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First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.
This volume explores the use and relevance of qualitative methods for the study of quality of life. It analyzes the role of qualitative researcher and the role of the context and the culture in quality of life studies. It presents the use of qualitative methods in real projects carried out in specific fields: geography, health, community studies, labor life and yoga. Finally, the book proposes the use of mixed methods that are considered as the third methodological approach in social research. The main purpose of using qualitative methods is to understand what it means for participants to be involved in certain events, situations and actions. Such methods help understand the context in which participants act and the influence of that context on their actions. The decision to use a particular methodology implies a philosophic, theoretical and political decision. Qualitative methodology constitutes an approach that is essential for understanding people’s experiences of well-being and discovering new issues related to quality of life.
This handbook is a comprehensive text on social work education based on the narratives of social work educators, practitioners, and researchers from Asia and the Pacific, North and South America, Australia and Oceania, and Europe. It discusses innovations, challenges, pedagogy, and tested methods of social work teaching at various levels of educational programmes. The volume: Examines key concepts that underpin debates concerning social work teaching, research, and practice Brings out key concerns, debates, and narratives concerning various teaching, learning, and pedagogical methods from different countries Documents principal perspectives of different stakeholders involved in social work education – from educators and practitioners to novice social workers The Routledge International Handbook of Social Work Teaching will be an effective instrument in informing policy decisions related to social work teaching and pedagogy at the global and local levels. It will be essential for educators, researchers, and practitioners within social work institutions and for professional associations around the world.
Book's content and also references for related works of fiction, and other material of a more informal nature. For Psychologists, Management and Businesspersons or other social or behavioral science-related professionals who are looking to sharpen their understanding of research methods.
El Trabajo Social es una disciplina orientada a la transformación social y a laconsecución de un mundo más justo en el que el bienestar y los derechos humanossean garantizados para todas las personas. Esta ambiciosa y difícil tarearequiere de un buen conocimiento de la realidad social, de sus problemas,potencialidades y retos. Un conocimiento sobre el que construir proyectos deintervención efectivos que puedan responder a las necesidades reales de lapoblación y enfrentar las causas estructurales de los procesos de estigmatización,exclusión y discriminación que habitualmente sufren las personas ycolectivos con los que se trabaja desde esta profesión.Resulta fundamental que los trabajadores y las trabajadoras sociales dispongande los conocimientos y habilidades necesarias para la generación deconocimiento científico, a través del diseño y desarrollo de investigacionessociales de calidad cuyos resultados puedan orientar los procesos de intervención,las políticas públicas y las actuaciones de la sociedad civil.Este libro ofrece las claves básicas para llevar a cabo investigaciones socialesen el campo específico del Trabajo Social, realizando una introducción a losdiferentes métodos de investigación social y a las técnicas de investigaciónmás utilizadas en esta disciplina con el propósito de contribuir a la mejora dela praxis profesional en este campo bajo la convicción de que solo conociendola realidad es posible transformarla.