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El propósito fundamental de este libro se ubica en recuperar casos exitosos derivados de procesos de transformación institucional, en los diferentes niveles educativos, en los siguientes ámbitos, entre otros: práctica docente, gestión directiva y académica, metodologías de aprendizaje, el curriculum por competencias, los sistemas de tutorías. También se problematiza en torno a temáticas sobre, permanencia y retención de estudiantes en riesgo, acciones de vinculación con la comunidad, estudios sobre la eficiencia terminal, diseño y cambio curricular para una nueva oferta educativa, la implementación de modalidades educativas no convencionales, el diseño e implementación de políticas y programas para la sustentabilidad, equidad de género, la diversidad, los derechos humanos, y, los resultados de reformas educativas. Se pretende, con este tipo de acciones, socializar a las comunidades educativas los resultados de la innovación e investigación que se realizan en diferentes ámbitos territoriales, promover el desarrollo de la teoría relacionadas con el campo de la innovación y cambio educativo, promover el conocimiento de la realidad educativa de la Región Iberoamericana, a través de la difusión de experiencias originales y, conformar redes de académicos por temas de investigación.
The goal of Handbook of International Perspectives on Feminism is to present the histories, status, and contours of feminist research and practice in their respective regional and/or national contexts. The editors have invited researchers who are doing this work to present their perspectives on women, culture, and rights with the objective to illuminate the diverse forms that feminist psychological work takes around the world, and connect these forms with the unique positions and concerns of women in these regions. What does "feminist psychology" look like in Japan? In South Africa? In Sri Lanka? In Canada? In Brazil? How did it come to look this way? How do psychologists in these countries or regions, each with unique political, economic, and cultural histories, engage in feminist work in the societies in which they live? How do they employ the tools of "psychology" – broadly defined – to do this work, and what tensions and challenges have they faced?
The Global Community Yearbook is a one-stop resource for all researchers studying international law generally or international tribunals specifically. The Yearbook has established itself as an authoritative source of reference on global legal issues and international jurisprudence. It includes analysis of the most significant global trends in a way that allows readers to monitor the development of the global legal order from several perspectives. The Global Community Yearbook publishes annually in a volume of carefully chosen primary source material and corresponding expert commentary. The general editor, Professor Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo, employs her vast expertise in international law to select excerpts from important court opinions and to choose experts from around the world to contribute essay-guides, which illuminate those cases. Although the main focus is recent case law from the major international tribunals and regional courts, the first four parts of each year's edition features expert articles by renowned scholars who address broader themes in current and future developments in international law and global policy, themes that appear throughout the case law of the many courts covered by the series as a whole. The Global Community Yearbook has thus become not just an indispensable window to recent jurisprudence: the series now also serves to prepare researchers for the issues facing emerging global law. The 2016 edition of The Global Community Yearbook both updates readers on the important work of long-standing international tribunals and introduces readers to more novel topics in international law. The Yearbook has established itself as an authoritative resource for research and guidance on the jurisprudence of U.N.-based tribunals and regional courts. The 2016 edition continues to provide expert coverage of the EU Court of Justice and diverse tribunals from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to criminal tribunals such as the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, to economically based tribunals such as ICSID and the WTO Dispute Resolution panel, to human rights courts such as ECtHR and IACtHR. This edition contains original research articles on the development and analysis of the concept of global law and the views of the global law theorists, such as the Editorial focusing on a new remedy for the violation of the jus cogens principle concerning the imprescriptibility of torture. This edition also includes expert introductory essays by prominent scholars in the realm of international law, on topics as diverse and current as the role of the WTO's Appellate Body in interpreting the TRIPS Agreement and an examination of the EU Court of Justice data protection framework in light of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Researchers will find detailed guidance on a rich diversity of legal topics, from an examination of the processes under which transnational criminal law norms have been adopted and the process under which these norms have been globally implemented, to the impact post-conviction DNA testing has had on the criminal justice system in the United States. This edition also provides students, scholars, and practitioners a valuable combination of expert discussion and direct quotes from the court opinions to which that discussion relates. This publication can also be purchased on a standing order basis.
El presente libro pretende mapear el planeta de las juventudes iberoamericanas, a modo de pequeña enciclopedia capaz de condensar los pequeños saberes y grandes interrogantes sobre las identidades juveniles actuales, ya sean ocultas, sumergidas, emergentes y visibles, es decir, como una Juvenopedia en construcción. Responde a un trabajo de investigación individual de naturaleza interdisciplinaria, pero parte de un esfuerzo colectivo de distintos investigadores iberoamericanos de las últimas generaciones, que de alguna manera han tenido relación como colegas, discípulos o colaboradores de Carles Feixa y Patricia Oliart (coordinadores). Tras una introducción en la que los coordinadores establecen un marco general sobre los estudios de las juventudes iberoamericanas, el libro se articula en capítulos que responden a intereses teóricos y marcos disciplinarios distintos, aunque todos comparten la misma estructura: una primera sección en base a marcos teóricos y conceptuales, una segunda a partir de esbozos etnográficos, y una tercera en base a un caso de estudio como ilustración de las teorías. En ellos se retratan una diversidad de jóvenes contemporáneos en América Latina y la Península Ibérica: jóvenes indígenas, trendsetters, rurales, urbanos, estudiantes, trabajador@s, en masculino, en femenino, digitales, deportistas, ciudadan@s, transnacionales, altermundialistas e indignad@s.
ICOM Education is the annual journal issued by CECA, the international Committee for Education and Cultural Action of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) network. The journal publishes papers written by museum professionals as well as academic researchers around the world in order to foster the reflection on the themes which are the committee's raison d'être: museum education, cultural action and audience research. This issue is dedicated to museum education, looking into the different meanings and understandings of the words as well as the various implementations in the museums all over the world.
El objetivo de Estereotipos de género en el trabajo es aportar respuestas a la pregunta de por qué no hay igualdad de género en el ámbito laboral, teniendo también en cuenta que la educación secundaria y postsecundaria de las mujeres es igual a la de los hombres. Más específicamente, el objetivo de M. Àngels Viladot y Melanie C. Steffens ha sido analizar los factores y mecanismos que conducen a la discriminación de las mujeres en lo referente a sus carreras profesionales. Las autoras cubren magistralmente los aspectos y enfoques más importantes de la investigación en esta área desde la perspectiva de la psicología social. Concluyen con una metáfora de «la mujer corredora de carreras de obstáculos», una lucha en la que una mujer tiene que superar muchos escollos para tener éxito.