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This Philosophiae Doctor thesis presents the motivation, objectives and reasoning behind the undertaken project. This research, study the capability of compressible Implicit Large Eddy Simulation (ILES) in predicting free shear layer flows, under different free stream regimes (Static and Co-flow jets). Unsteady flows or jet flows are non-uniform in structure, temperature, pressure and velocity. Turbulent mixing is of particular importance for the developing of this class of flows. As a shear layer is formed immediately downstream of the jet exhaust, an early linear instability involving exponential growth of small perturbations is introduced at the jet discharge. Beyond this development stage, in the non-linear Kelvin-Helmholtz instability region large scale vortex rings roll up, and their dynamics of formation and merging become the defining feature of the transitional shear flow into fully developed regime. This class of flows is particularly relevant to numerical predictions, as the extreme nature of the flow in question is considered as a benchmark; however, experimental data should be selected carefully as some results are controversial. To qualify the behaviour of unsteady flows, some important criteria have been selected for the analysis of the flow quantities at different regions of the flow field (average velocities, Reynolds stresses and dissipation rates). A good estimation of high-order statistics (Standard Deviation, Skewness and Kurtosis) correspond to mathematical steadiness and convergence of results. From the physical point of view, similarity analysis between jet's wake sections reveals physical steadiness in results. Spectral analysis of the different regions of the flow field could be used as a sign that the energy cascade is correctly predicted or efficiently enough since this is where the smallest scales are usually present and which in effect require to be modelled by the different numerical schemes. The flow solver has been reviewed and improved. The former, a revised version of the reconstruction numerical schemes (WENO 5th and WENO 9th orders) has been performed and tested, the correspondent results have been compared against analytical data; the latter, correction of the method to compute the Jacobian of the transformation (singularity correction), by changing from the standard algebraic to geometric method, and augmented with transparent boundary condition, giving mathematical and physical meaning to the obtained results. The flow solver improvements and review have been verified and validated through simulations of a compressible Convergent-Divergent Nozzle (CDN), and the standard and a modified version of the Shock tube test cases, where the results are gained with minimal modelling effort. The study of numerical errors associated with the simulations of turbulent flows, for unsteady explicit time step predictions, have been performed and a new formula proposed. Ten different computational methods have been employed in the framework of ILES and computations have been performed for a jet flow configuration for which experimental data and DNS are available. It can be seen that a numerical error bar can be defined that takes into account the errors arising from the different numerical building blocks of the simulation method. The effects of different grids, Riemann solvers and numerical reconstruction schemes have been considered, however, the approach can be extended to take into account the effects of the initial and boundary conditions as well as subgrid scale modelling, if applicable. From the physical analysis several observations were established, revealing that differences in terms of jet's core size are not an important parameter in terms of quantification and qualification of predictions, in other words, data should be reduced to the jet's inertial reference system. Moreover, the comparative study has been performed to identify the differences between Riemann solvers (CBS and HLLC), Low Mach number Limiting/ Corrections (LMC), numerical reconstruction schemes (MUSCL and WENO) and spatial order of accuracy (2nd-order LMC, 5th-order LMC and 9th-order schemes) in combination with the most efficient cost/resolution discretization level (Medium mesh). The comparisons between results reveals for the Static and Co-Flow jets that the CBS MUSCL 5th-order LMC and the HLLC MUSCL 5th-order LMC as the most accurate schemes in predicting this class of flows, accordingly. Furthermore, the selected numerical methods show to be in accordance with the empirical (Static) and experimental (Co-flow) results in terms of resonance frequency and/or Strouhal number; also, the expected behaviour in terms of spectral energy decay rate throughout the jet's central line is observed. To conclude the study of the Static jet case, a possible explanation for the jet's buoyancy effect is presented.
Covering recent developments in maritime transportation and exploitation of sea resources, encompassing ocean and coastal areas, this book is intended for academics and professionals involved in the development of marine transportation and the exploitation of sea resources.
Implicit Large Eddy Simulation (ILES) has rapidly emerged as a powerful techniquewhich is utilised to explore the unsteady compressible turbulent flows. Apart from o ering accuracy in numerical simulations, ILES is also computationallye cient compared to Direct Numerical Simulations or conventional Large Eddy Simulations. This report focuses on the validation of the existing high-resolution methodswithin the framework of ILES and explores its applications to the high-speed compressibleturbulent flows such as a typical flow field inside a scramjet engine. Themethodology applied in the current work employs a fifth-order MUSCL scheme witha modified variable extrapolation and a three-stage second-order Runge-Kutta schemefor temporal advancement. In order to simulate a realistic and accurate supersonic turbulent boundary layer (STBL)a synthetic turbulent inflow data generation method based upon digital filters has beenimplemented. This technique has been validated and compared against various otherturbulent inflow data generation methods in order to find the most accurate, reliableand computationally e cient technique. The high-speed complex multi-species flowof a transverse sonic jet injection into a supersonic crossflow (JISC), which is typicalfuel injection strategy inside a scramjet engine, has been investigated for time-averagedand instantaneous flow. It has been demonstrated that the incoming STBL plays a vitalrole in establishing the correct flow dynamics in JISC study as it enhances the KHinstabilities in the flow field. Thermally perfect gas formulation has been implemented according to the NACA-1135 report to study the e ects of high temperatures on the ratio of specific heats (). Using this, the full geometry of the HyShot-II scramjet engine is investigated to obtainthe inflow conditions for the HyShot-II combustion chamber. Although the design ofHyShot-II allowed to disgorge the shock and boundary layer which could otherwiseenter the combustion chamber, but, it has been demonstrated that the flow field insidethe combustion chamber still consists of a weak shock-train. Finally, the hydrogeninjection is analysed inside the HyShot-II combustion chamber, with the shock-traintravelling inside and the incoming STBL using digital filters based technique, to explorevarious time-averaged and instantaneous flow structures and parameters with aview to enhance the understanding of the complex flow field inside the combustionchamber. It is demonstrated from the detailed investigations of a complex high-speedflow that ILES methodology has the potential to develop the understandings of thehigh-speed compressible turbulent flows using comparatively less computational resources.
"The effect of background turbulence on the scalar field of an axisymmetric turbulent jet is investigated experimentally. The present investigation builds on the work of Gaskin et al. (2004), who studied the concentration and velocity fields of a plane jet in a shallow coflow with different turbulence levels and Khorsandi et al. (2013), who studied the velocity field of an axisymmetric turbulent jet emitted into a turbulent background. Different driving algorithms for a large RJA were tested and the statistics of the turbulence generated downstream of the RJA were compared to characterize the algorithms' performance. Variations in the spatial configuration of jets operating at any given instant, as well as in the statistics of their on/off times were studied. The algorithm identified as RANDOM generated the closest approximation of zero-mean-flow homogeneous isotropic turbulence. The flow generated by the RANDOM algorithm had a relatively high turbulent Reynolds number (ReT = uTl/[nu] = 2360, where uT is a characteristic RMS velocity, l is the integral length scale of the flow, [nu] is the kinematic viscosity of the water) and the integral length scale (l = 11.6 cm) is the largest reported to date. Thus, RANDOM algorithm was used to generate the background turbulence for the investigation of scalar mixing within a turbulent jet.The effect of background turbulence on the mixing of a passive scalar within a turbulent jet at different Reynolds numbers was investigated. To this end, planar laser-induced fluorescence was employed to obtain concentration measurements of dye (disodium fluorescein, Schmidt number = 2000) within the jet. Two jet Reynolds numbers (Re=UjD/[nu], where Uj is the jet exit velocity, D is the nozzle diameter and [nu] is the kinematic viscosity of the jet fluid, water) were studied: 10600 and 5800. The resulting statistics of the scalar fields showed that the mean concentrations of jets emitted into turbulent backgrounds were lower than those of jets emitted into a quiescent background near the centerline. However, near the edges of the jet (r/x>0.15), the concentrations were higher for the jets issued into turbulent surroundings. The RMS concentrations of the jet emitted into a turbulent background significantly increased. Examination of the probability density functions of concentration revealed a higher degree of intermittency of the scalar field. The probability of low concentrations increased in the presence of background turbulence although the maximum concentrations were comparable to those of the jet emitted into a quiescent background. Flow visualizations revealed meandering of the jet issued into background turbulence, which is associated with the increased probability of lower concentrations and higher intermittency. Additionally, the widths of the jets emitted into a turbulent background were increased. For the lower jet Reynolds number, the described effects were more evident and the jet structure was destroyed by the background turbulence within the measurement region, resulting in flat radial profiles of both the mean and RMS concentrations. Comparison of the results of the scalar field with those of the hydrodynamic jet of Khorsandi et al. (2013) revealed a similar behavior of the two fields. However, the most significant difference was the larger radial extent of the profiles of mean and RMS concentrations, which resulted from the meandering of the jet and increased transport of scalar by turbulent diffusion. The flow visualizations suggest that the entrainment and mixing in the jet in a turbulent background changes with the destruction of jet structure, from jet driven entrainment to become potentially dominated by i) increased lateral advection of the jet by large scales of the background turbulence during the meandering of the jet, which is subsequently mixed by its smaller scales, and ii) turbulent diffusion that is significantly enhanced by the turbulent background." --
The fifth ERCOFfAC workshop 'Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation-5' (DLES-5) was held at the Munich University of Technology, August 27-29, 2003. It is part of a series of workshops that originated at the University of Surrey in 1994 with the intention to provide a forum for presentation and dis cussion of recent developments in the field of direct and large-eddy simula tion. Over the years the DLES-series has grown into a major international venue focussed on all aspects of DNS and LES, but also on hybrid methods like RANSILES coupling and detached-eddy simulation designed to provide reliable answers to technical flow problems at reasonable computational cost. DLES-5 was attended by 111 delegates from 15 countries. Its three-day pro gramme covered ten invited lectures and 63 original contributions partially pre sented in parallel sessions. The workshop was financially supported by the fol lowing companies, institutions and organizations: ANSYS Germany GmbH, AUDI AG, BMW Group, ERCOFfAC, FORTVER (Bavarian Research Asso ciation on Combustion), JM BURGERS CENTRE for Fluid Dynamics. Their help is gratefully acknowledged. The present Proceedings contain the written versions of nine invited lectures and fifty-nine selected and reviewed contributions which are organized in four parts: 1 Issues in LES modelling and numerics 2 Laminar-turbulent transition 3 Turbulent flows involving complex physical phenomena 4 Turbulent flows in complex geometries and in technical applications.