous production whose twin onset he ascribed to the rupture with Regina-Kierkegaard did not do so at an egregious personal cost. Book jacket.
There has been a recent revival of interest in reading Kierkegaard as an ontologist, as a thinker who engages with questions about the kinds of entity or process that constitute ultimate reality. This new way of reading Kierkegaard stands alongside a revival of interest in ontology and metaphysics more generally. This highly original book concentrates on the claim that Kierkegaard focuses in part on ontological questions and on issues pertaining to the nature of being as a whole. Alison Assiter asserts that Being, for Kierkegaard, following Schelling, can be read in terms of conceptions of birthing—the capacity to give birth as well as the notion of a birthing body. She goes on to argue that the story offered by Kierkegaard in The Concept of Anxiety about the origin of freedom connects with a birthing body, and that Kierkegaard offers a speculative hypothesis, in terms of metaphors of birthing, about the nature of Being.
Covering a diversity of themes, this collection still reflects consensus--Kierkegaard is to be taken seriously as a philosopher at the turn of the twenty-first century.
This clear, readable introduction to Kierkegaard presents him as a thinker with powerful answers to the questions which philosophers ask.
This book is an original philosophic exploration of the meaning of Kierkegaard's life, his thought, and his works. It makes a bold case for Kierkegaard's recognition of the concrete existence of the individual, including Kierkegaard himself, as crucial to the spiritual life. Written with delicate insight, and beautifully translated from Hebrew, this work offers valuable new turns to understanding the puzzling life-work of a modern giant of spiritual reflection.
Chronicles Kierkegaard's intellectual and spiritual development through selected writings