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This book aims to provide a compact and unified introduction to the most important aspects in the physics of non-equilibrium systems. It first introduces stochastic processes and some modern tools and concepts that have proved their usefulness to deal with non-equilibrium systems from a purely probabilistic angle. The aim is to show the important role played by fluctuations in far-from-equilibrium situations, where noise can promote order and organization, switching among non-equilibrium states, etc. The second part adopts a more historical perspective, retracing the first steps taken from the purely thermodynamic as well as from the kinetic points of view to depart (albeit slightly) from equilibrium. The third part revisits the path outlined in the first one, but now undertakes the mesoscopic description of extended systems, where new phenomena (patterns, long-range correlations, scaling far from equilibrium, etc.) are observed.This book is a revised and extended version of an earlier edition published in 1994. It includes topics of current research interest in far-from-equilibrium situations like noise-induced phenomena and free energy-like functionals, surface growth and roughening, etc. It can be used as an advanced textbook by graduate students in physics. It also covers topics of current interest in other disciplines and interdisciplinary approaches in engineering, biophysics, and economics, among others. The level of detail in the book is enough to capture the interest of the reader and facilitate the path to more learning by exploring the modern research literature provided. At the same time, the book is also complete enough to be self-contained for those readers who just need an overview of the subject.
The purpose of this textbook is to bring together, in a self-contained introductory form, the scattered material in the field of stochastic processes and statistical physics. It offers the opportunity of being acquainted with stochastic, kinetic and nonequilibrium processes. Although the research techniques in these areas have become standard procedures, they are not usually taught in the normal courses on statistical physics. For students of physics in their last year and graduate students who wish to gain an invaluable introduction on the above subjects, this book is a necessary tool.
This textbook is the result of the enhancement of several courses on non-equilibrium statistics, stochastic processes, stochastic differential equations, anomalous diffusion and disorder. The target audience includes students of physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, and engineering at undergraduate and graduate level with a grasp of the basic elements of mathematics and physics of the fourth year of a typical undergraduate course. The little-known physical and mathematical concepts are described in sections and specific exercises throughout the text, as well as in appendices. Physical-mathematical motivation is the main driving force for the development of this text. It presents the academic topics of probability theory and stochastic processes as well as new educational aspects in the presentation of non-equilibrium statistical theory and stochastic differential equations.. In particular it discusses the problem of irreversibility in that context and the dynamics of Fokker-Planck. An introduction on fluctuations around metastable and unstable points are given. It also describes relaxation theory of non-stationary Markov periodic in time systems. The theory of finite and infinite transport in disordered networks, with a discussion of the issue of anomalous diffusion is introduced. Further, it provides the basis for establishing the relationship between quantum aspects of the theory of linear response and the calculation of diffusion coefficients in amorphous systems.
This is a presentation of the main ideas and methods of modern nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. It is the perfect introduction for anyone in chemistry or physics who needs an update or background in this time-dependent field. Topics covered include fluctuation-dissipation theorem; linear response theory; time correlation functions, and projection operators. Theoretical models are illustrated by real-world examples and numerous applications such as chemical reaction rates and spectral line shapes are covered. The mathematical treatments are detailed and easily understandable and the appendices include useful mathematical methods like the Laplace transforms, Gaussian random variables and phenomenological transport equations.
This volume of Statistical Physics consititutes the second part of Statistical Physics (Springer Series in Solid-State Science, Vols. 30, 31) and is devoted to nonequilibrium theories of statistical mechanics. We start with an intro duction to the stochastic treatment of Brownian motion and then proceed to general problems involved in deriving a physical process from an underlying more basic process. Relaxation from nonequilibrium to equilibrium states and the response of a system to an external disturbance form the central problems of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. These problems are treated both phenomenologically and microscopically along the lines of re cent developments. Emphasis is placed on fundamental concepts and methods rather than on applications which are too numerous to be treated exhaustively within the limited space of this volume. For information on the general aim of this book, the reader is referred to the Foreword. For further reading, the reader should consult the bibliographies, although these are not meant to be exhaustive.
This book encompasses our current understanding of the ensemble approach to many-body physics, phase transitions and other thermal phenomena, as well as the quantum foundations of linear response theory, kinetic equations and stochastic processes. It is destined to be a standard text for graduate students, but it will also serve the specialist-researcher in this fascinating field; some more elementary topics have been included in order to make the book self-contained.The historical methods of J Willard Gibbs and Ludwig Boltzmann, applied to the quantum description rather than phase space, are featured. The tools for computations in the microcanonical, canonical and grand-canonical ensembles are carefully developed and then applied to a variety of classical and standard quantum situations. After the language of second quantization has been introduced, strongly interacting systems, such as quantum liquids, superfluids and superconductivity, are treated in detail. For the connoisseur, there is a section on diagrammatic methods and applications.In the second part dealing with non-equilibrium processes, the emphasis is on the quantum foundations of Markovian behaviour and irreversibility via the Pauli-Van Hove master equation. Justifiable linear response expressions and the quantum-Boltzmann approach are discussed and applied to various condensed matter problems. From this basis the Onsager-Casimir relations are derived, together with the mesoscopic master equation, the Langevin equation and the Fokker-Planck truncation procedure. Brownian motion and modern stochastic problems such as fluctuations in optical signals and radiation fields briefly make the round.
A comprehensive and pedagogical text on nonequilibrium statistical physics, covering topics from random walks to pattern formation.
The structure of the theory ofthermodynamics has changed enormously since its inception in the middle of the nineteenth century. Shortly after Thomson and Clausius enunciated their versions of the Second Law, Clausius, Maxwell, and Boltzmann began actively pursuing the molecular basis of thermo dynamics, work that culminated in the Boltzmann equation and the theory of transport processes in dilute gases. Much later, Onsager undertook the elucidation of the symmetry oftransport coefficients and, thereby, established himself as the father of the theory of nonequilibrium thermodynamics. Com bining the statistical ideas of Gibbs and Langevin with the phenomenological transport equations, Onsager and others went on to develop a consistent statistical theory of irreversible processes. The power of that theory is in its ability to relate measurable quantities, such as transport coefficients and thermodynamic derivatives, to the results of experimental measurements. As powerful as that theory is, it is linear and limited in validity to a neighborhood of equilibrium. In recent years it has been possible to extend the statistical theory of nonequilibrium processes to include nonlinear effects. The modern theory, as expounded in this book, is applicable to a wide variety of systems both close to and far from equilibrium. The theory is based on the notion of elementary molecular processes, which manifest themselves as random changes in the extensive variables characterizing a system. The theory has a hierarchical character and, thus, can be applied at various levels of molecular detail.
This course-tested primer provides graduate students and non-specialists with a basic understanding of the concepts and methods of statistical physics and demonstrates their wide range of applications to interdisciplinary topics in the field of complex system sciences, including selected aspects of theoretical modeling in biology and the social sciences. Generally speaking, the goals of statistical physics may be summarized as follows: on the one hand to study systems composed of a large number of interacting units, and on the other to predict the macroscopic, collective behavior of the system considered from the perspective of the microscopic laws governing the dynamics of the individual entities. These two goals are essentially also shared by what is now called 'complex systems science,' and as such, systems studied in the framework of statistical physics may be considered to be among the simplest examples of complex systems – while also offering a rather well developed mathematical treatment. The second edition has been significantly revised and expanded, featuring in particular three new chapters addressing non-conserved particles, evolutionary population dynamics, networks, properties of both individual and coupled simple dynamical systems, and convergence theorems, as well as short appendices that offer helpful hints on how to perform simple stochastic simulations in practice. Yet, the original spirit of the book – to remain accessible to a broad, non-specialized readership – has been kept throughout: the format is a set of concise, modular and self-contained topical chapters, avoiding technicalities and jargon as much as possible, and complemented by a wealth of worked-out examples, so as to make this work useful as a self-study text or as textbook for short courses. From the reviews of the first edition: “... a good introduction to basic concepts of statistical physics and complex systems for students and researchers with an interest in complex systems in other fields ... .” Georg Hebermehl, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1237, 2012 “... this short text remains very refreshing for the mathematician.” Dimitri Petritis, Mathematical Reviews, Issue 2012k