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Introducing Feminist Christologies explores, and interacts with, the wide range of feminist christologies that we see across the globe. The feminist critique of religion and theology has yielded many outcomes in relation to the person of Jesus who moves from being the once and for all savior of the world to lover, friend, ground of being or shaman amongst other things. The book considers whether there will be a place for christology in future feminist engagement with theology.
Introducing Feminist Theology responds to the questions "What is feminist theology?" and "Why is it important?" by considering the perspectives of women from around the globe who have very diverse life experience and relationships to God, Church and creation. Clifford introduces the major forms of feminist theology: "radical, " "reformist, " and "reconstructionist, " and highlights some of their specific characteristics.
The second edition of this highly popular introduction includes a new preface and each chapter has been revised to keep it as up-to-date as possible. 'Introducing Feminist Theology remains a lively and stimulating 'first read' for anyone embarking on feminist theology, as well as a first rate resource for those wishing to refresh their acquiantaince with it. Despite claims in some quarters that 'feminism' has been surpassed by 'gender' this book explains how vital a feminist agenda remains, and how much is still to be done, both at the theological and the practical level, to transform Christianity from two centuries of male-gendered discourse and ecclesiastical structure into a religion that adequately reflects the life of modern women.
Christianity begins with what appears to be an inclusive promise of redemption in Christ without regard to gender. Paul proclaimed that 'In Christ there is no more male and female.' Yet Christianity soon developed a patriarchal social structure, excluding women from public ministry, with the argument that women were created subordinate in nature and were more culpable for sin. Here, distinguished feminist theologian, Rosemary Ruether, traces the tension between patriarchal and egalitarian patterns in Christian theology historically. She then examines key theological themes--Christology, the self, the cross and future hope--in the light of her critique.
Introductions in Feminist Theology (IFT) explores various theological topics that challenge patriarchal theology and suggest liberating alternatives. The authors and editors seek to expand theological discourse by providing reliable guides to the history of thinking, current issues and debates, and possible future developments in feminist theology.
This volume critically engages with the problems traditional Christology raises for feminist theology. It also explores the creative engagements of feminist theologians with the person of Jesus.
This book sets out to examine the ambiguous relationship that Christianity has with the body. Incarnation is central to Christian belief but that doctrine has not encouraged a positive theology of the body. The authors explore why this has been so and examine ways in which a more body-positive theology can be developed using our Christian heritage. Starting from a feminist perspective they reclaim women's bodies from the embrace of patriarchy and in doing so clearly show how this reclamation challenges many systems of oppression. This work illustrates that the personal is political, even in theology!
This book introduces feminist perspectives in pastoral theology. It is concerned both with pastoral care and practice and also with pastoral theology and theory. It seeks to explore why the inclusion of women's experiences and of feminist perspectives is of vital importance to Christian pastoral practice and to a Christian understanding of God. The book is designed for concerned practitioners and also has specifically in mind the needs of students of pastoral theology. It begins with the lived experience of violence in Church and society, moving through to the implications of this for our understanding of the human community and the divine.
This book explores the development of Christology by major white North American feminist theologians, placing the Christologies of Rosemary Radford Ruether, Carter Heyward, Patricia Wilson-Kastner, and Marjorie Suchocki within the context of their overall theologies. Wondra further examines the meaning and importance of women's experience in feminist theology. This work is self-consciously located at the juncture of contemporary theology and contemporary feminist theory, and uses a conversational method to examine proposals in Christology that are aspects of more comprehensive/systematic feminist constructive theologies. Contents: Preface; Introduction; PART I: THE FEMINIST CHRISTOLOGICAL PROBLEM. Toward an Adequate Feminist Christology: Methodology. PART II: THE RELATION OF WOMEN'S EXPERIENCE TO CHRISTOLOGY. The Construction of Women's Experience in Feminist Theory and Theology; Resistance and Transformation as Religious Experience; The Relation of Women's Experience to Christology. PART III: TOWARD CONTEMPORARY FEMINIST CHRISTOLOGY. The Paradigmatic and Prophetic Christ; The Decisive Representation of Self-Giving Love; The Revelation of God to Us; Christ, Mutuality, and Justice; Wisdom-Logos Christology in Feminist Perspective; The Re-presentation of Renaissance and Transformation; Bibliography; Index.
Rethinking the Christian faith from a woman's perspective has been an important advancement in modern theology. This book introduces the methods, ideas, and contributions of recent feminist theology to readers encountering the subject for the first time. Natalie Watson explores the historical background of feminist theology, discusses the value of reading Scripture from a feminist perspective, and shows how this approach can offer a critical, creative, and constructive rereading of the Christian tradition. She also sets forth some fresh ideas encouraging people to see feminism not as a threat to the church but as a challenging perspective that actually enhances its life in today's world. An extensive annotated bibliography invites readers to further study, presenting a wealth of books on feminist theology by many well-known authors. Ideal for classroom instruction, discussion groups, and personal study, this volume is an exceptional, user-friendly guide to contemporary feminist thought.