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Dinarski kras je obsežno, 800 km dolgo in do 150 km široko kraško območje, ki zavzema večji del Dinarskih gora in zavzema zahodni del Slovenije. Dinarski kras se odlikuje po velikih sklenjenih površinah, izjemni pestrosti reliefnih oblik, izjemnih jamah, velikih rekah ponikalnicah in kraških izvirih. Zaradi izrazitih oblik in pojavov so se tu že zgodaj pojavili opisi krasa pa tudi znanstvena raziskovanja. V 19. stoletju, je iz imena pokrajine Kras nastal termin karst, domača imena za reliefne oblike, dolina, polje, uvala, ponor pa so postali znanstveni termini. Tu so bile odkrite in opisane tudi prve jamske živali. Kljub odkritju številnih novih kraških območij v drugačnih geoloških ali klimatskih pogojih ostaja Dinarski kras še vedno svetovno pomembno kraško področje. Dinarski kras je locus tipicus za številne oblike in pojave, je mesto intenzivnega raziskovanja, pa tudi mesto, kjer se srečujejo krasoslovci s celega sveta. Knjiga na poljudnoznanstven način opisuje osnovne karakteristike Dinarskega krasa ter karakteristične primere tipov površja z Dinarskega krasa.
This book offers readers a thorough introduction to the Dinaric Karst System in Croatia. As the first comprehensive book on the country’s caves and karst, it presents a wealth of fascinating photographs from its karst underground. To date, ca. 12,000 caves and pits have been confirmed in Croatia, approximately 35% of which contain constant groundwater. Knowing the amount, direction and quality of groundwater that has been discovered in caves of the Croatian karst allows us to predict with greater certainty the hydrogeological situation of some karst areas where no special drilling or borehole measurements were performed. In the process of building highways in the country’s karst regions over the last thirty years, thousands of caverns (speleological features without natural entrances) were discovered and thoroughly explored. All of them were geologically mapped, surveyed, and photographed in detail. Extensive research was systematically carried out in Croatian karst regions on sections of roads, highways, cuttings, slides, tunnels, bridge foundations, viaducts, etc., while creating ca. 800 kilometers of highways (such as the Zagreb-Rijeka highway, Zagreb-Split-Dubrovnik highway, Y-Ipsilon of Istria semi-highway, Rijeka-Rupa highway, Zagreb-Zadar semi-highway, and the Rijeka bypass). Some of these caverns contain major chambers like in the “Sveti Rok” tunnel and in some of them, like in the “Vrata” tunnel, it was even necessary to build a bridge. This bridge is the longest one in the world built in a tunnel over a cavern. The book describes this and many more features of the cave exploration of the Dinaric Karst System of Croatia, making it a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, cavers, and all other readers interested in karst.
Karst is characterized particularly by special landforms and sub surface drainage. The various actions of water result in numerous variations of surface and sub-surface karst forms. They also bring about distinctive geologic-morphologic forms, and more striking ly, specific flora and fauna. The scientific discipline of hydrology, although a long-established science, cannot easily be applied to karst regions with their very complex drainage system. A special approach is therefore necessary to understand and predict water circulation in these areas. This is the viewpoint we must adopt if hydrology is to solve the complex problems of karst phenomena. This book can be seen as the appeal of a hydrologist to experts from different scientific dis ciplines (geology, hydrology, geomorphology, geography, geo physics, meteorology, ecology, civil engineering, forestry, agricul ture, etc.) to collaborate towards a better understanding of karst areas. Evidently, karst phenomena have not been sufficiently and carefully studied worldwide. It is equally true that the first theories on water circulation in karst were developed according to ex periences in the Dinaric karst. This can easily be explained. In habitants in those areas had no place to which to escape, as was the case in other countries.
Rivers going underground, great springs emerging from the ground, independent hollows and basins instead of connecting valleys, deep potholes and vast caves, isolated towerlike hills reminiscent of the unbelievably steep peaks depicted in Chinese paintings-these are some of the distinctive features of karst, the name given to the kinds of country that owe their special characteristics to the unusual degree of solubility of their component rocks in natural waters.The special nature of karst is not only intrinsically interesting; it affects many aspects of life in the areas where it is found-water supplies, agriculture, engineering construction, tourism. There are, then, practical as well as scientific reasons for its study.The dramatic quality of karst landforms has caught the imagination of specialists and laymen alike. This book contains much to stimulate and inform the general reader as well as the undergraduate and high school student for whom it is written. It will be of particular interest to the hydrologist, the speleologist, and the sporting caver and potholer.
This is the first detailed guide to the Bosnian part of the new Via Dinarica hiking trail that carves its way through the Dinaric Alps, one of Europe's least explored mountain ranges and last true wilderness frontiers, connecting the seven nations of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, and Albania. In total, this trail system will span over 1,350km, 333km of which is in Bosnia Herzegovina. The Via Dinarica consists of three routes - White, Green and Blue - and this guide focuses primarily on the White Trail through Bosnia and Herzegovina, following the natural flow of the highest peaks of the Dinaric Alps. Detailed descriptions of each of the 12 stages of the White Trail through Bosnia and Herzegovina are included, along with maps, altitude charts and helpful tips, as well as recommendations for waypoint visits and nearby highlights. Also included are an overview of the flora and fauna of the region, details of accommodation for each step of the way, and information on local public transport, culture, food and language. The natural and cultural wonders of the Dinaric Alps are the best-kept secret of the Balkans, a region with some of the wildest, most impressive natural beauty in the world. All of the countries along the Via Dinarica boast beautiful mountains, alpine lakes, karst caves, forest preserves and pristine rivers that have forged extraordinary canyons and gorges. Here, there is also an abundance of enduring mountain communities that maintain their traditional ways of life and sustainable reliance on the land. Although the Via Dinarica is primarily a hiking trail, there are opportunities for many different outdoor adventure sports along the way, such as rafting, skiing, mountain biking, rock climbing, canyoning, caving, etc. The Via Dinarica White Trail in Bosnia and Herzegovina is 333km long, takes an estimated 125 hours to complete, climbs the highest, often snow-capped mountains of the Dinaric Alps, and passes through or near over 5 national parks and many nature preserves, as well as one of the two remaining European rainforests, the Perucica primeval forest. With this handy, portably guide, you can discover it all.
This is the first study of the karst areas of China to be carried out by a Western geomorphologist, and almost all the sources are from Chinese works, as yet unpublished in the West. Karst areas are sensitive to environmental influences and Chinese attempts to deal with these are discussed here, as are Chinese methods of studying karst since they differ somewhat from those in the West. Finally, the author compares karst areas in Europe and elsewhere with those in China. The book is illustrated by numerous diagrams from Chinese sources as well as the author's own photographs.
The Encyclopedia of Caves and Karst Science contains 350 alphabetically arranged entries. The topics include cave and karst geoscience, cave archaeology and human use of caves, art in caves, hydrology and groundwater, cave and karst history, and conservation and management. The Encyclopedia is extensively illustrated with photographs, maps, diagrams, and tables, and has thematic content lists and a comprehensive index to facilitate searching and browsing.
Encyclopedia of Caves, Third Edition, provides detailed background information to anyone with a serious interest in caves. This includes students, both undergraduate and graduate, in the earth, biological and environmental sciences, and consultants, environmental scientists, land managers and government agency staff whose work requires them to know something about caves and the biota that inhabit them. Caves touch on many scientific interests in geology, climate science, biology, hydrology, archaeology, and paleontology, as well as more popular interests in sport caving and cave exploration. Case studies and descriptions of specific caves selected for their special features and public interest are also included. This book will appeal to these audiences by providing in-depth essays written by expert authors chosen for their expertise in their assigned subject. Features 14 new chapters and 13 completely rewritten chapters Contains beautifully illustrated content, with more than 500 color images of cave life and features Provides extensive bibliographies that allow readers to access their subject of interest in greater depth