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In the global era, controversies abound over temporary labour migration; however, it has not previously been subjected to a sustained socio-legal analysis on a comparative basis, critiquing the underpinning concepts conventionally accepted as fundamental in this area. This collection of essays aims to fill that void. Complex regulatory challenges arise from temporary labour migration. This collection examines these challenges and the extent to which temporary labour migration programmes can be ethical, equitable and efficacious and so deliver decent work for workers. Whilst the tendency for migration law to divide labour law's worker-protective mission has been observed before, the authors of the chapters comprising this collection seek not only to interrogate why and how this is so, but to go further in examining the implications and effects of a wide range of regulatory mechanisms on temporary labour migration.
Knjiga je nadaljevanje leta 2018 izdane knjige Labour Mobility in the EU, ki je skozi prizmo različnih poklicev mobilnih delavcev ponudila vpogled v obstoječe in prihodnje izzive na področju mobilnosti delovne sile v Evropski uniji (EU). Knjiga z zbirko esejev, ki pokrivajo različne teme, perspektive in geografske kontekste, konceptualno sledi svoji predhodnici. Vendarle pa drugi del po vsebini presega prvega, saj vključuje razmišljanja, perspektive in kritične analize priznanih tujih raziskovalcev, ki naslavljajo nekatera najbolj ključna vprašanja v preseku med dinamiko trga dela v EU in vzorci čezmejne delovne mobilnosti. Deset avtorjev, ki so prispevali sedem poglavij knjige, prihaja iz štirih držav EU. Čeprav izhajajo iz različnih akademskih disciplin, so del trdno povezanega in raziskovanju predanega omrežja raziskovalcev migracij, mobilnosti in (transnacionalne) socialne zaščite v EU. Knjiga ni namenjena samo akademski publiki, ampak si želi pritegniti pozornost širšega občinstva, predvsem pa spodbuditi k poglobljenim in navdihujočim razpravam o izzivih delovne mobilnosti v EU.
Christiane Heimann provides insights on how the economic and political situation in Spain, Germany and the UK affects the institutional implementation of free labour movement and how mobile EU citizens navigate the institutional policies strategically. The study examines different profiles of EU citizens exercising free labour movement and shows ways of EU labour recruitment and transnational labour integration taking into account the institutional implementation of related EU policies. Intra-Community mobility policies and practices will be assessed in terms of their effectiveness for international recruitment and labour integration.
This book by the ETUI Transnational Trade Union Rights Expert Network analyses enforcement as a key element making EU labour law effective or ineffective. Enforcement is the key ingredient that makes rights effective and ensures compliance. It can make or break a legal system. Despite this, enforcement of EU labour law has received little scholarly attention in recent decades and has rarely been examined in a comprehensive way. This book aims to fill this gap. Intended for academics and practitioners alike, the book adopts a threefold approach to examine this issue. First of all, it explores the idea of effective enforcement and sets out the wider context in which EU labour law enforcement takes place. Secondly, it analyses how enforcement operates in particular areas, including non-discrimination, health and safety, information and consultation rights, and the rights of migrating workers. Thirdly, it critically assesses the role of specific actors (in particular collective actors like trade unions, as well as whistle-blowers and the European Labour Authority) and settings (public procurement, economic and monetary policy) regulated by EU law. Drawing on the insights produced by these analyses, the book concludes by proposing a comprehensive Draft for a Model Directive on 'Effective Enforcement of EU Labour Law' as an inspiration for policy development and scholarly debate in this area.
V šestih prispevkih monografije so analizirani obstoječi in porajajoči se izzivi na področju delovne mobilnosti v Evropski uniji, pri čemer jih avtorji obravnavajo skozi prizmo mobilnih delavcev v različnih poklicih. Z večdisciplinarnim pristopom in uporabo različnih metodoloških prijemov so avtorji ustvarili ogrodje za analitične diskusije o učinkih mobilnosti v EU, učinkovitosti in pravičnosti prostega pretoka oseb znotraj EU ter večplastnosti posledic za posameznike, države članice in nacionalne politike. Prvi prispevek je teoretski uvod v tematiko, ki mobilnost izčrpno predstavi kot teoretski koncept, politično agendo in temeljno evropsko vrednoto. Kompleksni preplet mnogoterih učinkov delovne mobilnosti, ki se pojavljajo na več ravneh, je v nadaljevanju obravnavan v petih študijah primera. Le-te osvetljujejo dileme, paradokse, učinke in posledice notranje mobilnosti v EU na primerih mobilnih zdravstvenih delavcev, umetnikov in kulturnih delavcev, napotenih delavcev, skrbstvenih delavk in visoko izobraženih delavcev. Vsi predstavljeni primeri so rezultat večletnih znanstvenoraziskovalnih prizadevanj in aktivnega delovanja avtorjev v različnih projektih s področja mobilnosti.
A part of the OECD series Recruiting Immigrant Workers, this report looks at the efficiency of key EU instruments in managing labour migration.
Over the last three decades there has been a rapid expansion of intensive production of fresh fruit and vegetables in the Mediterranean regions of south and west Europe. Much of this depends on migrating workers for seasonal labour, including from Eastern Europe, North Africa and Latin America. This book is the first to address global agro-migration complexes across the region. It is argued that both intensive agricultural production and related working conditions are highly dynamic. Regional patterns have developed from small-scale family farming to become an industrialized part of the global agri-food system, which increasingly depends on seasonal labour. Simultaneously, consumer demand for year-round supply has caused relocations of the industry within Europe; areas of intensive greenhouse production have moved further south and even into North Africa. The authors investigate this Mediterranean agri-food system that transcends borders and is largely constituted by invisible seasonal work. By revealing the story of food commodities loaded with implications of private profit seeking, exploitation, exclusion and multiple insecurities, the book unmasks the hidden costs of fresh food provisioning. Three case study areas are considered in detail: the French region of Provence, a traditional centre of fresh fruit and vegetable cultivation; the Spanish Almería region where intensive production has, accelerated dramatically since the 1970s; and Morocco where counter-seasonal production has recently been expanding. The book also includes commentaries that refer to complemetary insights on US-Mexico, Philippines-Canada and South Pacific mobilities.
This anthology analyzes low-wage migrant workers in Europe from many perspectives, including migration policies, human rights, economics, and more. Free movement of workers and services in the EU calls into question the extent to which the labor market and its institutions are able to counteract negative consequences, such as downward wage pressures and abuse of workers. These essays flesh out the imbalances that unfairly disadvantage low-wage workers, shed light on their causes, and discuss possible solutions.
This open access book offers a critical perspective on intra-European mobility and migration by using new empirical data and theoretical discussions. It develops a theoretical and empirical analysis of the consequences of intra-European movement for sending and receiving urban regions in The Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Turkey, Poland and Czech Republic. The book conceptualizes Central and Eastern European (CEE) migration by distinguishing between different types of CEE migrants and consequences. This involves a mapping of migration corridors within Europe, a unique empirical analysis of consequences for urban regions, and an analysis of governance responses. Next to the European and country perspectives on this phenomenon, the book focuses on the local perspective of urban regions where most mobile citizens settle (either permanently or temporarily). This way the book puts the analysis of intra-European movement in the perspective of broader theoretical debates in migration studies and beyond.