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In this book on disequilibrium, growth and labor market dynamics we take predominantly a macroeconomic perspective. We present a working model that can easily be varied in different directions in order to subsume innovations in the literature on macroeconomics, old and new, and to contribute to important currently discussed macroeconomic issues. Our working model is set up in a way that there is a close relationship between our presented dynamic models and modern macro econometric models with disequilibrium both in the labor and the goods markets. One of our objectives is, therefore, to narrow the gap between theoretical and applied structural macrodynamic model building. We hope that the book will be a useful reference for all researchers, academic teachers and practitioners of macroeconomic and macro econometric model building who are interested in economic dynamics, independently of whether they use equilibrium or disequilibrium methods in their own research. We base this hope on the fact that our approach contains a number of unique features. The emphasis on the identification and analysis of the basic feedback mechanisms at work in modern macro economies. A detailed study of the partial as well as integrated dynamic interaction between these feedback mechanisms that consti tute the interdependence of markets and sectors of the modern macro economy. The rela tionship between the macroeconomic framework of our working model and the Walrasian, Non-Walrasian and New-Keynesian reformulations of macroeconomics.
This book provides an introduction to advanced macrodynamics, viewed as a di- quilibriumtheoryof?uctuatinggrowth. Itbuildsonanearlierattempttoreformulate 1 the foundations of macroeconomics from the perspective of real markets diseq- librium and the con?ict over income distribution between capital and labor. It does so, not because it wants to support the view that this class con?ict is inevitable, but with the perspective that an understanding of this con?ict may help to formulate socio-economic principles and policies that can help to overcome class con?ict at least in its cruder forms or that can even lead to rationally understandable proce- 2 dures and rules that turn this con?ict into a consensus-driven interaction between 3 capitalists or their representatives and the employable workforce. The book starts from established theories of temporary equilibrium positions, the forces of real growth, and the con?ict over income distribution, represented by basic modeling approaches, which it considers in detail in its Part I in order to prepare the ground for their integration in Part II of the book. In this way we inspect what types of models of disequilibrium, income distribution, and real growth we have at our disposal, as models that have proved to be of real interest and sound from a rigorous modeling perspective.
Building on The Dynamics of Keynesian Monetary Growth by Chiarella and Flaschel (2000), this book is a key contribution to business cycle theory, setting out a disequilibrium approach with gradual adjustments of the key macroeconomic variables. Its analytic study of a deterministic model of economic activity, inflation and income distribution integrates elements in the tradition of Keynes, Metzler and Goodwin (KMG). After a qualitative analysis of the basic feedback mechanisms, the authors calibrate the KMG model to the stylized facts of the business cycle in the U.S. economy, and then undertake a detailed numerical investigation of the local and global dynamics generated by the model. Finally, topical issues in monetary policy are studied in small macromodels as well as for the KMG model by incorporating an estimated Taylor-type interest rate reaction function. The stability features of this enhanced model are also compared to those of the original KMG model.
Originally published in 2000, this book is in the tradition of non-market-clearing approaches to macrodynamic approaches. It builds a series of integrated disequilibrium growth models of increasing complexity, which display the economic interaction between households, firms and government across labour, goods, money, bonds and equities markets. Chiarella and Flaschel demonstrate how macrodynamics can be developed in a hierarchical way from economically simple structures to more advanced ones. In addition it investigates complex macrodynamic feedback mechanisms.
"Macroeconomics" builds a number of macroeconomic models applying the non-Walrasian methodology. The literature on the subject has grown so rapidly in recent years that it would be unreasonable to try to give an exhaustive account of all existing models in the field. We have thus chosen to present here some models that cover as large a number of questions as possible within a simple and unified framework. We also want to bridge the gap with traditional macroeconomics while extending the analysis on various points, which be investigated by purposely making each time the simplest possible assumptions about the formation of the various prices (or, when needed, expectations) involved. This will allow us to demonstrate in a straightforward manner the synthetic qualities of the theory, both by making a natural synthesis with traditional macroeconomics, where similar simple assumptions are made, and by treating a large number of topics while using throughout a very unified macroframework.
It is often said that everyone understands precisely what is meant by the notion of probability-except those who have spent their lives studying the matter. Upon close scrutiny, the intuitively obvious idea of probability becomes quite elusive. Is it a subjective or objective concept? Are random variables simply improperly measured deterministic variables, or inherently random? What is meant by the phrase "other things held constant" that often appears in descriptions of probability? These questions involve fundamental philosophical and scientific issues, and promise to elude definitive answers for some time. The same type of difficulty arises when attempting to produce a volume on microeconomic theory. The obvious first question-what is microeconomic theory?--