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This memoir is a careful and detailed study of the intersection pairing in the Conley index. The Conley index associates to an isolated invariant set of a semiflow (with some mild compactness conditions) a homotopy type of a space, constructed to be invariant under perturbations of the flow. The homology of this space is the homology Conley index. For a (two-sided) flow, each isolated invariant set has two indices defined: one for the forward flow, and one for the reverse. In general, there is no relationship between these two indices, but when the flow is on an orientable manifold, the two indices can be related by an intersection pairing. It is this pairing that receives a careful and detailed study in this memoir. Results are then applied to the motivating example of the work: the existence of transition layer behavior for two-point boundary value problems of singularly perturbed systems.
Almost free divisors and complete intersections form a general class of nonisolated hypersurface and completer intersection singularities. They also include discriminants of mappings, bifurcation sets, and certain types of arrangements of hyperplanes such as Coxeter arrangements and generic arrangements. Associated to the singularities of this class is a "singular Milnor fibration" which has the same homotopy properties as the Milnor fibration for isolated singularities. This memoir deduces topological properties of singularities in a number of situations including: complements of hyperplane arrangements, various nonisolated complete intersections, nonlinear arrangements of hypersurfaces, functions on discriminants, singularities defined by compositions of functions, and bifurcation sets.
In this book, an index theorem is proved for arbitrary families of elliptic boundary value problems for Dirac operators and a surgery formula for the index of a family of Dirac operators on a closed manifold. Also obtained is a very general result on the cobordism invariance of the index of a family. All results are established by first symplectically rephrasing the problems and then using a generalized symplectic reduction technique. This provides a unified approach to all possible parameter spaces and all possible symmetries of a Dirac operator (eigh symmetries in the real case and two in the complex case). This text will also be of interest to those working in geometry and topology.
This book looks at dynamics as an iteration process where the output of a function is fed back as an input to determine the evolution of an initial state over time. The theory examines errors which arise from round-off in numerical simulations, from the inexactness of mathematical models used to describe physical processes, and from the effects of external controls. The author provides an introduction accessible to beginning graduate students and emphasizing geometric aspects of the theory. Conley's ideas about rough orbits and chain-recurrence play a central role in the treatment. The book will be a useful reference for mathematicians, scientists, and engineers studying this field, and an ideal text for graduate courses in dynamical systems.
This paper presents a systematic study of the relationships between the representation theories of [italic capital]R and [italic capital]A, especially those involving actual or potential quasi-hereditary structures on the latter algebra. Our original motivation comes from the theory of Schur algebras, work of Soergel on the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand category [script capital]O, and resent results of Dlab-Heath-Marko realizing certain endomorphism algebras as quasi-hereditary algebras. We synthesize common features of all these examples, and go beyond them in a number of new directions.
Two classes of manifolds whose geodesic flows are integrable are defined, and their global structures are investigated. They are called Liouville manifolds and Kahler-Liouville manifolds respectively. In each case, the author finds several invariants with which they are partly classified. The classification indicates, in particular, that these classes contain many new examples of manifolds with integrable geodesic flow.
In the structure theory of real Lie groups, there is still information lacking about the exponential function. Most notably, there are no general necessary and sufficient conditions for the exponential function to be surjective. It is surprising that for subsemigroups of Lie groups, the question of the surjectivity of the exponential function can be answered. Under nature reductions setting aside the "group part" of the problem, subsemigroups of Lie groups with surjective exponential function are completely classified and explicitly constructed in this memoir. There are fewer than one would think and the proofs are harder than one would expect, requiring some innovative twists. The main protagonists on the scene are SL(2, R) and its universal covering group, almost abelian solvable Lie groups (ie. vector groups extended by homotheties), and compact Lie groups. This text will also be of interest to those working in algebra and algebraic geometry.
This memoir studies reducibility in a certain class of induced representations for and , where is -adic. In particular, it is concerned with representations obtained by inducing a one-dimensional representation from a maximal parabolic subgroup (i.e., degenerate principal series representations). Using the Jacquet module techniques of Tadić, the reducibility points for such representations are determined. When reducible, the composition series is described, giving Langlands data and Jacquet modules for the irreducible composition factors.
In this volume, a new function H 2/ab (K, G) of abelian Galois cohomology is introduced from the category of connected reductive groups G over a field K of characteristic 0 to the category of abelian groups. The abelian Galois cohomology and the abelianization map ab1: H1 (K, G) -- H 2/ab (K, G) are used to give a functorial, almost explicit description of the usual Galois cohomology set H1 (K, G) when K is a number field
The authors establish the fundamental lemma for a relative trace formula. The trace formula compares generic automorphic representations of [italic capitals]GS[italic]p(4) with automorphic representations of [italic capitals]GS(4) which are distinguished with respect to a character of the Shalika subgroup, the subgroup of matrices of 2 x 2 block form ([superscript italic]g [over] [subscript capital italic]X [and] 0 [over] [superscript italic]g). The fundamental lemma, giving the equality of the orbital integrals of the unit elements of the respective Hecke algebras, amounts to a comparison of certain exponential sums arising from these two different groups.